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1、Welcome to English class.,欢迎进入英语直播间,1,上课教育,课前准备 课前准备:笔,本, 四年级下册英语书,2,上课教育,陈述句变一般疑问句,3,上课教育,中文解释什么是一般疑问句,1.你吃饭了吗? 肯定回答: 2.他睡觉了吗? 否定回答: 3.他们吃苹果吗? 肯定回答: 4.你今天有课外作业吗? 肯定回答: 5.你玩的开心吗? 否定回答: 6.我能吃冰激凌吗? 肯定回答:,是的,我吃了,不,他没睡,是的,他们吃,是的,我有,不,我不开心,是的,你能,4,上课教育,如果有人问你,你今年是九岁吗,你会怎么回答? 你一定会说,是或者不是。 这种只回答“是”或者“不是”的问

2、句,在英语就叫做一般疑问句。,一般疑问句,5,上课教育,陈述句变一般疑问句,要分几种情况?,1)含有am ,is, are(be动词) 2)含有情态动词can,will,must,should 3)没有be动词和情态动词的,6,上课教育,1)含有am ,is, are的陈述句变 一般疑问句,7,上课教育,肯定句,It is a bag.,一般疑问句,Is it a bag?,That is a pen.,Is that a pen?,Jim is six.,Is Jim six?,Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,肯定回答,否定回答,Yes, it is.,No, it isn

3、t.,肯定回答,否定回答,Yes, he is.,No, he isnt.,肯定回答,否定回答,8,上课教育,肯定句,They are kind.,一般疑问句,Are they kind?,I am happy.,Are you happy?,We are friends.,Are you friend?,肯定回答:,否定回答:,Yes, they are.,No, they arent.,Yes, I am.,No, I am not.,Yes, we are.,No, we arent.,9,上课教育,口诀:一提二换三照抄 一提:将be动词提到句首; 二换:将第一人称换成第二人称; 三照抄

4、:陈述句剩下的都照抄,10,上课教育,1. I am from Canada. _ _ from Canada? 肯定回答:_, _ 否定回答:_, _ 2. She is looking for her dog. _ she _ for her dog? 肯定回答:_, _ 否定回答:_, _,Are you,Yes I am,No I m not,Is,looking,Yes she is,No she isnt,11,上课教育,肯定句,一般疑问句 肯回, 否回,1. I am tall.,_,2. We are strong.,_,3. This is a ship.,_,_,4. Sa

5、m is a dog.,_,5. Jim and Mary are sad.,Yes , I am. No, I am not.,Are you strong?,Yes , we are. No, we arent.,Is this a ship?,Yes , it is. No, it isnt.,Is Sam a dog?,Yes , it is. No, it isnt.,Are Jim and May sad?,Yes , they are. No, they arent.,12,上课教育,13,上课教育,14,上课教育,Welcome to English class.,欢迎进入英语

6、直播间,15,上课教育,陈述句变一般疑问句,16,上课教育,陈述句变一般疑问句,要分几种情况?,1)含有am ,is, are(be动词) 2)含有情态动词can,will,must,should 3)没有be动词和情态动词的,17,上课教育,1)含有am ,is, are的陈述句变 一般疑问句,把am,is,are提到句子开头,剩下照抄,末尾变问号。,18,上课教育,肯定句,一般疑问句,1. This is a ruler.,_,2. Xu Chang is in grade 4.,_,3. They are reading books.,_,_,4. I am tired.,Yes , i

7、t is. No, it isnt.,Is this a ruler?,Is Xu Chang in grade 4 ?,Yes , she is . No, she isnt.,Are they reading books ?,Yes , they are. No, they arent.,Are you tired?,Yes , I am. No, Im not.,19,上课教育,2)含有情态动词can,will,must,should,把情态动词提到句子开头,剩下照抄,末尾变问号。,20,上课教育,肯定句,I can swim.,一般疑问句,Can you swim?,Tom can s

