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1、HORAItmrwdlrnnF- k rair ctnriarrlHORA Turbi ne Bypass System汽轮机旁路27204493.docSeite 1 von 14HORA27204493.docSeite # von 14HORA27204493.docSeite # von 14HORABEaELARWATuMrEih / . = ”,J=mrrJ|pnrv-ruir ctnriarrlHORA Turbi ne Bypass SystemApplicati on 应用A turbine bypass system permits operation of the boi

2、ler independently from the steam turbine during start-up, commissioning, turbine trip (shut down) and load alternations. It gives a higher plant availability and operational flexibility over all different operating conditions. The start-up time under cold, warm and hot conditions superhot is reduced

3、. Keeping the thermal transient in the boiler to a minimum continuous flow through superheater and reheater (maintained tube cooli ng) must be provided and the pressure duri ng the en tire start-up has to be con trolled. A turbine bypass system is in operation until desired steam conditions from met

4、al temperatures of rotor and casing of the turbine are matched. This method reduces the solid particle erosion to the turbine also, since the loss of material from the boiler internals most likely occurs during start-up. After a load rejecti on of the turb ine the bypass valves operate the boiler at

5、 an optimal standby load and avoid a boiler trip. They equal the difference between the steam generator and the turbine flow. It is a big advantage that commissioning of the boiler can be carried out totally independent of the turbine. Boiler trials that are usual when commissioning the firi ng syst

6、em are performed without stress ing the turb ine unn ecessarily.汽轮机在启动,试运行,运行和调峰运行阶段,旁路系统能够使锅炉独立于汽轮机单独 运行。在不同的工艺条件下,它显示了更高的实用性和运转时的灵活及适应性。在冷态,温态 热态和极热的状态下,缩短了系统启动的时间。维持最小的流量的持续通过过热器和再热器,防止再热器的干烧及冷却其管路,使他们不过热,在整个启动过程中,通过控制压力和温度顺利启动系统。汽轮机旁路系统的另外一个目的是匹配汽轮机缸体及转子等金属材料与相应的蒸气温度相 互适应和匹配.同时减少在启动阶段锅炉中的金属颗粒对汽轮

7、机的侵蚀与破坏作用.在甩负荷的情况下,实现停机不停炉的目的.以下待查当汽轮机出现抑制负载时,旁路的阀门控制锅炉处在一个最理想的备用负载,同样也避免了锅 炉跳闸。它们平衡了蒸汽发电机和汽轮机流动之间的差异。这是一个大的优点对于汽轮机中的锅炉试运行时能够完全的独立运转。锅炉的试用在运行不对汽轮机产生不必要的应力的点火系统的试运转中是很平常的。27204493.docSeite 3 von 14HORA Turbi ne Bypass SystemhorAiLFrrrJIprwTF- M mr ctnriarrlThe HP-bypass valve is sized for 100% steam

8、capacity of the boiler to reduce the pressure旁路阀门适用于锅炉里100 %蒸汽流量。in tegrated with desuperheat ing (PRDS) to cold reheat con diti ons .It has to protect the live 它保护了正常状况下的蒸汽管道系统。steam piping system. If there is no reheater the steam has to be conditioned down to如果没有再热器,蒸汽可以通过旁路阀降低到冷凝器可以接受的状态。accepta

9、ble conden ser levels. The valve can operate as an safety valve with the n ecessary(当旁路阀门容量大于锅炉出力的70 %以上时)阀门可以作为安全阀门运行并必须配有快开快关装置。fast opening devices. With those fast acting actuators the lifting of the spring loaded safetyvalves with the associated seat maintenance can be avoided and en ergy and w

10、ater keep in配有快速作用的执行器,可以避免安全阀启动。the water-steam-circle.27204493.docSeite # von 14HORABEQELARWATUffE*! / . = ”,J=mrrJ|pnrw- a ruir ctjnnrlardHORA Turbi ne Bypass SystemThe IP(HRH )/ LP-bypass valves are typically used to divert the steam away from the turbine to低旁阀门是准确的用于转移蒸汽从汽轮机到冷凝器。the condenser.

