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1、20212021学年度菏泽市成武县第一学期初二期中考试初中英语八年级英语试题总分: 120分时刻: l00 分钟I卷选择题75分I 听力 洪20小题,每题I分,总分值20分1. A.letterB.littleC.later2. A .space stationB . spacecraftC . universe3. A .NovemberB.OctoberC.September4. A .June l6, 1988B.July l8, 1986C. July l6 , 19885. A .findB.foundC. fine听句子,选择正确的答语补全对话。6. A .All rightB.Y

2、oud better see a doctorC. Thank you very much7. A .You are welcomeB. No, I don t do well enoughC. Thank you8. A .I ve just drunk itB. I m full nowC. No, thanks9. A .Yes,twiceB.Im going toC. Yes, I did10. A. Me,tooB.No, neverC . Yes, I do选出你在句子中听到的内容。A 听句子,C .听对话,依照对话内容选择正确的答案。B.11. How long can the

3、man keep the library book?For two weeksA . For two days B . For one week12. What did Joan do last Sunday morning?A . She went to see her grandma B. She played computer games C. She did her homework13. What does Petter prefer?A . TeaB . MilkC. Tea and milk14. What does Lucy mean?A. The film is wonder

4、ful B. She nearly missed the film C. She doesn t like the film15. Which city did they visit last?A. HainanB. GuangzhouC. KunmingD .听短文,依照短文内容选择正确的答案。16. How many times has the writer been to China?A . OnceB . TwiceC . Never17. What did the young man ask the writer to do?A . To get married B . To go

5、to their house for dinner C . To see his new wife18 . When did the young man invite the writer to come to his house?A. Next Saturday B . Next Su ndayC . This Sun day19 . Who was tired of the young woma n?A . The writerB . The young man C . Nobody20 . Why did the young man say his wife was not beauti

6、ful?A . Because he wan ted to be politeB . Because he was tired of herC . Because he didn t want the writer to see his wifen.单项选择(15分)()21. I have watched a film Harry Potter. It s excellentA . calledB . calli ngC . is called D . to callall of us .()22 . Mr. Zhang , our headteacher, is helpful and k

7、ind , and heA . takes part in B . gets on well with C . thinks of D . thinks about()23 . You should try rude to others .A . not beB . to be not C . not to be D . don t be()24 . 一 How do you like France?Sorry , Ithere .A . have gone B . have been C . haven t been .Dhaven t gone()25 . 一 How can I lear

8、n computer games?一 I think .A . its good for youB . you can buy a computerD . its bad to drop out of schoolC . it s a good idea to practice more()26 . You walked to school this morning , you?A . dontB . didn tC . won t D . aren t()27. I have nt bee n abroad. Though I dream of visit ing other coun tr

9、ies.A. justB. agoC. yetD. already()28. This questi on is too difficult for me to an swer, you can ask A. somebody else B. else somebody C. somebody other D. other somebody()29. We could nt arrive at Heze Railway Stati on the heavy rain.A. becauseB. because of C. butD. and()30. There are many stars i

10、n the uni verse that we are not alone.A. soB. suchC. eno ughD. too()31.1 did nt hear the pho ne. I TV the n.()32. Project Hope has paid for the education of poor students.A. millio nB. two millio ns ofC. millio ns of D. two millio ns()33. Our life will be better than it is now!A. manyB. muchC. moreD

11、. most()34. You do n t look well. Whats wrong, dear?Last night I watched TV two oclock the early morning.A. whe n B. asC. un tilD. as soon as()35. ni travel to the moon n ext month.Just jok ing!A. Yes, you will B. No, you wont C. Will you?D. Yes, I will川完形填空(10分)The moon travels round the earth. It

12、is our satellite( 卫星).It is quite near us in space. It is only 36 kilometres away, and it 37 visited by man already. 38 ,no man has travelled farther tha n the moon, but spaceships 39 people have reached other parts of the uni verse(宇 宙).Man-made satellites have bee n 40 in to space by many coun tri

13、es. These satellites go round the earth and help us 41 more about the earth, the weather and other thin gs. Most countries use these satellites to send and receive messages. For example, 42 their help China can send its TV and radio programmes (节目)to 43 side of the world. Foreign countries can send

14、their programmes to China. 44 space satellites ,the world itself is beco ming a much smaller space and people from differe nt coun tries now45 each other better.()36.A.268, 000B.368, 000 C. 100, 000D .380, 000()37.A.wasB.has bee nC . reallyD .is()38.A.Two years agoB . Years before C.Far awayD . So f

15、ar()39.A.havingB.withoutC. andD .with()40.A.visitedB.made ofC .send upD . with()41 .A.to useB.study ingC . to lear nD .knew()42.A.inB.useC . withD .ask ing for()43.A.allB .otherC . the halfD .the other()44.A.Thank forB . Thanks toC . Tha nks forD . Tha nk to()45.A.liveB. 1earniC .play withD . un der

16、sta ndW.阅读明白得30分Air is all around us . At the time we are born, air is around us on every side . We live in air .All living things need air . living things cannot live without air . We can go without food or water for a few days , but we cannot live for a few minutes without air . We take in air. Wh

17、en we are working , we need more air ; when we are asleep, we need less air.We live in air but we cannot see it ; we can only feel it . We can feel it when it is moving.Moving air is called wind . How can you make air move? Here is one way . Hold an open book inyour hands in front of your face . Clo

18、se it quickly . What can you feel? It is air .)46.Where is air?It is in the table B . It is all around usC . It is near us D . It s not her)47 .WindB . ClothesC . AirD. Food)48 .Movi ng air is calledwi ndB . rainsnow D . cloudWhat do all livi ng things n eed?)49 .Sleep ingB . Sitt ingC . Worki ngD .

