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1、,gym体育,体育馆,健身房 master教师,主人 gym master体操老师 these这些(单数:this) those那些(单数:that) colour颜色(还可写成color) locker带锁的小橱柜,book cap basket cup hat pen pencil ruler shoe rubber,books caps,Which is your book, Rita? The black book. Which are your books, Yuki? The yellow books.,Which are your caps, Xiaoqiang? The gre

2、en caps.,Which are your shoes, Rita? The black and pink shoes.,The shoes are blue. 对下划线部分提问: What colour are the shoes?,Xiaoqiangs jacket is red.(对下划线部分提问) What colour is Xiaoqiangs jacket?,Gym Master: Look at these shoes! Gym Master: Which are your shoes,Sandy? Sandy: The brown shoes, sir. Gym Mast

3、er: What colour are your shoes ,Tom? Tom: My shoes are black ,sir. Gym Master: Here you are,Tom. Tom: Thank you, sir. Gym Master: Theres a shoe on this locker. Whose is it? Tom: Its Billys ,Sir.,Lesson 27,Look at these shoes! look at 看 listen to 听 2. Which are your shoes,Sandy? Be动词的单复数取决于主语的单复数,句中是

4、复数形式shoes, 所以be动词也要保持一致。 成双成对的词: trousers, sneakers, trainers, pants, jeans, gloves, scissors等,3.Theres a shoe on this locker. There be句型的单数形式,there be 某地有某物,表示存在有 there be句式: 变疑问句:把be动词提到there前,单数句型肯否定回答 Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. 复数句型肯否定回答: Yes, there are. No, there arent. 变否定句:在be动词后加not,二.

5、 用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. My shoes_ black ,sir. (be) 2. Whose _ it ? (be) 3. Here you _.(be) 4. It_Billys ,sir .(be),句型转换 Theres a fat woman in the classroom. (先变否定句,然后变一般疑问句) Therere many handsome boys in the kitchen. (变一般疑问句,做否定回答) Theres a green hat in Xiaoqiangs basket.( 变一般疑问句) Ritas hair is black.(对下划线部分提问) Mr Crisps car is yellow and blue.(同上) Cinderellas shoes are white.(同上),背诵L27,要求会默写课文,背诵单词和短语,下次课前听写!回家认真完成作业, 暑假课程开始啦,因为英语是每隔两天上一次课,所以不要求读书天数,但是必须有读书签字!(*_*) 作业未在上课前上交的同学,课后给家长打电话,留堂直至作业补完!,Class is over! See you next week!,


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