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1、1,The Trip to FuJian,Part one The places of interests,Part two delicious food,Part three Fuzhou NO.1 Middle school,by 最后两页,2,3,The Beautiful Sea Sights,4,Seaside of XiaPu,5,Gulang Island is located in the southwest to the Xiamen Island. The island covers an area of 1.78 kilometers, with about 23,000

2、 residents. It is abut 1,800 meters long and 1,000 meters wide, just like an ellipse. Together with a winding costal line and falling rocks, green trees, and golden sand enhance to one anothers beauty. Bays, rocks, cliffs and hills form a pleasing scene. Buildings of various styles, the high-standin

3、g Sunlight Rock, and groups of fluttering seagulls constitute a shining picture of seaisland. Gulang Island is also named Pearl on the East Sea and Garden on the Sea, for its unique beauty. In 1988, it was ranked as important scenic zone.,Gulang island,6,7,A Corner of Gulang Islang,8,Mount WuYi,Moun

4、t WuYi, a fairly land on earth, is situated in the north of FuJian Province. It is the most beautiful place in Southeast of China. It extends about 5 kilometers from east to west and about 14 kilometers from north to south. It occupies an area of 70 square kilometers. There are more than two hundred

5、 thousand people in the region. The natural preserve is located in the western part of the WuYiShan has maintained the most complete, typicaland largest mid-subtropicalpristine forest ecological system. It was praised by the bio-scientists both at home and aboard as “the world of insects”, “the worl

6、d biological bank” “the paradise of the birds” “the kingdom of snakes”.,Well, as a result, I am confident that you will enjoy stay in this beautiful mountain!,9,桂林山水甲天下 不及武夷一小丘,10,Nine Turns Stream,11,The Sights of Mount ZhouNing,12,人文篇,13,The Earth Building Complex,14,15,The Night Scene of XiaMen,1

7、6,A Beautiful Corner of The City,17,XiaMen University,18,The library of XiaMen University,19,The Lantern Festival,20,Won ton,Ding bian,Fish ball,Fo diao qiang,Delicious Soup,21,a prawn,braised sea eel with soy sauce,braised fish with soy sauce,Sea Food,22,Snacks,Steamed Pork Dumplings,Egg dumplings,

8、Radish pastries,Wuxiang rolls,23,Chicken and Duck,Fumigated goose,Salty duck,24,25,the Phoenix Pond,26,Tea bar,library,Computer room,27,The Life of Three Points and a Line,canteen,classroom,dormitory,28,basketball court,a fountain,a monument for the National Day,Resting places,29,Every tree I have e

9、ver seen will be in my mind foever!,Every road I have ever walked will be in my heart foever!,30,林觉民(18871911),字意洞,号抖飞,又号天外生,福建闽侯人。幼嗣可山先生,性聪慧,幼体弱善病,早丧母,未尝就外傅。少年之时,即接受民主革命思想,推崇自由平等学说。留学日本期间,加入中国同盟会。1911年春回国,留下情真意切的绝笔“与妻书”,和族亲林伊民、林文随黄兴、方声洞等革命党人勇猛地攻入总督衙门,转战途中受伤力尽被俘。在提督衙门受审时慷慨宣传革命道理,最后从容就义,史称“黄花岗七十二烈士”之一。,31,The Beaufiful Nightfall,32,我,你,Best Wishes for You!,I really appreciate god that let me meet you -everyone seated here !We major in a common project ,we study in a common room, and we commonly have a beautiful English teacher! I believe this period with you will become a precious memory!,


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