2018秋外研版九年级英语上册课件:Module 7Unit 2 .ppt

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1、Unit 2 It is still read and loved.,odule 7Great books,课前导学,adventure,escape,cave,dead,neighbour,funeral,surprised,alive,课前导学,southern,state,action,everyday,dialogue,get into trouble,run away,look for,take away,be surprised to do sth.,be pleased to do sth.,at that time,pay for,all over the world,be f

2、ull of,他不喜欢人们告诉他做什么,所以他总是 惹麻烦。,起初,每个人见到他们都感到很吃惊,但 看到他们还活着也很高兴。,它(该书)讲述了年轻人如何成长、人们如 何彼此相亲相爱以及坏人如何为他们的行为 付出代价。,它是用日常英语写成的,对话听起来特别真实。,今天,它仍然被全世界的人们阅读并喜爱, 人们认为这本书是美国最好的小说之一。,要点梳理,1 get into trouble的用法 教材例句 He does not like people telling him what to do, so he always gets into trouble. 他不喜欢人们告诉他做什么,所以他总是

3、惹麻烦。(教材第58页),重点词汇精析,用法,get into trouble意为“遇上麻烦”。,拓展 与get相关的短语,举例,If you dont listen to your parents, you may get into trouble. 如果你不听你父母的话,你会遇上麻烦的。,应用,( ) Good manners can make people_each other. A. get on well with B. get off C. get over D. get away,A,2 dead的用法 But when they hear that everyone think

4、s they are dead, they feel very sorry, so they come back home. 但是当他们听说每个人都认为他们死了的时候,他们感到歉意,于是他们回家了。(教材第58页),教材例句,拓展,用法,dead作形容词,意为“死的;去世的”,其反义词为alive。dead可以与be动词连用表示状态,可用于完成时态,接时间段表延续。,举例,Her husbands been dead for a year. 她的丈夫已经去世一年了。 My grandfather died ten years ago. 我的外祖父于10年前去世了。 Children are d

5、ying, and I am helpless to do anything. 孩子们已奄奄一息,而我却无力做任何事情。 My grandfathers death was a great shock to me. 我外祖父的去世对我是巨大的打击。,1.李华的奶奶已经去世20年了。 Li Huas grandmother has been _ for 20 years. 2.这男孩的祖父五年前死了。 The boys grandpa _ five years ago. 3.这位医生设法抢救这个生命垂危的女孩。 The doctor tried to save the _ girl. 4.每当我

6、想起我祖母的死,我就很难过。 It makes me very sad whenever I think of my grandmas _.,应用 根据汉语意思补全下列句子,每空一词,dead,died,dying,death,Everyone is surprised to see them at first, but very pleased to find that they are alive. 起初,每个人见到他们都感到很惊讶,但看见他们还活着也很高兴。(教材第58页),3 surprised的用法;be pleased to的用法,教材例句,要点思维导图1,拓展,举例,Do you

7、 know why they were surprised to meet their teacher in the museum? 你知道为什么他们对在博物馆遇见他们的老师感到很惊讶吗? You will be surprised at his progress. 你会惊讶于他的进步。 His coming is surprising. 他的到来令人吃惊。 The two men looked at each other in surprise. 那两个人惊奇地互相看着。 To their surprise,the poor boy didnt die使他们吃惊的是,那个可怜的男孩没有死。,

8、要点思维导图2,应用,1. 根据汉语意思补全下列句子,每空一词 (1)在这里见到你我很吃惊。 Im _ _ _ you here. (2)对这个消息我们感到诧异。 Were _ _ the news. 2. 用please的适当形式填空 (1)Thank you for coming to see me. Its a _. (2)He is very _ to see the progress we are making. (3)We spent a very _ evening.,surprised,to,see,surprised,at,pleasure,pleased,pleasant,

9、It tells how young people grow, how people love each other and how bad people pay for their actions. 它讲述了年轻人如何成长、人们如何彼此相爱,以及坏人如何为他们的行为付出代价。(教材第58页),4 pay for的用法,教材例句,用法,ay for在此意为“为付出代价;受惩罚”。,拓展,ay与for搭配还可以表示“花费;为付钱”,与之易混的动词有cost, spend, take,它们的用法如下:,举例,Youll have to pay for your crime. 你得为你的罪行付出代价

10、。 I paid a very high price for the house. 我付了很高的价钱买下了这房子。 The new bike cost me five hundred yuan. 那辆新自行车花了我五百元。 He spent two hours finishing his homework. 他花了两个小时完成了作业。 It took me ten minutes to find the way. 我用了10分钟找到了那条路。 The journey took me ten days. 那次旅行花了我十天时间。,应用,( )1.It will _ only about 50 m

