新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第二册Unit 10 Section BFortyThree Seconds over Hiroshima.ppt

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1、Reading Skills,Text Study,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Idea Sharing,Denotation and Connotation,Denotation and Connotation,Reading Skills,Denotation is the literal meaning of a word what we find in a dictionary (本义). Connotation, on the other hand, is the implied meaning of a wordwhat a wo

2、rd suggests to us, or what it makes us feel or think (言外之意).,Reading Skills,The word “die”, for example, means “stop living” in denotation. But in the sentence “Some die at 30 but are not buried until theyre 70”, the word “die” connotes “stop living spiritually” or “stop growing intellectually”.,Rea

3、ding Skills,In order to fully understand figurative language, or figures of speech, we need to be aware of the context in which the words appear. Generally speaking, the more we perceive the connotations of the words, the more we can understand how a writer wants us to feel or think.,Example 1 Night

4、 after night, in the hot summer and early fall of 1940, a deep, steady voice came over the Atlantic Ocean from England to America, telling of Englands battle for survival under the waves of German bombers. (Para. 1) Denotation: a line of water that rises up on the surface of the sea, lake, river, et

5、c. Connotation: a quick succession of a certain intense activity (It has a rough, stormy, and unpleasant sense.),Reading Skills,Example 2 On September 7, 1940, nearly four hundred German bombers hammered the city with bombs in broad daylight. (Para. 6) Denotation: strike or beat as with the repeated

6、 blows, or the force of a hammer Connotation: attack with great force (It also has a sense of forcefulness and heavy casualty.),Reading Skills,The Background of Text B,Question Answering,During World War II, Japan launched a sneak attack on the Peal Harbor, which provoked the war against the US. the

7、 Pacific War began ,I. The Background of Text B,Text Study- The Background,The Peal Harbor Attack,Text Study- The Background,In order to defeat Japan, Truman, the U.S. President, decided to use the nuclear weapon. On August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.,Text Study- The Background

8、,Whats the fate of the little girl Kaz who used to live a carefree life before the bombing? Read the text, youll know the answer.,Fires burned almost 4.4 square miles completely. The explosion killed between 70,000 and 80,000 people besides injuring more than 70,000 others. A second bomb, dropped on

9、 Nagasaki on August 9, killed between 35,000 and 40,000 people, injured alike number, and destroyed 1.8 miles.,Text Study- The Background,An atomic bomb exploded in Hiroshima.,His body was burnt. The flesh had the soft feel of a boiled tomato.,He was badly wounded and could hardly be recognized.,II.

10、 Question Answering,Text Study-Question Answering,1. What happened on a summer morning in 1945? 2. How was Kazs father hurt? 3. How was Kazs brother hurt?,4. How was Kaz hurt ? 5. How was the city destroyed?,Her two front teeth broke off. She had all the symptoms of radiation sicknessrunning a fever

11、; feeling sick and dizzy, almost drunk; gums and bowels bleeding.,The city was on fire. The streets were filed with the dead and barely living.,Text Study-Question Answering,Focus Study,Active Expressions,2. her brother, at six feet tall, towered over most Japanese men, ,I. Active Expressions,1. and

12、 Kaz was flung to the ground so violently that her two front teeth broke off.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,As winter gave way to spring and spring to summer, Kaz began to heal.,3. Later, when night fell, Kaz and her brother made for the mountains; a friend,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,

13、Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1. 会谈未达成任何解决办法就中断了。 2. 高山耸立在小镇边上。 3. 他从椅子上站起来向门边走去。 4. 起先他什么也没说,后来他的沉默渐渐转为 愤怒。,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,as , 好象,II. Focus Study,1. The air exploded in blinding lightning and color, the rays shooting outward as in a ch

14、ilds drawing of the sun, .,Notes to the TextFocus Study,他为什么打扮得象个女人?,Why is he dressing as a woman?,stand swaying, 摇摇晃晃地站着,2. For a moment, he stood swaying at the ruins of the gate. Kaz stared at him.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,他站起来从我的肩头望过去。,He stood looking over my shoulder.,Word Using,Chinese t

