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1、单词小测,1.country国家 2.America美国 3.cousin堂(表)兄弟姐妹 4.in the east of 在东部 5.in the west of 在西部 6.New York纽约 7.Los Angeles洛杉矶,1,基础教学,齐读两遍重点句,他住在美国的东部。,洛杉矶在美国的西部。,2,基础教学,同学们记得方向的口诀吗? 上?下?左?右? 上北下南左西右东 英文缩写是?,N W E S,3,基础教学,or nor north 北方,4,基础教学,mouth嘴巴 south南方,5,基础教学,Los Angeles,New York,Where is New York/L

2、os Angeles? New York/Los Angeles is in the east/west of America.,6,基础教学,北京,Beijing is the capital of China.,7,基础教学,Washington is the capital of America.,8,基础教学,小猫?,猪?,高的?,cat,tall,pig,ca+pi+tal,(首都),9,基础教学,Where is the capital of ? England/America Canada/Mexico The capital of is London/Washington,D.

3、C. Ottawa(渥太华)/Mexico City,10,基础教学,Wash Washing Washington Washington,D.C. 华盛顿,District of Columbia(哥伦比亚特区)的简称,11,基础教学,The capital of America is Washington,D.C. Where is it? Its in the of America.,east,12,基础教学,Washington is in the east of America.,13,基础教学,华盛顿被美国人称为“国家的心脏”,是美国的政治、文化、教育中心。华盛顿以纪念乔治.华盛顿

4、而命名,他是美国独立战争的军事领袖和第一位美国总统。华盛顿的主要景点有:白宫、五角大楼等。,14,基础教学,People in America speak . People in England speak . People in China speak .,English,English,Chinese,15,基础教学,Where is Canada? Canada is to the north of America. 加拿大境内多枫树,每到秋天,满山遍野的枫叶呈嫣红色,宛如一堆堆燃烧的烈火,因此加拿大有“枫叶之国”的美誉。加拿大国旗上的枫叶代表了加拿大人对枫叶的钟爱。,16,基础教学,W

5、here is Mexico? Mexico is to the south of America. 墨西哥美食被誉为世界名菜,与法国菜和中国菜并驾齐驱。吃墨西哥菜可以不用拘泥餐桌礼仪,用手、用叉随心所欲,也很适合与家人或朋友们围坐一起分享各道美味。充分反映其民族爽朗豪气的特征。,17,基础教学,B is in the south of A. C is to the south of A. 当其中一个地点属于另一个地点用in; 当两个地点各自独立用to.,A,B,C,18,基础教学,看图,问答地名,Where is ? Its in/to the of America. (属于:in/独立:o

6、n),19,基础教学,当其中一个地点属于另一个地点用in; 当两个地点各自独立用to. Canada is _ the north of America. Mexico is _ the south of America.,20,基础教学,看图,填地名,21,基础教学,看图,问答地名,Where is ? Its in/to the of America. (属于:in/独立:on),22,基础教学,Beijing is the north of China. Beijing is the north of Zhengzhou. 当其中一个地点属于另一个地点用in; 当两个地点各自独立用to.

7、,to,in,北京,郑州,23,基础教学,Shanghai is the east of China. Shanghai is the east of Zhengzhou. 当其中一个地点属于另一个地点用in; 当两个地点各自独立用to.,to,in,郑州,上海,24,基础教学,Xining is the west of China. Xining is the west of Zhengzhou. 当其中一个地点属于另一个地点用in; 当两个地点各自独立用to.,to,in,郑州,西宁,25,基础教学,Haikou is the south of China. Haikou is the s

8、outh of Zhengzhou. 当其中一个地点属于另一个地点用in; 当两个地点各自独立用to.,to,in,郑州,海口,26,基础教学,Where is ? is in/to the of east东/west西/north北/south南,看地图,问答方向,郑州,海口,西宁,上海,北京,27,基础教学,28,基础教学,单词小测,1.country国家 2.America美国 3.cousin堂(表)兄弟姐妹 4.Canana加拿大 5.capital首都 6.in the east of 在东部 7.in the west of 在西部 8.in the north of 在北部 9

9、.in the south of 在南部,29,基础教学,齐读两遍重点句,他住在美国的东部。,洛杉矶在美国的西部。,30,基础教学,同学们记得方向的口诀吗? 上北下南左西右东,N W E S,31,基础教学,同学们还记得那两个规律吗? in? to?,1.当其中一个地点属于另一个地点用in; 2.当两个地点各自独立用to.,32,基础教学,当其中一个地点属于另一个地点用in; 当两个地点各自独立用to. Canada is the north of America. Mexico is the south of America.,to,to,33,基础教学,看图,问答地名,Where is ?

10、 Its in/to the of America. (属于:in/独立:on),34,基础教学,Where is ? Its in the east/west of China.,in the west of,in the east of,Qingdao,Yinchuan,35,基础教学,Where is ? Its in the east/west of China.,in the west of,in the east of,?,?,36,基础教学,Where is ? Its in the east/west of China.,in the west of,in the east o

11、f,Shanghai,Lanzhou,37,基础教学,Where is ? Its in the east/west of China.,in the west of,in the east of,?,?,38,基础教学,Where is ? Its in the east/west of China.,in the west of,in the east of,Hangzhou,Xining,39,基础教学,Where is ? Its in the east/west of China.,in the west of,in the east of,?,?,40,基础教学,Where is ? Its in the east/west of China.,in the west of,in the east of,看地图,问答方向,41,基础教学,Where is ? Its to the east东/west西/north北/south南 of the school.,看地图,问答方向,Library图书馆,Bus Station车站,Supermarket 超市,Bookshop书店,Hospital医院,Zoo动物园,Park公园,School学校,42,基础教学,看图,填方向,43,基础教学,听音,连线,44,基础教学,


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