【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the Weather TOPIC2 section B课件 仁爱版 课件.ppt

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1、【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the Weather TOPIC2 section B课件 仁爱版 课件,Unit8 Topic2,The Summer holidays are coming Section B,【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the Weather TOPIC2 section B课件 仁爱版 课件,Prepare lesson before class 【预习提示】,一、词组翻译 1、春 城 2、做某事的最好时间/时节 _ 3、应该做某事 4、不该做某事 _ 5、听起来有趣 6、等 等 _ 7、外出

2、旅行 8、随时做某事 _,【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the Weather TOPIC2 section B课件 仁爱版 课件,二.完成句子 1、Kunming is (春城)。 2、I think (你可以随时去)。 3、 (我该游览什么地方)in Yunnan? 4、You (不该错过)Yawushan. 5、It (听起来真有趣). 6、You should (带上照相机、一些钱等等).,【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the Weather TOPIC2 section B课件 仁爱版 课件,Teaching

3、 aims and demands(教学目标),1、复习假日计划表达方式; 2、学习旅行所携带物品的表达方式; 3、学习制订旅行计划; 4、学习用should提建议。,【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the Weather TOPIC2 section B课件 仁爱版 课件,Teaching procedure(教学重点及难点),1、能独立制订旅行计划; 2、should表建议用法。,【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the Weather TOPIC2 section B课件 仁爱版 课件,教学方法,任务型教学法。,【最新

4、】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the Weather TOPIC2 section B课件 仁爱版 课件,Review复习,What are their holiday plans? What do they want to go ? Why do they want to go there ? Michael wants to go to Australia because Jane wants to staiy I china because Talk about yopur own holiday plan,【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Se

5、asons and the Weather TOPIC2 section B课件 仁爱版 课件,Presentation 呈现,Listen to 1a and answer: What does Jane plan to go for your holiday? What Is the best time to go to kunming? Places should Jane visit in Yunnan? Is it expensive to travel there ? What should Jane take ?,【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and

6、 the Weather TOPIC2 section B课件 仁爱版 课件,Consolidation巩固,Listen to 1a aghain and fill out the form in 1b Look listen and match,【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the Weather TOPIC2 section B课件 仁爱版 课件,Practice 操练,Listen read 1a and make a dialogue like 1a Lingbao Yiawushan Lingbao Hanguguan Lingbao Ling

7、bao Dinghuwan,【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the Weather TOPIC2 section B课件 仁爱版 课件,Summery课堂小结,本节课我们学习了如何制订旅行计划,应熟练掌握: 1、Whats the best time to go there? 2、What place should I visit in Yunnan?,【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the Weather TOPIC2 section B课件 仁爱版 课件,Project 反馈,Answer : Where would

8、you like to go and who would you like to travel with? What places of interest would you like to visit? How much money do you plan to take ? What would you like to take for the trip?,【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the Weather TOPIC2 section B课件 仁爱版 课件,Written,My trip 提示 best time to visit cost pla

9、ces of interest things to take,【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the Weather TOPIC2 section B课件 仁爱版 课件,检测 一、根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。 1、What would you like to take for your t ? I would like to take the sunglasses. 2、Kunming is very beautiful. It is the spring city, you can go a . 3、It is raining now, you sho

10、uld take with r . 4、This sweater is too e . I cant buy it. 5、They are taking photos with c .,【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the Weather TOPIC2 section B课件 仁爱版 课件,二、单项选择 ( )1、I am going to Beijing my summer holiday. A. toB. inC. on ( )2、Did you get ready the trip? A. toB. forC. of ( )3、What should I in Kunming? A. visitB. visitingC. to visit ( )4、Welcome to our school . A. some timeB. anytimeC. every time ( )5、Do you take the ? Im afraid we lose our way. A. cameraB. tentC. map,


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