15、o English,Old to New,burst violently uncover, unprotected move slowly not guilty nothing more than; only move quickly a short look having plenty of space uncomfortable,innocent mere explode expose roomy glimpse sway uneasy dash,I. Old to New,Words and ExpressionsOld to New,II. Chinese to English,sin

16、k into unconsciousness emigrate to America in the spirit of adventure a life style flavored with American ways,陷入昏迷 移居美国 冒险精神 带有美国情调的生活方式,Words and ExpressionsC to E,towered over most Japanese men be seized with fear dash down the slope of the hill toward the flames,比大多数日本人都高 内心充满恐惧 冲下山坡,奔向熊熊 的火焰,Wo

17、rds and ExpressionsC to E,1. innocent a. not guilty,她根本没有犯被指控的那个罪。,III. Word Using,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,She is innocent of the crime with which she has been charged.,1. innocent a. suffering harm although not involved,数千名无辜的儿童在这次冲突中被杀害了。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Thousands of innoce

18、nt children were killed in the conflict.,2. explode v., burst violently A bomb exploded at San Franciscos busiest railway station this morning. (of feelings) burst out suddenly explode into (with) loud laughter; explode with (in) anger increase very quickly The rapidly exploding population in some c

19、ountries is a serious problem for their governments.,爆炸,突然大笑,勃然大怒,迅速增长,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,3. stagger v. walk or move unsteadily as if about to fall (from carrying sth. heavy, being weak, drunk or injured, etc.),Words and ExpressionsWord Using,After he was attacked, he managed to stagger

20、 to the phone box to call for help.,遭到袭击后,他摇摇晃晃地走到电话亭打电话求救。,3. stagger v. cause (sb.) to feel shocked or surprised because of sth. unexpected or very unusual happening,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,He staggered all of us by suddenly announcing that he was leaving the company at the end of the mont

21、h.,他突然宣布月底要离开公司,这使我们都大为吃惊。,4. expose v. uncover or leave sb./ sth. uncovered or unprotected make known,As a nurse in the war, she was exposed to many dangers.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Keep indoors and dont expose your skin to the sun.,呆在室内,不要把皮肤暴露在阳光下。,5. layout n. a way in which the parts of

22、 sth. are arranged according to a plan,In the new layout for the conference hall, the platform is to be placed at the western end.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The book designer will have to redo the page layouts.,这本书的设计者将不得不重新安排版面。,6. flesh n. the soft part of the body of a person or animal whic

23、h is between the skin and the bones the body contrasted with the mind,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,诱捕器深深得嵌进了兔子的肉里。 他一生放荡形骸。 心有余而力不足。,The trap had cut deeply into the rabbits flesh. His life was devoted to the pleasures of the flesh. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.,7. draw vi. move or

24、 go steadily or gradually,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The bus drew in to the side of the road to let the car pass. The train drew into/out of the station.,公共汽车开到路边,让轿车通过。 火车徐徐驶入/驶出车站。,Winter is drawing near.,8. sway n. cause (sth. / sb.) move slowly from side to side persuade (sb.) to believe or

25、 do one thing rather than another,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,She swayed the baby gently until he went to sleep. When you are choosing a career, dont be swayed just by promises of a future high income.,她轻轻摇晃着婴儿,直到他睡着。 挑选职业时,不要只被将来有高薪的承诺 所打动。,9. take sb. in allow sb. to stay in ones house (esp. w

26、hen the person is homeless or in trouble) (often passive) to make sb. believe sth. that is not true,Since her husband was not in, Nancy refused to take in those two travelers for the night.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,She took me in completely with her story.,Dont be taken in by his charmhe is r

27、uthless.,10. be seized with be affected by a strong feeling, desire, etc. suddenly and intensely,He was seized with sudden chest pains.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The woman was seized with a desire to get even.,那妇人心中充满了复仇的欲望。,1. Her incredible story _ the imagination. A. staggered B. swayed C.

28、exploded D. exposed 2. She threatened to _ me to the police. A. explode B. seize C. stagger D. expose,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Discussion,We need to acquire some necessary skills to protect ourselves in the event of an emergency. Discuss the ways to survive a bombing, a fire or an earthquake.,Idea Sharing,Discussion,To Task,To Horizon,The End of Section B,


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