8、kate.,Can Tom skate?,肯定回答:,否定回答:,Yes, I can.,No, I cant.,肯定回答:,否定回答:,Yes, he can.,No, he cant.,They can ride.,Can they ride?,肯定回答:,否定回答:,Yes, they can.,No, they cant.,21,上课教育,口诀:一提二换三照抄 一提:将情态动词提到句首; 二换:将第一人称换成第二人称; 三照抄:陈述句剩下的都照抄,22,上课教育,例1: I can sing songs. Step1由情态动词引导的一般疑问句: Can Step2: Can you S

9、tep3: Can you sing songs?,23,上课教育,肯定句,一般疑问句 肯回, 否回,1. Sam can swim.,_,2. Mary can skip.,_,3. They will go shopping.,_,_,4. I can dance.,Yes , he can. No, he cant.,Can Sam swim?,Can Mary skip?,Yes , she can. No, she cant.,Will they go shopping?,Yes , they will. No, they wont.,Can you dance?,Yes , I c

10、an. No, I cant.,24,上课教育,如何将一个肯定的陈述句改为一般疑问句,秘诀一:找be动词或情态动词,看句中有无be动词或情态动词,如有,把be动词或情态动词提到句首即可。,25,上课教育,如果原句子没有be动词也没有情态动词, 怎么办?,26,上课教育,陈述句变一般疑问句,要分几种情况?,3)没有be动词和情态动词的,27,上课教育,助动词( do/does) + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其它?,不管用哪种秘诀,都不要忘记在句子最后打上哦!,秘诀二:请助动词来帮忙,即在句子前加助动词do或does来构成一般疑问句,例:John likes summer best.,John l

11、ike summer best?,打回原形,Does,例:They like fruit.,Do,they like fruit?,28,上课教育,肯定句,I like salad.,一般疑问句,Do you like salad?,We like running.,Do you like running?,肯定回答:,否定回答:,Yes, I do.,No, I dont.,肯定回答:,否定回答:,Yes, we do.,No, we dont.,They like apples.,Do they like apples?,肯定回答:,否定回答:,Yes, they do.,No, they

12、 dont.,(do),(do),(do),29,上课教育,肯定句,He reads books every day.,一般疑问句,Does he read books every day ?,She likes swimming.,Does she like swimming?,肯定回答:,否定回答:,Yes, he does.,No, he doesnt.,肯定回答:,否定回答:,Yes, she does.,No, she doesnt.,(does),(does),30,上课教育,口诀:一选二提三换四照抄 一选:根据陈述句动词时态选择助动词; 二提:将选好的助动词提到句首; 三换:第一

13、人称换第二人称, 动词换回原形。 四照抄: 陈述句剩余部分照抄,31,上课教育,例1: I like eating apples. Step1: like是动词原形,故选do Step2: do Step3: do you like(I 变you) Step4: do you like eating apples?,32,上课教育,例3: He loves his mother. Step1: loves是第三人称单数,故选does Step2: does Step3: does he love (loves 变原形love) Step4: does he love his mother?,3

14、3,上课教育,肯定句,一般疑问句 肯回, 否回,1. I like singing.,_,2. We like reading.,_,3.They like fish.,_,_,Yes , I do. No, I dont.,Do you like singing?,Do you like reading?,Yes , we do. No, we dont.,Do they like fish?,Yes , they do. No, they dont.,Does Mary like meat?,Yes ,she does. No, she doesnt.,4. Mary likes meat

15、.,34,上课教育,归 纳:,肯定句 一般疑问句句 1.be动词 把be动词提前 2.Can等情态动词 把can 提前 3.没有be和情态动词 把助动词do(does)提前,35,上课教育,More practice,His mother is a teacher. _ The cat can catch a mouse._ They can swim. _ I like to read English. _ He can sing a song. _ She likes to eat cake. _ They are in the park. _ She is in Beijing. _ I am thirsty. _,Is his mother a teacher ?,Can the cat catch a mouse?,Can they swim?,Do you like to read English?,Can he sing a song?,Does she like to eat cake?,Are they in the park?,Is she in Beijing?,Are you thirsty?,36,上课教育,


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