选修六 Unit4 单词.ppt

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《选修六 Unit4 单词.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《选修六 Unit4 单词.ppt(74页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、appoint vt.任命;委派;确定 sb.as/to be.任命某人为 sb.to do sth.委派某人做某事 a time/place 确定日期、场所 appointment n任命;约会 make/have an with sb. 与某人有个预约 keep/break an 守/违约,evaluate vt.评估;评价 evaluation n. sb.to do sth.委派某人做某事 a time/place 确定日期、场所 appointment n任命;约会 make/have an with sb. 与某人有个预约 keep/break an 守/违约,come about

2、 发生;造成, 请告诉我事故是怎样发生的。 Please tell me how the accident came about. 你怎么犯了这么一个愚蠢的错误? How did it come about that you made such a silly mistake ?,come across come along come to come on come out come up come up with come into being,偶遇 进展,进行,一起来 总计,谈到 加油;快点;得啦 出版,发行,为人所知 走近;发芽;被提出 提出 发生;产生;出现;形成,Its alread

3、y 10 oclock. I wonder how it _ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. came over B. came out C. came about D. came up,subscribe vi. 同意;捐赠;订阅 vt. 签署;捐助 常用结构: subscribe to 同意, 赞成;订购 subscribe to 在上签署 ;向捐. eg: Actually, she doesnt subscribe to your opinion.,同意, 赞成,Which journals does the libr

4、ary subscribe to ? 翻译: 他在合同(contract)上签名。 He subscribed his name to the contract. 他向洪水灾区捐了很多钱。 He has subscribed much money to the flood area.,-Do you _ the idea of living a low-carbon life ? -It sounds tough, but it is a tendency. A. correspond to B. apply to C. cater to (投合,迎合) D. subscribe to,qua

5、ntity 量;数量 许多的;大量的 a quantity of +cn/un(谓动单数) quantities of +cn/un(谓动复数) A large quantity of food is needed in the flood area. Large quantities of food are needed in the flood area.,in quantity/in large quantities 大量地 in small quantities 少量地,information stored in this computer. A. Large quantities o

6、f; have been B. A great many; has been C. A large quantity of; were D. Quite a lot; is,tend vi. 趋向;易于;照顾 vt. 照顾;护理 n. tendency倾向;趋势 tend to do sth. 倾向于做某事 to/ towards sth. 倾向于某事 tend to sb. / sth. 照顾. have a tendency to do sth. 有做某事的倾向/可能性,When Im tired, I ( )(容易出错) . On that matter, I ( )倾向于你的观点) .

7、 These nurses were ( ) (照顾) the injured.,tend to make mistakes,tend to your opinion,tending to,result in 导致, 造成 =lead to=cause 后接导致某事的结果,句子的主语是原因。 The accident resulted in three people being killed. The accident resulted in his death.,result from 表示“由造成,因 而产生”,后接导致某事的原因,句子的主语是结果。如: His stomachache r

8、esulted from his eating too much.,as a result= as a consequence/ in consequence/consequently 结果;因此 as a result of = as a consequence of =in consequence of 作为的结果;因为,选词填空: result in; result from;as a result of a. _getting up late, he was late for school. b. The accident _ the death of three people. c.

9、 His failure _ not working hard enough.,resulted in,resulted from,As a result of,oppose vt. 反对;反抗;与某人较量 opposed adj. 反对的;对立的 oppose(doing) sth. =be opposed to (doing) sth. =object to doing 反对 ,opposite 相反的,在对立面的 opposition n.敌对,反对,The local citizens _ to build a gas station near the school. 当地的市民反对在

10、学校附近建液化气站。 We_ _ _ _ there on foot. 我们反对步行去那里。,opposed the plan,are opposed to getting,Though the people in the world are all _ to war, they can by no means avoid it. A. refused B. rejected C. opposed D. devoted The professor, out the project, made a comment on the report. A. was opposed to carry B.

