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1、如何提高阅读理解得分率,上海新东方中学部 李威,文章读懂前提下考生的四个境界,四流. 文章读懂了,题全做错了,三流. 题虽做对,但错误选项不知错在哪里,只是 感觉A80%可能性对,B20%可能性对,所以选A。,二流. 题做对,自信地知道错误选项知道错在哪里,一流. 题做对,知道错误选项错在哪里,而且对出题人的出题思路了如指掌。,举例,人在成功之前夸海口是愚蠢的,例如,问:作者举例为了说明什么? QQ车质量不好 Windows 2000容易死机 BILL GATES天姿愚钝 人没成功就吹牛是不应该的,出题思路:原文的同义替换作为正确选项,人在成功之前夸海口是愚蠢的,例如 人没成功就吹牛是不应该的

2、,出题思路:for example题型 理论 例子 问:举这个例子为了说明什么?,正确选项:理论的同义改写,干扰选项:对例子的陈述,(2005C上海)Safe drinking is a precondition for health and the fight against child death rate, inequality between men and women, and poverty. consider these facts: *The average distance that women in Africa and Asia walk to collect water

3、 is 6 kilometers. *Only 58% percent of children in sub-Saharan Africa are drinking safe water, and 37 percent of children in South Asia have access to every basic toilet. *Each year in India alone, 73 million working days are lost to water-borne diseases. . 72. The three facts presented in the passa

4、ge are used to illustrate that_,poverty can result in water-borne diseases People have no access to clean drinking water Womens right are denied in some developing countries. Safe drinking water should be a primary concern,(2002B上海) Could it really happen? In fact, it has already happened more than

5、once in the history of the earth. The dinosaurs(恐龙)were on the earth for over 160 million years. Then 65 million years ago, they suddenly disappeared. Many scientists believe that the earth was hit by a space fragment. 76. Why does the author mention dinosaurs at the end of the passage?,A. Because t

6、hey could only live in the warm climate. B. Because they once dominated the earth. C. Because their extinction indicates future disasters. D. Because dinosaurs and humans never live in the same age.,细节题总结,总则:细节题正确选项在原文中一定能够找到支撑语句,解法:定位-解题,定位法,回忆题干关键词句 例(上海03D) . Opponents say Mr. Joy is overreacting

7、. “In a way, calling for bans on research into molecular manufacturing is like calling for a delay on faster-than-light travel because no one is doing it.” 88. Opponents of Bill Joy would not agree _,2. 顺序定位,3. 选项定位 例(01全国D) In the west-central region lived the Welsh, who spoke a Celtic language, an

8、d in the north lived Scots, whose language, though not the same as Welsh, was also Celtic. In the rest of the country lived the Saxons, actually a mixture of Anglos, Saxons, and other Germanic and Nordic peoples 67. The two major languages spoken in what we now called Great Britain before 1066 were_

9、 Welsh and Scottish B. Nordic and Germanic C. Celtic and Old English D. Anglo-Saxon and Germanic,正确选项的特征:原文的同义改写,例(01上海D) The problem with stereotypes is that they restrict experience. By using limited clues to provide us with a rapid opinion 83. According to the passage, the main disadvantage of us

10、ing stereotypes is that they_ B. May make us miss some pleasant experience,注意 照抄原文或酷似原文的选项一定要小心!,干扰项分类:,1. 虚,2. 误,3. 偏,干扰项设计思路,1.引导考生利用个人背景知识乱猜或进行跳跃性思维 例(05上海A) Simply the way of finding your direction by using lines such as streets in a town, streams, or walls in the countryside to guide you. Count

11、 your steps so that you know how far you have gone and note any landmarks such as tower blocks or hills which can help you to find out where you are. 68. According to the passage, the best way to find your way around is to_ A. ask policemen for help,例(2003年上海B) Maria continued, “Will you be able to

12、get a recommendation from Ms. Kenny if you need one?” “A recommendation?.from Ms. Kenny?” hesitated Martha, in a worried tone. “Martha, I hope you didnt burn your bridge.” Maria said, “I think I would have handled it differently.” 81. What does Maria think of Marthas decision? C. Martha should have

13、found a new job before leaving. D. Martha shouldnt have lost her temper with her supervisor.,例 (2002全国B) Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend 62. What is the meaning of “the organic trend” as the words are used in the text? Growing interest in organic food C. Ris

14、ing market in organic food,例(03全国D) ”By using a foreign word you can make a subject seem new, which makes it easier for the media(媒体)to pick up.” 68. What advantages do foreign words have over traditional Japanese terms? The ideas expressed in foreign words sound new. Foreign words make new subjects

15、 easier to understand. The use of foreign words makes the media more popular.,2. 原文词句的偷换、删减、添加,(1)偷换 例(03全国D) ”By using a foreign word you can make a subject seem new, which makes it easier for the media(媒体)to pick up.” 68. What advantages do foreign words have over traditional Japanese terms? Forei

16、gn words make new subjects easier to understand.,例(05上海A) Simply the way of finding your direction by using lines such as streets in a town, streams, or walls in the countryside to guide you. Count your steps so that you know how far you have gone and note any landmarks such as tower blocks or hills

17、 which can help you to find out where you are. 68. According to the passage, the best way to find your way around is to_ D. count the number of landmarks that you see. 。,(2)删减 例(01上海C) Mr. Evans, who almost made the journey to London once before, at the turn of the century. 79. Which of the followin

18、g statements is true? D. Mr. Evans once made the journey to London at the turn of the century.,(3)添加 例(03上海A) So you should be able to get a double (standard) room with full board (three times a day) for $100 a night. 76. If you spend your holiday in the Maldives in February,_ D. A standard room wit

19、h full board will cost less than $100 a night.,3. 利用错误定位的词句随意发挥 例(01上海A) 1段 2段 3段 4段irresponsibly 71. A.B.C全定位在第一段 D. Mr. and Mrs. Tisichs remark of Marks irresponsibility. 72. 定位在第二段,训练题感的方法,1. 01-07年上海高考真题,做一遍,研究每个选项 对于正确选项,为什么对? 对于错误选项,为什么错? 正确选项和错误(尤其是错误)选项是怎么创造出来的?,3. 对于做错或蒙对的题目,研究为什么错,想出解决方案记下来,保证以后不犯类似错误。,4. 对于做慢或蒙快的题目,研究为什么慢,想出解决方案记下来,保证以后此类题要加快速度。,Which of the following statements is true? Which of the following statements is not true?,谢谢大家!,


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