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1、How Reading Changed My Life,structure,discuss,discuss,1.Has your life ever been significiantly changed by any particular book? 2.What does reading mean to you?,Anna Quindlen,Anna Quindlen,Brief introduction about the author and the text Anna Quindlen is a US journalist.And she has also written many

2、novels,short stories and poems.And she is born in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,(美国宾夕法尼亚州费城) in 1953. In addition,she is the third woman that write editorials(社论) for New York Times.And she has won The Pulitzer prize. The present text is an abridged (删节的)version of the original.,Details about the author

3、 Joind in and started her career in News industry when she was 18 years old. 1977-1985,worked in 1985,left to bore her two babies. 1988, she bore a daughter. 1989,back to work in to write editorials for the famous column.,Anna Quindlen,Anna Quindlen,And in 1993,her articles are published in a book,t

4、hen, this book won a great success in the later three months. 18th,may,2009,she quit her job in Some famous works of her Novals: Object Lessons(主题课程) One True Thing(亲情无价)(has once been adopted into a film) Black and Blue(黑与蓝) Others: How Reading Changed My Life(阅读如何改变了我的生活),The Tree That Came to Sta

5、y(大树留下来), Happy Ever After(永远幸福快乐),Text Structure,Para 1: A brief introduction of the quiet and lovely place where I spent my childhood. Para 215:I developed a good habit of reading in childhood and still keep the habit in adultod. Para 16para18:Despite the decline of reading,there are still bookwor

6、ms like me.,text structure,key Sentences,1.The neighborhood where I grew up was the sort of place in which people dream of raising children-a small but satisfying spread of center-hall colonials,old roses,and quiet roads. 本句为复合句,句子主干为The neighborhood was the sort of place。句中,where引导的是定语从句。句中的spread为

7、名词,意为区域,一大片。,Key Sentences,2.We walked to school,wandered wild in the summer. Wild在句子中为形容词,作主语补足语,说明主语的状态。 Wander v.漫游;游荡;闲逛;徘徊,Key Sentences,3.Later,over a stiff and awkward lunch of tuna-fish salad ,some of the other girls at my table were perplexed by the source of the source of the quotation and

8、 what it meant,and I was certain,at that moment,that the scholarship was mine. 本句为由and连接的并列复合句,句子主干为some of the other girls were perplexed and I was certain that the scholarship was mine。句中,over a stiff and awkward lunch of tuna-fish salad 作状语;that 引导的从句作was certain的宾语。 Perplexed a.困惑的;困惑不解的;,Key Se

9、ntences,4.How many times had I gone up the steps to the guillotine with Sydney Carton as he went to that far,far tetter rest at the end of A Tale of Two Cities. 本句是一个感叹句。另外,为了强调“我”读双城记 已经有很多次,本句使用了倒装的形式,旨在加强语气,起强调作用。,Key Sentences,5.One poem committed to memory in grade school survives in my mind. 本

10、句为简单句,句中主干为One poem survives in my mind.句中,committed to memory in grade school为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰one poem 。Grade school指小学。 committed to memory 把学好记牢。 para:I still remember one poem which I read in grade school so far.,Key Sentences,6.It is by English Dickinson:There is no Frigate like a book/To take us

11、 Lands away/Nor any coursers like a Page /Of prancing Poetry 艾米莉的这首诗告诉我们,一本书可以带我们遨游世界各地,一首诗可以让我们情绪激昂,这都是在告诉我们读书的好处。句中, Lands指国家或地区,courser指骏马。 prancing v.1(马)腾跃,腾跳。2阔步行走;神气地快速走动,Key Sentences,7.In my mind I am always sprawled on it,reading with my skinny legs slung over one of its arms. 本句为简单句,句子主干为

12、I am always sprawled on it。句中,it,reading with my skinny legs slung over one of its arms.作伴随状语。 Sling的过去式过去分词均为slung. .,Key Sentences,8.Sometimes I went out with them, coaxed into the street,out into the fileds,down by the creek,by the lure of what I knew instinctively was nomal childhood. 本句为复合句,句中,

