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1、MASTERING M 不动产 划拨土地还是出让土地,是否存在抵押; 为其他实体提供担保; 环境影响评估,Part III. Term Sheet, MOU and Letter of Intent 意向书,如何起草股权购买协议Anatomy of Share Purchase Agreement,事实状况描述(SNAPSHOT of facts) “引蛇出洞” (SMOKE OUT issues) 重要的陈述与保证 合同本身 (Contract itself): 当事方的签约能力和授权范围; 合同在法律上具有可执行性 主题事项的陈述 (按照内容和涉及的问题区分) 知识产权的转让不侵犯任何第三

2、方的权益 财产不受任何他项权利的限制 (例如: 留置权,抵押权或其他担保权益) 关于目标公司的陈述 (Reps about the Target): 员工: 履历的准确陈述 公司拥有经营所需要的所有许可证照和合法授权 陈述与保证的时间确定签约和交割 (Bring-downs),Part IV. Negotiation, Signing and Closing 谈判、签约和交割,陈述与保证 Representations (ii) the value of the Transferred Equity Interest or a material increase in the amount o

3、f Assumed Liabilities; or (iii) a material adverse effect on the ability of Seller or the Target to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or perform their obligations under this Agreement or the Seller Documents.),Part IV. Appendix. Master Drafting Skills 附录 草拟合同的技巧,合理性限定(1) (Re

4、asonableness (i)) 任何一方均同意经要求支付胜诉方包括律师费在内的,胜诉方在执行本协议或为本协议下的权利抗辩过程中可能产生的所有的成本和费用支出。(Each Party agrees to pay the prevailing party, upon demand, all out-of-pocket costs and expenses, including attorneys fees, that may be incurred by the prevailing party in enforcing or defending its right under this Ag

5、reement.) 任何一方均同意经要求支付胜诉方包括合理的律师费在内的,胜诉方在执行本协议或为本协议下的权利抗辩过程中可能产生的所有合理的的成本和费用支出。 (Each Party agrees to pay the prevailing party, upon demand, all reasonable out-of-pocket costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys fees, that may be incurred by the prevailing party in enforcing or defending it

6、s right under this Agreement.),Part IV. Appendix. Master Drafting Skills 附录 草拟合同的技巧,合理性限定 (2) (Reasonableness (ii)) 在未征得对方事先书面同意的情况下,卖方和买方均不得发布任何与本协议或拟定交易有关的新闻或公告。(Neither Seller nor Purchaser shall issue any press release or public announcement concerning this Agreement or the transactions contempl

7、ated hereby without obtaining the prior written approval of the other party hereto.) 在未征得对方事先书面同意的情况下(该等同意不应不合理地被拒绝或延误),卖方和买方均不得发布任何与本协议或拟定交易有关的新闻或公告。 Neither Seller nor Purchaser shall issue any press release or public announcement concerning this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby w

8、ithout obtaining the prior written approval of the other party hereto, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.,Part IV. Appendix. Master Drafting Skills 附录 草拟合同的技巧,To the extent permitted by law 在法律允许的情况下 受本协议条款约束的限制, 交割日后的任何时间里, 任何一方在合理需要、适合的、或可取的情况下,在法律允许的情况下,均应签署和递交该等其他的文件, 提

9、供该等资料和信息,并采取该等其他的行为, 以履行其在本协议项下的义务。 (Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, at any time or from time to time after the Closing, each of the Parties hereto shall execute and deliver such other documents and instruments, provide such materials and information and take such other action

10、s as may reasonably be necessary, proper or advisable, to the extent permitted by law, to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. ),Part IV. Appendix. Master Drafting Skills 附录 草拟合同的技巧,As the case may be 视具体情况而定 任一集团公司, 视具体情况而定,已全面履行了其在资产收购协议项下的义务, 并已经恰当地足额支付了土地出让金,土地或房屋转让价款以及与该收购交易相关的税费。 (Eac

11、h Group Company, as the case may be, has duly performed and complied in all respects with each of its obligations under the Property Acquisition Contracts, has duly and fully paid the land premium, land or building transfer prices and all taxes and fees in connection with such acquisition.),Part IV.

