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1、构词法,1. 构词法的三种构成形式。 2. 派生、转化及合成词的灵活使用。,复习重点,基础知识,英语构词法主要有三种:合成、转化和派生。 一、合成 合成是指将两个意思不同的单词结合成一个新词。合成形式主要有以下几种:,1. 合成名词 名词+名词:postman, girlfriend, flowerbed, notebook 形容词+名词:blackboard, supermarket, greenhouse 名词+动词:daybreak, sunrise, breastfeed 动词-ing形式+名词:reading room, washing machine,名词+动词-ing形式:han

2、dwriting, papermaking 动词+名词:pickpocket, workroom 动词+副词:breakup, get-together 其它形式:go-between, passer-by,2. 合成形容词 形容词 / 数词+名词+ed:warm-hearted, five-storeyed 名词+过去分词:home-made, hand-made 名词+形容词:world-famous, ice-cool 形容词/数词+名词:full-time, second-hand 形容词+过去分词:newborn, short-sighted 副词+过去分词:well-known,

3、newly-built 其它形式:face-to-face, evergreen,3. 合成代词 代词宾格/物主代词+ self/selves:herself, ourselves 某些不定代词some, any, every, no等+ body/one/thing:anyone, nothing 4. 合成介词 介词+介词:throughout, within,5. 合成副词 副词+名词:indoors, overhead, upstairs 介词+名词:alongside, beforehand 名词+形容词:sky-high 副词+介词:nearby 其它形式:meanwhile, h

4、eadfirst 6. 合成动词 副词+动词:overhear, overwork, underline 名词+动词:moonwalk, sunbathe 形容词+动词:whitewash, safeguard,二、转化 转化是指一个单词的词形不经过任何变化而由一种词性转化为另一种或几种词性。 1. 动词转化为名词 有些词在转化过程中词义变化不大,如try, swim, shout, cry, kiss, wash, guess等。有些动词转化为名词时意义有一定的变化,如feed(v. 喂养n. 饲料),draw(v. 画画,抽,拉n. 平局)等。,2. 形容词转化为动词、名词或副词 有些形容

5、词可以转化为动词。如:quiet(adj. 安静的 v. 使安静)。 有些形容词可以转化为名词。如:quiet (adj. 安静的,寂静的 n. 安静,寂静); calm (adj. 镇静的 n. 泰然自若)。 有些形容词可以转化为副词。如:dear, high, low, cheap, full, near, close, long等。,3. 一些其它情况的转化。如: They forwarded his mail to his new address. (adv. v.) The people are walking north. (n. adv.),三、派生 派生是指通过给一个单词加前缀

6、或后缀构成另一个词。前缀一般改变词义而不改变词性, 后缀一般改变词性而不改变词义。 1. 常见前缀: 1)in-, il-, im-, ir-, un-, non- (表否定): incomplete, illegal, impossible, irregular, unwise, non-smoker 2)dis-, un- (表反向或反义): disconnect, untie,3)mis- (表贬义): misunderstand, mislead 4)over-, super-, under- (表程度): overweight, supermarket, undercharge 5)

7、fore-, trans-, inter- (表位置): forehead, transplant, international 6)re-, post-, pre- (表次序、时间): rebuild, post-war, pre-school 7)bi-, tri-, multi-, semi- (表数量): bicycle, tricycle, multi-racial, semicircle 8)a-, en- (转化词类): asleep, endanger,2. 常见后缀: 1)名词后辍 -ery, -ry (表性质、场所): bravery, nursery -hood (表身份

8、、性质): motherhood, brotherhood 形容词后面加-ism (表主义、行为): socialism, criticism 名词后加-ship (表状态、身份): friendship, membership 动词或者名词后加-ess (表女性): waitress 动词后加-ee (表动作承受者): employee,动词后加-er或-or (表施事者): employer, actor -ist (表主义者、从事某种职业): socialist, violinist -al (表行为、结果): refusal, arrival 动词后去不发音的-e加-tion或直接加-