19、 Sta nding)50 .Whe n can you feel air?Whe n its wait ing B . Whe n its movi ng C. When its resting D . When its stoppingWhe n do we n eed more air?Two men named Jack and Joe were walking along a road one hot summer morning . They were very thirsty and wan ted very much to have a glass of cold beer ,

20、 but they had no mon ey.I can get some beer for us without money . said Jack .Come with me . They went to a pub(酒吧)about one kilometre away . It was lunch time and a lot of people were in the pub . The owner was selling drinks at one end of the long bar( 柜 台)and a waiter was selling drinks at the ot

21、her end .My friend and I can t aJaee,went up to the owner and said . I say there are two glasses in a litre (升)and he says there are four .You are fight, said the owner . There are only two glasses in a litre .Thank you, said Jack, and went over to where Joe was standing at the other end of the bar

22、.He asked for two glasses of beer and told the waiter that the owner was going to pay forit . Then he called out loudly , You did say two glasses , didn t youowner? Yes, that sright . Two glasses . The owner called back . So they drank the beer with great enjoyment(乐趣) and then walked out of the pub

23、 .()51. Why did they want very much to have cold beer?A . They were happy B. They were thirsty C. They were tired D. They were hungry ()52 . They wan ted to get the beer without pay ing money because .A . they were friends of the ownerB . they had no moneyC . there were many people in the pubD . the

24、y wan ted to keep the money()53 . There were a lot of people in the pub because .A . it was lunch timeB . it was very hotC . the beer was very good there D . it was a good pub()54 . said that there were two glasses in a litre .A . Only Jack B . Only Joe C . Only the own erD . Jack and the own er()55

25、 . Jack wasthan Joe.A . cleverer B . more foolish C . tallerD . richerCWhen you are reading something in English , you may often come across(遇至U) a new word . What s the best way to knowt?You may look it up in the En glish Chin ese dict ion ary . It will tell you a lot about the word : the pronuncia

26、tion(发音),the part of speech(词性),the Chinese meaning and also how to use this word . But how can you know where the word is in thousands of English words? How to find it in the dict ionary both quickly and correctly?First, all the English words are arranged in the alphabetical order( 按字母顺序排歹U )。In th

27、e dictionary you can first see the words beginning with the letter A , then B,C, D, E . . . That means if there are two words desert and pull ,desert will be certainly before pull . Then ifthere are two words both beg inning with the same letter , you may look at the sec ond letter. Then the third ,

28、 the fourth , For example, pardon is before plough , judge before just, etc.Do you understand how to look up a word in a dictionary?The dictionary will be your good friend . I hope you ll use it as often as possible in your English learning .()56 .When you don t know a wordthe best way isA .to ask y

29、our teacher B . to think hard C . to give up D.to look it upin a dict ionary()57 .When you look up a word in the English-Chinese Dictionary, you shouldunderstand notonly its Chin ese meaning, but also.A . its pronun ciati onB . its part of speechC. the use(用法)of itD. its pronunciation , the part of

30、speech and the use of it()58. In the English-Chinese dictionary , the first part is A. the words beginning with the letter AB. the words beginning with EC. the simple wordsD. the very short words()59. Here are four words, bli nd , murder, monument and boyhood 。Their fight order in the En glish-Chi n

31、ese Dictio nary is.A.blind , boyhood , murder, monumentB.blind , boyhood , monument, murderC.boyhood , blind , monument, murderD.monument, murder, blind , boyhood()60. The English-Chinese Dictionary is A.useful in learning ChineseB.our good friend in learning ChineseC.our good friend in learning Eng

32、lishD.not useful in learning Englishn卷(45分)V .词汇(10分)A .请依照句意及首字母提示完成句子。1. We can t live without aand water.2 .一 What does your En glish teacher look like?Can you d him for me?-He s tall with glasses3. I haven t seem you r. Are you all fight?4. If you want to be in good h , you should take exercises

33、 every day5 .一 I m going to visit Hongkong this summer holiday.It sbrilliant , Have a good time.B .用所给单词的正确形式填空6. Its bad for your health (drink)too much .7. What about (go)to the party with me?8. Bob wants to be a great music)like Jay Zhou .9 . It s not the most expensive dress)ut it is the (late)s

34、tyle .10 . Liu Huan is (fame)for his special voice .W .依照要求完成句子 (10分)1. I was playing computer games when my father entered my room .(对画线局部提咨询 )Whatyouwhen your father en tered your room?2. Many astronauts have visited the space station already.变否认句 Many astro nautsvisited the space station3. I paid

35、 five yuan for the book .同义句This book five yuan .4. Why don t we go for a walk?同义句go for a walk?5. The Greens have lived in China for l0 years .同义句The Greens have lived in China l0 years.vn .情形表达io分A . Who is it B . I am not sure C . What on earth are you doingD . Give me a break E . I can t belie相信

36、it .SuSan: Jimmy . This is the third time I have called you .Jimmy : Sony . I didn t notice thatSuSan: ?Jimmy : I listening to some rock music .SuSan: . I thought原以为you liked light music , as you always prefer quietmusic .Jimmy : Well, in fact, I am a fan of rock music .SuSan: Let me hear what you a

37、re listening to . Oh, it is nice . Its not as noisy as other rock music . ?Jimmy : . Maybe Gerge MichaelSuSa n. . You said you were a tan , but you don t know who the sin ger wasJimmy : Well . You can t know everything can you?vrn .书面表达15分你的英语专门棒,你们班这周的主题班会是How to learn English well?请你依照下面提示,结合自己的学习体会,写一篇60 80字的发言稿。Please tell them:1 . When did you begi n to lear n En glish?2 . Why do you like En glish?3 . How are you lear ning En glish now?


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