11、They have to protect the reheat piping system. A fast closing device for它们必须保护再热管道系统conden ser protect ion duri ng tran sie nt operat ing periods is also in tegrated. Due to the radical 一个用于在运行周期的瞬变过程中保护冷凝器的快关装置同时也被安装。in crease in the specific volume of the steam it is ofte n n ecessary to use a dum

12、p tube由于蒸汽的特殊容量根本的增长,一个作为最后减压的顺流倾斜管道是必需的,它是为了在旁dow nstream as a final pressure reduct ion to get a higher backpressure after the bypass valve. 路阀门后得到一个较高的反向压力。The size of the valve can be mini mized.阀门的尺寸可以减到最小。In combined heat and power plants bypass valves are required to deliver steam with exact在

13、电热相结合的工厂里,旁路阀门用于将严格的温度和压力条件下的蒸汽输送到处理工序。temperature and pressure to the process (e.g. paper mills). Because of the different steam 例如造纸厂。因为不同的蒸汽需要从不同数量的高低旁路系统中获得range draws。dema nds the range draws from a various nu mber of HP to LP bypass systems. In case of a back pressure turb ine trip the process

14、 steam has to be produced over the PRDS.在反向压力汽轮机跳闸情况中,作用蒸汽是跳过PRDS产生的。Con trol con cept控制原理For n ormal bypass operati on, no extraord inary dema nds are made on ope ning and clos ing在正常旁路运行中,没有特别的要求对于启动和关闭的时间。times. The temperature after a HP bypass valve is used as control signal for the spray water

15、高旁阀门的阀后温度作为控制信号对喷水调节阀进行调节。con trol valve. To operate the PRDS as a safety valve at a turb ine trip HORA recomme nds a在汽轮机跳闸时运行 PRDS作为一个安全阀,HORA推荐在控制回到温度传感器之前使“ feed forward sinal before the control goes back to the temperature sensors. This is due to用“提前给水”的信号。the loss of con trol of the spray water

16、 valve because it cannot follow the fast ope ning of the这是用于解决减温水调节阀失去控制,因为它不能足够精确的随PRDS中的快开装置去保证在PRDS closely eno ugh to keep the dow nstream temperature within no rmal operati ng limits.正常运行限制中的顺流温度。Too much un evaporated water or too little water leads to errors in the temperature readi ngs.太多的未蒸

17、发的减温水或太少的减温水导致在读取温度出现错误。Therefore at first a heat balance calculation of the steam conditions and the valve position of所以根据通过温度传感器的控制,在一开始一个对蒸汽条件中的热平衡计算和旁路阀门的阀门the bypass valve determ ine the required water amount and related valve positi on followed byMEQEkAHMATuMIEih /. =”,J=inrrJ|prM-w- a ruir ct

18、nriarrlHORA Turbi ne Bypass System位置决定了所需要的减温水的数量和相关的阀门的位置。the con trol via the temperature sen sors. For LP bypass valves the heat bala nee con cept is对于低旁阀门,热平衡的概念是用于一般情况,因为蒸汽调整点温度是接近或处于饱和条件,used in general because the steam setpoint temperature is near or at saturation condition and therefore a t

19、emperature sen sor cannot be used as con trol sig nal.所以温度传感器不能用作控制信号。Desig n* Water injection with nozzle带有喷嘴的喷射操作The HORA steam conditioning valve with a fixed size spray nozzle is specifically designed带有固定尺寸喷嘴的HORA蒸汽调节阀是对于在负载是非常清楚的常量时的低容量运行的特殊设计。for low capacity applications where the load is fai

20、rly constant (process steam PRDS). The water is injected with a special axial full cone stai nless steel spray no zzle directly in the seat 减温水是被装有一种特殊的area of the pressure reduc ing valve. This sect ion has the highest steam velocity. The 这部分有高速蒸汽流动。conditioning is realised by an ideal mixing of th

21、e turbulent steam with the atomized water.The result is a rapid evaporati on with a good con trol. 这会产生对高速蒸发的良好控制。27204493.docSeite 7 von 14HORAHORA Turbi nestemThe water can have a share in comparis on to the steam up to 20%. Above this ratio, a 减温水可以混入相当于水蒸汽的20 %以上。dece nt evaporati on of the spra

