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1、Unit 7 The secrets of success,Vocabulary: Jobs,business person 商人 businessman/businesswoman do business 做生意 马云是一个成功的商人 Jack Ma is a successful business person.,Vocabulary: Jobs,computer programmer 电脑编程师 dentist 牙医 doctor 医生 engineer 工程师 film star 电影明星 flight attendant 空中乘务员,Vocabulary: Jobs,lawyer 律

2、师 model 模特 nurse 护士 pilot 飞行员 policeman 警察 secretary 秘书 singer 歌手,Vocabulary: Jobs,sports person 运动健将 teacher 老师 tennis player 网球运动员 vet 兽医 writer 作家,Vocabulary: Jobs,5a: Match the names of the jobs with the pictures. Write 1-10 in the boxes. Then listen, check and repeat. 1 engineer 2 teacher 3 nur

3、se 4 vet 5 doctor 6 flight attendant 7 lawyer 8 pilot 9 dentist 10 secretary,Vocabulary: Jobs,5b: Write the names of the jobs with the pictures. Write 1-10 in the boxes. Then listen, check and repeat. business person sports person computer programmer film star policeman writer model singer tennis pl

4、ayer,Read and listen,1a: Look at the photos. Match the people with the jobs. Write 1-6 in the boxes. Read the text quickly.,1 model 2 business person 3 film star 4 singer 5 sports person 6 writer,Read and listen,1b: Now read the text again and listen. Answer the questions. 1 In what ways are the six

5、 people different? 2 All six people also have something in common. What is it? 3 Look at the question in the title. What do a lot of people think the answer is?,Some are men and some are women. They come from different countries, have different interests and professions.,They are all extremely succe

6、ssful.,A lot of people think it is because they are talented.,Why are they so successful?,These people are different in a lot of ways. Some of them are men and some are women. They come from different countries, they have different interests and they have different professions. But theres one thing

7、that they have in common - they are all extremely successful and they are at the top of their professions. An interesting question is: Why are they,so successful? A lot of people think that the answer is talent a special ability to do something very well. But perhaps this is not the answer. Some of

8、these people are not usually talented. Theyre good at what they do, of course, but they arent always excellent. Also, there are lots of people who have talent but who dont become very successful. So if the answer to the question isnt talent, what is the answer?,Read and listen,1c: What do you think

9、people need to be successful? Tick the things you think are necessary. being lucky having a dream being determined having rich parents having lots of money getting good school results being hard-working having good friends,Read and listen,1d: Alex did a school project on Successful people. Listen to

10、 the last part of his presentation. What does he think successful people need? Are his ideas the same as yours? First, you have to have a dream. Then the next thing, you have to be determined. Next, you have to have a few good friends. This is really important, you have to work hard. One last thing,

11、 you need a little luck sometimes. That always helps. You have to use your luck too.,Speak,6a: Read the dialogue between two students. Fill in the spaces with the phrases from the box. Then listen and check your answers. Jenny: What do you want to be when you 1 . Mark : I want to 2 . Jenny: Really?

12、What do you 3 for that? Mark : Well, you have to 4 and you have to be good at 5 . And you have to 6 really well too. What about you? What do you want to do? Jenny: Im 7 , but I think 8 to be a vet.,speak English be a pilot not sure get good school results leave school Id like Maths and Physics have

13、to do,leave school,be a pilot,have to do,get good school results,Maths and Physics,speak English,not sure,Id like,Speak,6b: Work with a partner. Continue the dialogue between Jenny and Mark. Use the phrases in the box. Then practise the whole dialogue.,like animals study for five years get good resu

14、lts be good at Medicine,Summary,Vocabulary about jobs: business person, computer programmer, dentist, doctor, engineer, film star, flight attendant, vet, lawyer, model, nurse, pilot, policeman, secretary, singer, writer, sports person, teacher, tennis player Listening tips: 在听力中要注意连接词句和重要信息提示句,其后往往有重要内容,要边听边记录下这些重要内容。 Reading tips: 带着问题读文章,提高阅读效率,Thank you!,17,


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