11、inutes to travel to Mount Wuyi by high-speed railway. Wow,how exciting! I cant wait. A. take B. spend C. cost D. pay ( )2. They _ two years building this museum. A. took B. paid C. spent D. cost,A,C,易混词(组)辨析,everyday与every day的区别 It is written in everyday English 它是用日常英语写的(教材第58页),教材例句,要点思维导图,举例,Coo

12、king is an everyday job. 做饭是一项日常工作。We have breakfast every day. 我们每天都吃早饭。,应用 用everyday或every day填空,1.We should practise _ English _. 2.This is an _ dress. I wear it _.,everyday,every day,everyday,every day,常用句型精讲,由who(关系词)引导的定语从句的用法 It tells some exciting stories about a boy who has many adventures.

13、 它(该书)讲述了一个有许多冒险经历的男孩的一些令人激动的故事。(教材第58页),教材例句,用法,这是一个由who引导的定语从句,who has many adventures做boy的定语。其中who是引导词,boy是先行词。在定语从句中,若先行词是人,常用who或that引导定语从句。,He is a man who/that never gives up. 他是一个从不放弃的人。 I know the boy who/that is talking to my sister. 我认识跟我姐姐交谈的那个男孩。,举例,1.He is the man who/that lives next d

14、oor. _ 2.Do you know the teacher who spoke at the meeting just now? _,应用 英译汉,他是住在隔壁的那个男人。,你认识刚才在会议上发言的那个老师吗?,课堂练习,一、用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. My brother likes to wear _ clothes to work. 2. Some people went into the _ to look for the treasure. 3. Although it is dangerous, she doesnt want to give up the _. 4

15、. The Yellow Mountain is in the _ part of Anhui Province. 5.The boy was lucky to be _ in the earthquake.,everyday,cave,adventure,southern,alive,二、根据汉语意思补全下列句子,每空一词 1.他在学校经常遇上麻烦。 He often _ _ _ at school. 2. 昨天她一看见我就逃跑了。 She _ _ as soon as she saw me yesterday. 3.不久你会为你的行为付出代价的。 Youll _ _ your action

16、 very soon. 4.它被认为是一项很有趣的运动。 It is _ _ be a very interesting sport. 5.刚才他们把这些衣服拿走了。 They _ _ the clothes just now.,gets,into,trouble,ran,away,pay,for,thought,to,took,away,三、单项填空 ( )1.Its reported that Chinese _ more than 40 minutes a day reading Wechat (微信). Its true. But I think Wechat is taking to

17、o much of our time. A. spend B. cost C. pay D. take ( )2.A true friend is a person _ reaches for your hand and touches your heart. A. who B. what C. which D. that,A,A,( )3.Her grandmother _ for ten years. A. died B. has died C. has been dead D. dies ( )4._ my surprise, Jin Ming was chosen into our s

18、chool football team. Congratulations. He did well _ playing football when he was very young. I hope hell be the best player in our school. A. To; of B. At; at C. To; in D. In; about ( )5.He was very _ to find his room very clean. A. surprise B. surprising C. pleased D. pleasure,C,C,C,四、课文语篇短文填空 The

19、Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a well-known book written by an American writer named Mark Twain. It tells some exciting stories about a boy 1._ has many adventures. Tom,the hero of the book, is lively and 2._. He likes doing things in his own way, so he always gets into 3._. When he and his best friend

20、, Huck Finn, run away to an island in the middle of the,who,clever/smart/bright,trouble,Mississippi River,a bad man called Injun Joe is looking for him. Later, Tom manages to 4._ from a cave with another friend, Becky, and takes Injun Joes treasure box away. One interesting part of the book is when

21、Tom and Huck start their 5._ on the island in the Mississippi River. They are happy at first, but soon feel very sorry when they hear that everyone thinks they are 6._, thats why they come back home. When they see,escape,adventures,dead,their family and neighbours 7._ to their funeral in the church,

22、 they hide and watch for a long time.Then, they decide not to hide any longer. Everyone is 8._ to see them when they suddenly appear, but finding them alive also makes them very pleased. This is a great book. Its not just an adventure story. Written in 1876 in simple English by Mark Twain, it is tho

23、ught to be one of the greatest American stories which describes peoples lives in the 9._ states of,coming,surprised,southern,America at that time. It tells how young people grow, how people love each other and how bad people pay for their actions. Today, it is still read and 10._ by people across the world.,loved,


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