13、过去分词短语coaxed into the street,out into the fileds,down by the creek,作伴随状语;What引导的名词性从句作介词of的宾语。 Coax sb into doing sth 哄劝某人做某事 Coax sth out of/from sb 哄劝;哄诱得到,Key Sentences,9.But the best part of me was always at home,within some book that had been laid flat on the table to mark my place , its imagin

14、ary people waiting for me to return and bring them to life.(独立主格结构) That 引导一个定语从句,修饰some book. Bring sb back to life 使复活;使起死回生;,Key Sentences,10.I would discover(句子主干) that(that 引导宾语从句) while(时间状语从句) I was sprawled,legs akimbo(独立结构作伴随状语),in that chair with a book,Jamacia Kincaid was sitting in the g

15、lare of the Caribbcan sun in Antigua reading in that same way that I did(定语从句),as though she was starving and book was bread. As though 使用了暗喻,把书籍比作面包。 With legs akimbo(两腿叉开) With arms akimbo(双手叉腰),Key Sentences,11.While (让步状语从句)we play lip service to the virtues of reading,the truth is that(表语从句)the

16、re is still in our culture something that suspects those who read too much ,whatever reading too much means,of being lazy,aimless dreamers,people who need to grow up and come outside to where life is,who think themselves superior. pay service to 口头上赞成 By/in virtue of sth 凭借;依靠;由于;因为,Key Sentences,12

17、.And sort of turning away from human contact is suspect, Especially one that interferes with the go-out-and-get-going (走出去,干起来)ethos that seems to be at the heart of our national character(民族性格;国民性). interfere with sth 妨碍;干扰; Eg.The traffic noise interfered with my word. at the heart of 关键;重点;核心 Eg.

18、What he said was at the heart of the problem.,Key Sentences,13.There also arose, as I was growing up, a kind of careerism in the United States that sanctioned reading only if there was some point to it. Sanction: (1) v. to officially approve of something. and allow it to be done.准许,许可 E.g. the gover

19、nment refused to sanction a further cut in interest rates. (2) n. official permission, approval or acceptance (正式)批准;许可 E.g. we got sanction of the local government to mine coal in this place.,Key Sentences,(3) Official orders or laws stopping trade. communication .with another country ,in order to

20、make it do something 制裁 E.g. Economic sanctions were imposed against that country. 14.as though intellectual for their own sake had had their day, and lost in the press of business. intellectual pursuits 对知识的追求 in the press of business 在商业界的压力之下 have had one s day 风光不再;日渐衰败 E.g. shes had her day as

21、a superstar.,Key Sentences,15.and a kind of dogged self-improvement: whereas an executive might learn far more from Moby-Dick Dogged a. showing determination to do sth, never giving up 坚强的,坚持不懈地 dogged determination/persistence顽强的决心/毅力 doggedly ad 顽固地,固执地 Whereas conj. used to compare or contrast tw

22、o facts然而,但是,尽管 Some of the children behaved politely; whereas others do not.,Key Sentences,16. Reading for pleasure, spurred on by some interior compulsion, became as suspect as getting on the subway to ride aimlessly from place to place. Spur sb. sth. on鞭策;激励 Our team has been spurred on by the re

23、cent success. Compulsion n. (1). A strong desire to do sth.强烈欲望,冲动 E.g. she felt a great compulsion to tell him the truth. (2). Strong pressure that makes sb.do sth. That they are unwilling to do强迫,强制 E.g. the students are under no compulsion to attend class on Sundays.,Key Sentences,17. For many jo

24、urnalists, reading in the latter half of the twentieth century was most often couched as a series of problems to be addressed Couch v. to be expressed in a particular way 表达,措辞 E.g. His criticism was couched in a tactful way. n.长沙发 Address v. to think about a problem or a situation and decide how to

25、 deal with it设法,解决,处理,Key Sentences,18. Was the printed word giving way to the spoken one ? Had television and the movies supplanted books? Give way to 被取代 E.g. The grasslands have given way to many high buildings. Give way 断裂,倒塌 Supplant v.to take the place of 代替,取代 E.g. By the 1930s the wristwatch