9、tion(表 过程、状态): translation, election 动词后加ment (表的行为): arrangement, movement -ity, -ness (形容词转名词): diversity, happiness,2)形容词后缀 -ed (动词后加ed表具有): excited, amazed -ful (名词后加ful表充满): hopeful, thankful -ish (表类似): childish -less (名词后面加less, 表没有的): careless, useless -like (表“像”): childlike -ly (表特色、“每”):

10、motherly, daily -y (表具有特征): sandy -able, -ive (动词转形容词): changeable, attractive,-al, -ial, -ical (名词后加, 表具有特点,与有关): accidental, professorial, psychological 3)副词后缀 形容词或名词后加-ly: calmly, carefully 表示地点或方位的词后加-ward(s)变为副词。如:southward(s), backward(s), outward(s)等。 4)动词后缀 -en, -ify, -ize: widen, simplify,

11、beautify, symbolize,I. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 1. While there are 68. _ (amaze) stories of instant transformation, for most of us the changes are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. Just be 70. _ (patience). (2014年新课标全国卷I第三部分),真题再现,patient

12、,amazing,2. There were many people waiting at the bus stop, and some of them looked very anxious and 43. _ (disappoint). (2014年新课标全国卷II第二部分),disappointed,3. Jonny: Bend your knees slightly and reach out your arms like tree branches, naturally and 62. _ (soft). Try to keep your body straight. Move sl

13、owly, then be sure to keep your balance and dont let your body shake. Peter: I cannot control my body well. My legs become 63. _ (pain). (2014年辽宁卷第三部分),painful,softly,4. In addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their 63 (able) to “air condition” a house . (2015

14、新课标全国卷II第三部分),ability,5. Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires, Asias biggest building, and fancy new hotels. But for tourists like me, pandas are its top 61. _ (attract). (2016 新课 标全国卷I) 6. Then, handle the most important tasks first so youll feel a real sense of 42. _ (achieve). (2016 新课标 全国卷II),

15、attraction,achievement,II. 根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示 词,写出对应单词的正确、完整形式,每 空只写一词。 1. Im happy that my 80-year-old grandma has learned how to _ (下载) from the Internet. (2014年陕西卷单词拼写) 2. They failed to reach a settlement, because they _ (不同意) too much with each other. (2014年陕西卷单词拼写),disagreed,download,专项练习,根据括号

16、内的提示写出所缺单词的正确形式。 A 1. I dont think well go down to the beach today. Its too _ (cloud). 2. It took us quite a long time to get to the Art Gallery. It was a(n) _ (三小时的) journey. 3. We decided to take the flat because it was quite large and the rent was very _ (reason).,cloudy,three-hour,reasonable,4.

17、This bike is _ ( 二手的) but its still in good condition. 5. Drug _ (addict) is a problem causing great concern. 6. My brother is really _ (辛 勤工作的). He often works in his office far into the night. 7. After losing her job she was _ (employ) for a month. 8. Im not sure at all. I really cant say with _ (

18、certain).,second-hand,addiction,hard-working,unemployed,certainty,B Eve: I think it necessary to have some cultural 1. _ (communicate) between children in different countries. Ben: I couldnt agree more. It is 2. _ (mean). Not only can it broaden our 3. _ (多种文化的) knowledge and enrich our lives, it ca

19、n also enable us to develop unlimited love and 4. _ (friend) with others from various social 5. _ (背景).,communication,meaningful,multicultural,friendship,backgrounds,C Although my sister and I have a(n) 1. _ (differ) mother, we are 2. _ (certain) alike. This is not just a matter of 3. _ (appear) tho

20、ugh we are small with curly hair and have a tendency to overeat and put on weight. The resemblance goes much further than that. Throughout our 4. _ (child) we were brought up to be very adaptable and our 5. _ (able) to accept change is another characteristic we share.,certainly,appearance,different,

21、childhood,ability,Another would be 6. _ (shy). We all hate parties where you have to walk into a(n) 7. _ (room) of strange faces. We are all interested in wearing 8. _ (fashion) clothes and we often share our clothes. 9. _ (fortune), this causes arguments. We really should come to a(n) 10. _ (agree) about who can borrow what from whom.,shyness,fashionable,agreement,roomful,unfortunately,


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