【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit7 What does he look like A课件 人教新目标版 课件.ppt

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《【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit7 What does he look like A课件 人教新目标版 课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit7 What does he look like A课件 人教新目标版 课件.ppt(30页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、光天化日抢劫杀人(1).flv2012.3.9辽宁省某市发生抢劫杀人案,蒙面人抢劫杀人后逃离现场 公安人员迅速展开调查并确定主要犯罪嫌疑人You are not alone.mp3。,What does he look like?,Unit,安临站初级中学,辛灵芝,Section,1a-3,他长什么样子?,hair,eye,height,build,thin,heavy,medium build,of,is,build 体格,体形,What does she look like?,She is thin.,He is heavy.,What does she /he look like?,Sh

2、e is of medium build.,build,short,tall,Of medium height,What does he/she look like?,height,高度,is,He is tall.,He is short.,What does he/she look like?,She is of medium height.,height,medium height,medium build,tall thin,short heavy,What does heshe look like?,short curly red hair,long,straight,brown,S

3、he has long straight brown hair.,short curly red hair,She has short curly red hair.,long,curly,blonde hair,She has long curly brown hair,What does she look like? She has.,hair style (发型),has,He doesnt have hair. / He has no hair,What does he look like?,Hair 头发 short hair long hair curly hair straigh

4、t hair,描述头发 长短+曲直 +颜色,乌黑 的长直发 long, straight ,black hair. 她有一头短的金黄色的卷发。 She has short, curly ,blonde hair,What do they look like?,They have,short straight brown hair,She has long straight black hair.,What does she /he look like?,He has short curly brown hair.,eyes-,big / small/black/blue 幻灯片 15,Lets

5、 think ! key words for describing people:(描述人的词汇) 1)height(高度): tall, short, medium height 2)build(体格): heavy, thin, medium build 3)hair: short hair, long hair, no hair, straight hair, curly hair, black hair, brown hair,blonde hair,a hat,glasses,clothes,wear(s),have, has +,is, am, are+,eyes,She has

6、big blue eyes.,She has small black eyes.,A :What does she look like?,B: She has_hair. She is _.,tall, short, thin, heavy, of medium height of medium build,相信你能行:填空比赛,描述发型至少用两个词, 另外要描述出他们的体形和身高,A :What does he look like?,B: He has_hair. He is _.,tall, short, thin, heavy, of medium height of medium bu

7、ild,3 PAIRWORK Describe Lilys friend.,A: Do you know I have a new friend in Class Five? B: What does she look like? A: She has _ and _. B: Is she tall? red dress A: No, shes _. white shoes B: I think I know her. She always wears a red _ and _ shoes. A: Yes, thats her. Her name is Nancy.,long hair,bi

8、g eyes,short,dress,white,tall,curly,hair,Listen and circle “is” or “has” below,is / has tall is / has heavy is / has curly hair is / has medium height is / has thin is / has long hair is / has short is / has medium build is / has short hair,2a,is,has,David,Sally,Pete,2b,tall,curly hair,heavy,medium

9、height,long hair,thin,short,medium build,short hair,Say something about these people.,What does look like? He/She is He/She has.,Report: Tims friend is tall, he is of medium build and he has short hair. XXs friend is, he/she is, and he/she has XXs friend is, he/she is, and he/she has,1. 四人一组互问调查完成表格

10、。,2. 组长根据表格总结汇报。,Ask and answer in group of four 幻灯片 23 A: What does your friend look like? B: He/She is, he/she is , and he/she has .,Make a survey,What does your friend look like?,He has short straight black hair.,He is tall.,He is of medium build.,What did you learn today? 1.询问某人长什么样 What do/does

11、 sb. look like? 2.描述某人的外表 sb. am/is/are+ 形容词. sb. have/has + 名词 一般说来:高矮胖瘦用be动词,身上附属如头发,眼、耳、 口等用have/has 3.怎样描述头发:长短+曲直 +颜色,Competition,P K,3.He has of medium height.,1.He have long hair.,火眼金睛辨正误,have has,2.What does you father look like?,you your,has,4.She is long hair,5.He has thin.,is,has,is,has,i

12、s,根据汉语完成句子,1)她长得什么样? What she ? 2)他又高又瘦,头发又直又短: He and , he has hair. 3)她又矮又胖,头发又长又卷。 She short and , She hair. 4)他中等身材,留黑色短发。 He , and he hair.,does,look like,is,tall,thin,short,straight,is,heavy/fat,has long curly,is of medium build,has short black,Guessing game,What does your claasmate/teacher lo

13、ok like?,Describe one of your classmates/teachers. Then let other students guess who he/she is?,Describe: She is tall. She has long black hair. She is of medium build .She wears glasses. She has small eyes. .,Guess: Is she ?,A.Oral Work:,Please tell your friend what your parents look like.,B.Written Work:,Write down your oral work.,Homework,See you next time!,


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