26、 had most completely supplanted the pocket watch.,Key Sentences,19. And in circles devoted to literary criticism, among the professors of the literature, the editors and authors of fiction, there was sometimes a kind of horrible exclusivity surrounding discussions of reading. Exclusivity n. the qual

27、ity of being exclusive排他性,专有权,独特性 E.g. The clothes he designed have not lost their exclusivity. Exclusive a.专有的,独有的,排他的 Exclusion n.排斥,排除在外,Key Sentences,20. When I began to read their work, I was disheartened to discover that many of them felt that the quality of poetry and prose, novels and histor

28、y and biography, was plummeting into some intellectual bargain basement. Dishearten v.to make sb. lose hope or confidence 使沮丧,使失去信心,使灰心 Disheartened a.沮丧的,灰心的 disheartening a.使人沮丧的,使人灰心的 Plummet v. to fall suddenly and quickly from a high level or place 暴跌,速降 .主干:I was disheartened to discover that

29、两个that 引导的宾语从句 when 引导时间状语从句,Key Sentences,21.We are the people who once waited for the newest installment of Dickens latest novel. We are the people who saw it that Pride and Prejudice never went out of point. Installment (1).n.(报纸连载小说的)一节;(电视连续剧的)一集)(2).a.分期付款,分期交付 See to it that确保,务使 see to sth 办

30、理,照管,. Out of print书本绝版;不在印行 in print 继续印行,已刊印,已出版,Key Sentences,ara:we are the fans of Dikens and once looked forward to the newly published serial of his new novel .we are the people who would make sure that Pride and Prejudice would always be avaiable. 22.There was certainly no talk of comfort an

31、d joy,of the lovely subculture of those of us,who comprise the real clan of book,who read not to judge the reading of others but to take the maesure of ourselves. 主干:There was certainly no talk of comfort and joy,of the lovely subculture of those of us who引导的定语从句修饰those of us,Key Sentences,23. it wa

32、s still in the equivalent of the club chairs that we found one another Equivalent (1).a. equal in value, amount, meaning, etc. (价值,数量,意义等) 相等的; 相同的 E.g. Silence is sometimes equivalent to permission.缄默有时等于允许。(2).n. a thing, an amount or a word that is equal to sth. else对等物;等量;对应词 E.g. Breathing such

33、 polluted air is the equivalent of smoking ten cigarettes a day. be equivalent to 相当于;与等效 equivalent n.相等;等效 Para: we still found each other like we did when we were young,Key Sentences,24. Reading is like so much else in our culture: the truth of it is found in its people and not in its pundits and

34、 professionals. Pundit n. a person who knows a lot about a subject and often talks about it publicly 专家;行家;权威 同义:expert n.专家,行家,能手 Para: it is not the professionals but the ordinary people who understand the true significance of reading like many other things in our culture.,Key Sentences,Key Words,

35、1.Wander v 释义:to walk slowly around or to a place, often without a clear direction or purpose 游荡;闲逛 例句:Several children wander aimlessly around the street. 2.Perplexed a 释义:confused and worried by something that one does not understand 迷惑的 例句:The students looked at him, perplexed.,Key words,3.Prance

36、 v 释义1:to move with high steps 腾跳 例句1:Those horses pranced. 释义2:to move quickly with exaggerated(夸张的)steps,often in a confident way 阔步行走 例句2:The little was prancing about in her new clothes. 4.Seduce v 释义:to persuade somebody to do something by making it seem very attractive. 例句:Clever advertising w

37、ould seduce more people into smoking.,Key words,5.Literacy n 释义:the ability to read and write 读写能力 例句:The workers are required to have the basic literacy skills. 6.Sprawl v 释义1:to sit or lie with ones arms and legs stretched in a relaxed or awkward(尴尬的;不合适的) way 伸开四肢的坐或躺 例句1: The tired little girl s