11、 opposed to carry C. opposed to carrying D. opposed carrying,range n. 种类,范围 vi. 变化 in /within range 在范围内 out of / beyond range 在范围外 range from to range between and 从到不等;在.和之间变化, The childrens ages_ _. 这些孩子的年龄在5到15岁之间。 He has a wide range of interests,_ (range) from chess _ canoeing(皮划艇) .,range from

12、 5 to 15/,range between 5 and 15,ranging,to,1. glance vi. 看一下,扫视;n. 一瞥 take a glance at 匆匆一看;一瞥 glance at 瞥一眼;扫视 at first glance 初看起来;咋一看 He_(瞥了一眼) the crowd with a glass of wine in his hand. She fell in love with him_(一见钟情) .,glanced at,at first glance,辨析 glance / glare / stare / look / see / watch

13、 glance 快速地看某人或某物一眼,也可以指粗略地、随便看看; glare 瞪眼,怒目而视;stare 盯着看;look 注意看,有意看,强调看的动作,但不一定能看得见或看得清楚;see 指眼睛的非主动的行为,强调看的结果;watch 指全神贯注地去观察,观看,选词填空:glance / glare / stare / a. He _ angrily at her across the dinner table. b. She _ at the page for several minutes, trying to understand. c. She _ round the room b

14、efore she left.,glared,stared,glanced,on the whole 大体上;基本上 On the whole, the project has been completed. On the whole, life today is much better than that in those days.,You have made a few mistakes in your composition , but _ you have done well. A. first of all B. on the whole C. on the other hand

15、D. generally speaking,average adj. 平均的 n.平均数,平均 on (an/the) average 平均起来 above/ below the average 在平均水平以上/以下 an average of 平均有(后跟数词) up to average 达到平均数,His average result of the three subjects is 96. The_ of 4 and 8 is 6. 4和8的平均数为6。 Toms work at school is_(在平均水平以上) .,above the average,average,exist

16、ence n. 生存;存在; exist v. 生存;存在; in existence 存在的;现存的 come into existence产生;出现 bring into 使产生/出现 This is the oldest vase _(现存的). Pakistan_(产生) as an independent country after the war.,in existence,came into existence,advocate vt. 拥护;提倡;主张 advocate (doing) sth. 提倡做某事 advocate that sb. (should) do 提倡. I

17、 dont _ (主张建工厂) around our school. People _(提倡) that something_(采取措施) to protect the environment.,advocate building a factory,(should) be done,advocate,on behalf of=on ones behalf 代表;作为的代表人 Id like to thank you_(代表全家). Mr.Smith cannot come here,so his wife will accept the prize_ . 史密斯先生不能来,因此他的妻子代他领

18、奖。,on behalf of my family,on his behalf,ut up with 忍受;容忍 I dont know how you put up with their endless quarrels. forward off 推迟;延期 out 扑灭;熄灭 through 接通电话 on 穿上;上演 down 记下;平定 aside 储存;放在一边 away 放好;收好;整理好 up 举起;投宿;建造,I can _ some noise while Im studying , but I cant stand loud noise. A. come up with B

19、. catch up with C. put up with D. keep up with What do you think of Andrew? There are some things that are not easy to_ , and his coldness is one. A. put aside B. put up with C. think of D. get along with,so long as 只要 = as long as ,引导一个条件状语从句。as long as 只能用于肯定句,而so long as既可用于肯定句又能用于否定句。另as long as

20、 还有“与一样长”。 I dont mind_ (只要不下雨) . _(只要你小心驾驶) , you will be very safe.,so long as it doesnt rain,So/As long as you drive carefully,Do you have a minute? Ive got something to tell you. OK, _ you make it short. A. now that B. if only C. so long as D. every time 点拨 now that既然,表示原因;if only要是就好了,后面一般用虚拟语气

21、; every time每次,每当,表示时间。,circumstance n. (多用复数) 环境;情况 in/ under the circumstances 在这种情况下, 既然如此 in/ under no circumstances 绝不,无论如何都不(置于句首时,句子部分倒装) I dont remember all the circumstances of the quarrel.,你无论如何都不要借钱给他。 _ you lend him money. _ ,it is better not to tell him about the accident. 在这种情况下,最好别告诉他事故的情况。,In/Under no circumstances do/can,In/ Under the circumstances,


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