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1、Section Grammar,探究 语法精要,.过去完成时 一、概念 过去完成时的基本用法与现在完成时相似,所不同的是:现在完成时的动作须在现在以前完成,过去完成时的动作须在过去某一时间以前完成,也就是说动作发生在“过去的过去”。,二、构成 主语had动词的过去分词 You abandoned the map because you had learned how to get home.你丢掉地图,因为你已经学会如何回家。 三、基本用法 1表示过去的过去 表示在过去的某一时间或某一动作之前完成的动作或存在的状态,也就是“过去的过去”。可以用by,before等介词短语或一个时间状语从句、用

2、一个表示过去的动作以及通过上下文来表示。,By nine oclock last night,we had got 200 pictures from the spaceship.到昨晚9点钟,我们已经收到200张从宇宙飞船发来的图片。 How long had Mr Wang taught in the middle school before he came here? 王老师来这里之前,在中学教了多长时间的书? I was very sad at his death.We had been good friends since our childhood. 他的去世使我很悲伤。我们自童年

3、时代起就是好朋友。,2用于宾语从句或间接引语中 I wondered who had taken the umbrella without permission. 我想知道谁不经允许就把雨伞拿去了。 3表示未曾实现的愿望或打算,主要用于表示“愿望,打算”一类的词,如hope,want,expect,think,suppose,plan,mean,intend等动词。 They had wanted to help but could not get there in time. 他们本打算去帮忙,但没有及时赶到那里。,4.过去完成时用于一些固定句型中,例如This/It/That was th

4、e first/second.timethat从句(从句中用过去完成时),Hardly (scarcely/barely) had.done.when.和No sooner had.done.than.结构。 Hardly had he begun to speak when the audience interrupted him.他刚开始演讲,听众就打断了他。 No sooner had he arrived than he went away again. 他刚到就又走了。 It was the third time that he had been out of work that y

5、ear. 这是他那一年第三次失业了。,5过去完成时用于虚拟语气,在wish,as if/though,if,if only,would rather sb.had done sth.结构或从句中,常用过去完成时来表示与过去的事实相反。 If he had caught the early bus this morning,he would not have been late for class. 如果他今天早上赶上了早班车,他上课就不会迟到了。,四、语法区别 1一般过去时与过去完成时的用法区别 (1)一般过去时表示过去时间发生的动作或存在的状态;而过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已完成

6、的动作或状态,即“过去的过去”。当强调过去某一动作发生在另一动作之前,常用过去完成时。 The sports meeting began at 8 am last Saturday. 上周六运动会是上午八点开始的。 The sports meeting had begun when we got to school. 我们到学校时,运动会已经开始了。,(2)一般过去时与过去完成时都可以和确定的表示过去的时间状语连用,但侧重点有所不同。 They had done the work at five oclock. 在五点的时候他们已经完成了那项工作。 They did the work at f

7、ive oclock. 他们是在五点钟做那项工作的。 上述第一句中只说明工作在五点钟已经完成,并未说明工作是什么时候做的;第二句就明确告诉我们,工作是五点钟做的。,2过去完成时与现在完成时的区别 现在完成时表示的是延续到现在或同现在有关的动作,句中不可有表示过去特定时间的状语,而过去完成时表示的是过去某时之前已经完成或延续到过去某时的动作,句中可有表示过去特定时间的状语。 I have finished my homework.我已经完成了作业。 I had finished my homework by 10:00 this morning. 到今天早晨10点钟我已完成了我的作业。,课时 语

8、法专练,用所给动词的适当形式填空 1He_(work) in the factory for five years before we moved here. 答案:had worked 2The film_(begin) when they arrived at the cinema. 答案:had begun,3I_(hope) to meet you at the airport,but I was caught in a traffic jam. 答案:had hoped 4There was a knock at the door.It was the second time som

9、eone _(interrupt) me that evening. 答案:had interrupted 5I_(mean) to come,but something happened. 答案:had meant,6(四川高考改编)What a mistake! Yes,I_(suggest) his doing it another way,but without success. 答案:had suggested 7(重庆高考改编)I felt very tired when I got home,and I _(go) straight to bed. 答案:went 8(新课标卷改

10、编)When I first met Bryan I didnt like him,but I_(change) my mind. 答案:have changed,.to have/get something done 一、使役动词have的用法 1.have sth.done 一般有两层含义:一是表示主语的意志致使某事发生或被做到;二是表示主语遭遇到不幸的事情,主语是受害者。在此结构中可用get代替have。 I must have/get this table printed. 我必须找人把表格打印出来。,The girl had/got her precious musical inst

11、rument broken in the storm last Sunday. 上星期天,那个女孩在暴风雨中弄坏了她珍贵的乐器。 2have宾语不定式(不带to) 该结构表示“主动让某人做某事”。 I had my children clean the house before you arrived. 在你们来之前,我让孩子们把屋子打扫干净了。,3have宾语现在分词 该结构表主动,有两种意思:一是“使持续做某事”;二是与否定词连用,表示“不容许某人做某事”。 Every time I met her,she would have me listening to her complaints

12、 about her job. 每次遇到她,她总是让我听她对工作的抱怨。 I wont have you speaking to your parents like that. 我不会容忍你那样跟你的父母说话。,二、使役动词get的用法 1get宾语过去分词 表示被动,译为“使被” Finally I got my pay raised.最后我的工资增加了。 2get宾语现在分词 表示主动,经常译为“重新开始” The captain got the soldiers moving toward the front after a short rest. 休息了片刻之后,上尉让士兵们开始朝前线

13、继续行进。,3.get宾语不定式(带to) 表示主动,意为“让去做某事”。 I cant get him to stop smoking. 我无法让他戒烟。,课时 语法专练,用所给动词的适当形式填空 1Well soon have your car _(go) again. 答案:going 2I wont have my son _(do) such a thing. 答案:doing 3The teacher had us _(hand) in our homework on time. 答案:hand,4(陕西高考) Claire had her luggage_(check) an hour before her plane left. 答案:checked 5Youd better get the bad tooth _(pull) out. 答案:pulled 6John get his house_ (burn) down last night. 答案:burned,7Dont worry.Ill get Tom _(help) you soon. 答案:to help 8(辽宁高考)Alexander tried to get his work_ (recognise) in the medical circles. 答案:recognised,谢谢观看!,


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