38、prawled on her bed. 释义2: to spread out over a wide area in an untidy way 杂乱无序的拓展 例句2:The small town sprawls for miles in each direction.,Key words,7.Sling v 释义1:to throw or put something somewhere in a careless way 随意乱扔或乱放 例句1:He slung his suitcase onto his bed. 释义2:to hang something loosely 吊;挂 例句2

39、:She slung her coat over her desk chair. 8.Lure n 孤零零的 例句2:Her parents live a solitary farm. 释义3:enjoying being alone or spending a lot of time alone 喜欢独处的 例句3:He is a solitary person who dislikes to talk too much.,Key words,12.Interior n & a 释义1:the inner pare or inside of something 内部 例句1:The inte

40、rior of the car is very grand. 释义2:inside or indoors 内部的 例句2:The interior walls were all painted blue. 13.Snobbery n 释义:the attitudes and behavior of people who are snobs. 势力行为 例句:The mans snobbery towards those who have much money makes his girlfriend upset.,Key words,14.Plummet v 释义1:to fall sudde

41、nly and quickly from a high level or place 暴跌;速降 例句1:Their export earnings plummeted in the fist quarter of this year. 15.Installment n 释义1:one of the parts of a story or a TV play 一节;一集 例句1:We are looking forward to the next installment of his novel. 释义2:a payment of the parts of a debt at regular

42、intervals 分期付款 例句2:We paid for the house in installments.,Key words,16.Equivalent a & n 释义1:equal in value, amount, meaning and so on 相等的 例句1:Silence is sometimes equivalent to permission. 释义2:something that is equal to something else 对等物 例句2:Breathing such polluted air is the equivalent of smoking

43、ten cigarettes a day. 17.Couch v 释义: to be expressed in a particular way 表达;措辞 例句: His criticism is couched in a tactful(圆滑的) way.,Key words,18.Address v 释义:to think about s problem or situation and decide to how to deal with it 设法解决;处理 例句:We must address ourselves to the problem of the environment

44、pollution.,Key words,key Phrases,mit sth. to memory把学好记牢 例句:We must commit the second bachelor in relation to English to memory. 2.bring sb. or sth. to life 使更有趣;使更生动 例句:The new teacher really bring English to life for us. 3.not in the lest一点也不 例句:to be frank, I am not in the lest interested in swim

45、ming. 4.pay lip service to sth.口头上赞成 例句:We must admit that lots of people around us just pay lip service to environment protection.,Key Phrase,5.be suspicious of sb. or sth.感觉可疑 例句:They called the police when they became suspicious of his behavior. 6.interfere with sth.干预;妨碍 例句:The traffic noise int

46、erfere with my work. 7.at the heart of sth. 的关键 例句:What he said was at the heart of the problem. 8.spur sb. or sth on 鞭策;激励 例句:Our team has been spurred on by the recent success.,Key Phrase,9.give way to 被取代 例句:The grasslands has been given way to the many high buildings. 10.see to it that 务必;确保 例句:

47、I see to it that all the vegetables here are fresh. 11.take the measure of 摸清底细 例句:It only took a few meetings for committee to take the measure of the ability of the new chairman. 12.lay claim to sth.声称对的拥有权 例句:If the land really belongs to you, why didnt you lay claim to it.,Key Phrase,13.have had

48、 ones day 日渐衰落 例句:She has had her day as a super star. 14.portray sb./sth. as将描写成;表现为 例句:The president likes to portray himself as a friend of working people. 15.out of print 绝版;不在印行 例句:The dictionary has been out of print for five years.,Key Phrase,George Eliot 乔治艾略特,http:/ http:/,Charles Dikens,http:/ http:/,Gone with the wind,http:/ http:/ http:/,pride and prejudiceJane Austen,http:/,Emily Dickson,http:/,Jane Eyre夏洛蒂勃朗特,http:/ http:/ http:/,Robinson CrusoeDaniel Defoe,http:/ http:/,59,谢谢,WPS Office,Make Presentation much more fun,WPS官方微博 kingsoftwps,


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