22、y water is not guara nteed.对于上述这个比例,减温水不能保证良好的蒸发。27204493.docSeite # von 14HORABEQELABMATubR-E- /.,J=mrrJ|pnnF a ruir ctnriarrlHORA Turbi ne Bypass SystemWater injection with orificed tube装有小孔管的减温水喷射An adva need steam con diti oning system is developed by HORA by mea ns of a proporti onal 一种先进蒸汽调节系统

23、被霍拉研究开发原理是依靠成比例的减温水在第一阶段减压后直接喷 射。water injection directly after the first stage of pressure reducing (e.g HP Turbine Bypass Valve). This way you have always the right mix, an optimal spray and a quick evaporation of 这个方法可以始终正确的混合,形成一个最佳的喷射效果和一个快速蒸发的效果。the water is realised.The cooli ng water is supp

24、lied through an orificed tube which is fixed withi n the valve body.减温水是从一根带有漏嘴管道提供的,该管固定在阀体内部。The holes to let in the cooli ng water are covered by a perforated plug. A variable nu mber of 减温水进入的缺口被笼式阀芯盖住。holes are ope ned through the axial moveme nt of the plug. The appropriate nu mber, size and 可

25、调的小孔被阀芯的推动轴运动打开的。arrangement of the holes determine the injection of the water so as to ensure the right适当的数量,尺寸和排列的小孔决定了减温水的喷射,从而保证能使正确比例的蒸汽在任何时proportion to the amount of steam reduced at any time. Therefore the atomization and 间都能降低。evaporati on is optimal over the complete ran ge.所以在整个行程完成的过程中内,

26、喷雾化和蒸汽化是最理想的。In case of supercritical pressure drops a further reduct ion of pressure and no ise is 在超临界的压力更进一步减低时降低噪音被后面安装的笼式套筒和减压降噪板完成。impleme nted by a nu mber of subseque ntly arra nged perforated cages and discs27204493.docSeite 9 von 14HORAIttnrpJIpnnF k mir ctnriarrl27204493.docSeite # von 14

27、HORABEaELARWATuMrEih / . = ”,J=mrrJ|pnrv- a ruir ctnrlardHORA Turbi ne Bypass SystemWater injection with integrated atomizer unit装有集成雾化装置将减温水喷出When critical requirements have to be fulfilled an integrated atomizer unit for the cooling 当临界点的要求达到时,作为减温水喷射的集成喷雾器可以用临界点的蒸汽的流动所产生的动water injection offers t

28、he best possible results by using the kinetic energy of the critical力能来达到最好喷雾效果。steam flow (e.g. IP/LP Turbi ne Bypass Valves). A separate arra ngeme nt of the cooler is also一个分开排列的冷凝器同样也能达到这样的效果。possible. An atomizer is particularly used at the following requirements: 喷雾器尤其是在用于下列条件下:- Steam cooli n

29、g close to saturati on temperature 蒸汽冷却到接近饱和温度。- High water/ steam ratio(- high temperature drop )- Large steam flows大量蒸汽流动- Available cooli ng water pressure is less tha n half the steam pressure有效的减温水的压力小于一半的蒸汽压力。In a PRDS the high pressure steam is tapped after the first reduc ing stage - the per

30、forated 在PRDS里,高压蒸汽被第一个减压阶段也就是笼式可调阀芯里排放出来。plug. If the perforated plug is closed the flow of thesupport ing steam to the atomizer is如果笼式可调阀芯被关闭,那么流向喷雾器的蒸汽也被停止。stopped too. Therefore an additional on-off valve is not required. The steam is introduced因此附加的开关阀是不需要的。through steam ports to the spray wate

31、r holes arran ged in a circle and leaves the two 蒸汽通过蒸汽蒸汽口以超音速的速度被进入排列在.上的喷水孔。comp onent no zzle with supers onic speed. These jets of steam blast the cooli ng water to 这些蒸汽的喷射冲击减温水并使其雾化,这是为了产生细密的液滴从而让其分布在蒸汽的前 atomize it in order to cause fine droplets distributed into the steam header.端。SteamIttnrp

