江苏凤凰职教what a wonderful time !.ppt

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《江苏凤凰职教what a wonderful time !.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏凤凰职教what a wonderful time !.ppt(19页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、1. Do you like travelling ?,Warm-up,2. Where have you been to ?,Go climbing and take photos Enjoy the amazingmez view,3. What can we do there ?,Enjoy the sunshine,Lie down and have a cup of cold drink,Need a visavi:z,Buy souvenirs su:vn(r),Buy electronic lektrnk products 电子的 electrical lektrkl电的,Rid

2、e the roller coasterrol kost,Watch the paradepred,admission ticket,journey 旅程 admission ticket 入场券 smoothly顺利地;平稳地 visa 签证 souvenir纪念品 otherwise 否则 roller coaster过山车 electrical电的 amazing令人惊叹的 coupon优惠券 parade 游行,The review of new words,Lets check the answer !,1.visa,5.roller coaster,7.amazing,4.souv

3、enir,2.journey,3.admission ticket,6.coupon,Talk about your traveling experiences,A: Hi,.Where have you been to on holidays ? B: I have been to A: How long did you stay there ? B: For about .days. A: How did you feel about your trip? B: It was happy/ interesting/boring /unforgettable. A: Why did you

4、have this feeling ?,Pair work,Lets have a guess !,A Journey to Hong Kong Disneyland,Pre-reading,1. Scan the passage quickly and tick the writers feeling about her trip to Disneyland. The writer_ felt terrible got angry with the guide accepted everything as a part of her experience,2. Read the passag

5、e again and tick true or false. True False We didnt prepare well for the trip. We left our flight tickets at home. We were lucky that the fire at the hotel was put out soon. We had a very pleasant day at Hong Kong Disneyland. The bad experience didnt ruin our holiday after all. ,3. Circle the timing

6、 words and phrases in the passage and write down the events that happened at each time.,Prepared everything for the trip.,We discovered that we had left the Disneyland admission ticket coupons at home.,Experienced an electrical fire at the hotel.,Took photos, watched a parade and so on.,4. Read the

7、text quickly and try to find the topic sentence.,Topic sentence,Dont let a bad experience ruin your holiday !,Almost all of us have met something unwanted in our trip.,Group work : Which teammate will you chose ?,A,Forget the bad moment and enjoy the trip.,Being unhappy during the whole trip.,Rememb

8、er: Life is a long journey!,Dont let a bad experience ruin your life !,Enjoy a poem,Nevergiveup, Neverlosehope. Alwayshavefaith, Itallowsyoutocope. Tryingtimeswillpass, Astheyalwaysdo. Justhavepatience, Yourdreamswillcometrue. Soputonasmile, Youlllivethroughyourpain. Knowitwillpass, Andstrengthyouwillgain,永不放弃, 永不心灰意冷 永存信念, 它会使你应付自如。 难捱的时光终将过去, 一如既往。 只要有耐心, 梦想就会成真。 露出微笑, 你会走出痛苦。 相信苦难定会过去, 你将重获力量。,


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