12、 Appendix. Master Drafting Skills 附录 草拟合同的技巧,Provisos (但书条款) 除非另有规定 (Unless otherwise provided herein) 受限于 (Subject to) 倘若 (Provided that) 以程度为限 (To the extent) 即使有任何相反规定 (Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein) 倘若提供合理满意程度的相关文件,员工有权报销涵盖费用。(Employee shall be entitled to reimbursement for Cov

13、ered Expenses provided that it produces reasonably satisfactory documentation thereof. ) 以可提供合理满意程度的相关文件为限,员工有权报销涵盖费用。(Employee shall be entitled to reimbursement for Covered Expenses to the extent that it produces reasonably satisfactory documentation thereof.),Part IV. Appendix. Master Drafting Sk

14、ills 附录 草拟合同的技巧,Nothing in the Disclosure Schedules hereto shall be deemed adequate to disclose an exception to a representation or warranty made herein unless the exception is described on the applicable Disclosure Schedule with reasonable particularity and expressly refers to the applicable Sectio

15、n of this Agreement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the mere listing (or inclusion of a copy) of a document or other item in a Disclosure Schedule shall not be deemed adequate to disclose an exception to a representation or warranty made herein (unless the representation or warran

16、ty has to do with the existence of the document or other item itself). 披露函中的任何内容不足以构成对本协议项下任何陈述或保证的例外情形,除非该例外情形以合理的特指形式描述于适用的披露函中并明示意指本协议中适用的条款。 在不构成对前款的限制的条件下, 披露函中仅仅一份文件或其他事项的列举(或者包含一份印本)不构成对本协议项下任何陈述或保证的例外情形(除非该陈述或保证与此文件或事项本身有关)。,Part IV. Appendix. Master Drafting Skills 附录 草拟合同的技巧,Notwithstandin

17、g anything to the contrary in Section 5.4 of the Shareholders Agreement, the Company may not transfer any of its shares to an Affiliate without prior written notice to XYZ Inc. 即使股东协议第5.4条有任何相反的规定, 公司不可以在未取得XYZ Inc 的事先书面同意的情况下向其关联机构转让任何股份。 Unless otherwise provided in Section 5.4 of the Shareholders

18、 Agreement, the Company may not transfer any of its shares to an Affiliate without prior written notice to XYZ Inc. 除非股东协议第5.4条有任何相反的规定, 公司不可以在未取得XYZ Inc 的事先书面同意的情况下向其关联机构转让任何股份。,Part IV. Appendix. Master Drafting Skills 附录 草拟合同的技巧,混乱的但书条款 (Disorganized Exceptions) 除根据1999年期权计划另行发行的期权外,卖方不得增加在合同生效日开

19、始适用的任何员工(除小时工以外)的赔偿金额, 但是,如果累计金额不超过1百万美元,则允许增加现金赔偿金额。(Except for the issuance of additional options pursuant to the 1999 Option Plan, the Seller shall not increase the compensation of any employee(other than hourly workers) from the levels in effect on the Effective Date, provided, however, that inc

20、reases in cash compensation may be made if the aggregate amounts paid in respect of such increases do not exceed USD1 million. ) 卖方不得增加在合同生效日开始适用的任何员工的赔偿金额, 以下情形除外:(1) 卖方根据1999年期权计划另行发行期权; (2) 卖方可以增加小时工的赔偿金额;(3) 卖方可以增加累计金额不超过1百万美元的现金赔偿金额。 (The Seller shall not increase the compensation of any employ

21、ee from the levels in effect on the Effective Date, except that (i) the Seller may issue additional options pursuant to the 1999 Option Plan, (ii) the Seller may increase the compensation of hourly workers; (iii) the Seller may increase cash compensation in an aggregate amount not exceeding USD1 MIL

22、LION.),Part IV. Appendix. Master Drafting Skills 附录 草拟合同的技巧,正常业务经营(Ordinary Course of Business) “从资产负债表的日期开始: (“since the Balance Sheet Date: ) 卖方未曾投资于任何与有价证券,资产或任何法人实体有关的贷款或收购; 卖方未曾投资于任何与有价证券,资产或任何法人实体有关的贷款或收购,正常业务经营除外; 卖方仅从事正常业务范围内的经营(Seller has conducted the Business only in the Ordinary Course o

23、f Business)” “正常业务经营”指卖方和目标公司从事的,与本协议签署日往常惯例相一致的,通常的商业上的业务日常运作。 (“Ordinary Course of Business” means the ordinary and usual course of normal day-to-day operations of the Business, as conducted by Seller and the Target, through the date hereof consistent with past practice.),全球的视野,中国的智慧(Global Vision

24、, China Wisdom) 如何代表中国客户和外方投资人进行谈判 如何帮助中国客户进行海外投资和并购 了解游戏的规则 (Know How to Play the Game) 具备常识和敏锐的洞悉能力 (Common Sense and Street Smart) 整合不同的资源并设计最优方案 (Line Up Different Resources and Devise Sound Strategies) 不断优化方案 (Make it Water Proof) 进行案例研究 (Case studies),Part V. Challenges Beyond the Transaction 中国式的谋略和挑战,非常感谢!,Thank You,联系我们 龚乐凡 律师 合伙人 中伦律师事务所 电话:+86 137 7430 9212 电邮: ,


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