32、JIpnnF k mir ctnriarrlWaterThe water en ters the centre of the spray head and the n the nu mber of radial holes, sized to 减温水进入喷射前端的中心位置,然后一些成放射状的小孔,按照一定的数量排列使压力降低 suit qua ntity and pressure drop in accorda nee to the requested flow. There at the n arrowest 并与所要求的流量一致。Cross sect ion (highest speed)

33、 the water is dragged along and atomized by the tapped high 在狭窄的横截面空间里,高流速的减温水受压力向出口处流动,并在出口处被笼式可调阀芯所 排出的高压蒸汽雾化。pressure steam. The evaporation of the finest droplets is rapid. The flow of the water is 高密度的液滴所产生的蒸发效果是非常迅速的。con trolled by a separate spray water valve. An atomizer is very effective un

34、 der partial load 减温水的流量是由一个独立的减温水调节阀控制的。conditions because the atomizing steam is constantly flowing when the valve is in use. With 喷雾器对于局部负载的情况是非常有效的,因为当阀门在开启时喷射出来的蒸汽在一直流动。it an inner protect ion pipe is not required.安装在内部的保护管道是不必要的。27204493.docSeite 11 von 14HORAIttnrpJIpnnF k mir ctnriarrlHORA T

35、urbi ne Bypass System27204493.docSeite 13 von 14HORAtmrwJlFnrF- kmit ctnriarrlGen eral in stallati on in struct ions简要安装说明书We recomme nd a minimum straight pipeli ne before the valve of 5 x DN and dow nstream我们推荐使用一个最小流量的直通管道在阀门前端5xDN和末端的10xDN。10 x DN. In this pipe sect ion there should not be any c

36、omp onents prese nt; T-shaped 在这段管道内不应装有任何结构;T型结构的连接必须避免junctions must be avoided.The injection water must be clean water (e.g. boiler feedwater) with a constant pressure as喷射用的减温水必须是干净的水(例如:锅炉里用的给水)并且减温水的压力是在HORA的参数表里指出的恒定压力,indicated on the HORA data sheet and a temperature near to saturation (100

37、C). We 而且温度接近饱和温度(100 C)。recomme nd a stra iner with a fine sieve (aperture width: 0,5mm) ahead of the water con trol valve.我们推荐一个装有细密的滤网(小孔的直径是 0.5毫米)的过滤器安装在减温水调节阀的前端。The spray water con trol valve should always be in stalled below the level of the in jecti on point 减温水调节阀应该始终被安装在喷射阶段的下面来确保在低负载的情况下

38、管道剩余空间是大。to en sure that the line rema ins full un der low load con diti ons.In order to be able to carry out any mounting work on the control valve during operation, tight 为了能在运转期间对调节阀进行任何的安装工作,在阀门和旁路的前后的适当距离上装一个关shut-off valves in a appropriate dista nee before and after the valve and a bypass are

39、 断阀是有必需的。required. It must be possible to drain the shut-off pipe section它必须In non critical conditions a distance to the temperature sensor of min. 5m is required. In在非临界条件下要求距离温度传感器最小距离是5米。range applicati ons an arran geme nt of 3 sen sors with a high value selecti on is recomme nded在一定范围内应用时,推荐使用3

40、个按照一定顺序排列的并有高数值选择的传感器For immediate operational use the valve should be heated (kept warm). Depending on use 在紧急操作上使用时阀门应该被加热并保持热度。囲 E(iLANi ainjhRE*iF-rirp-IInnr- 、nriir ctanrtsrdHORA Turbi ne Bypass Systemand application (e.g. stand-by operation) warm up lines are required to prevent the collection

41、 根据使用和应用时多个加热管道被要求用于防止在阀门内的冷凝物的凝结和临界热量所产生的 of condensate and critical thermal stress (thermoshock) within the valve.应力。A drain line at the lowest point of the system is required. Accumulation of condensate has to 在系统最低点要求有一个牵引力管。be avoided absolutely because of dan ger fromwater hammer and erosi on.由于减温水的冲击和侵蚀所产生的危险,冷凝物积聚必须要完全的避免。27204493.docSeite 15 von 14HORAHORA Turbi ne Bypass System


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