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1、(苏教牛津版)五年级英语下册 Unit 7练习题 21世纪教育网21世纪教育网/ 一、写同义句。1.It1 time to have lunch.2. Whatthe time.3. Whafwro ng with her?4t time for school.5.Show us his stamps.二、翻译句子。1 该打篮球了。(两种表达)2. 我想去购物。(两种表达)3. 她需要去打扫图书馆了。4. 你在干吗?我在刷牙。三、句型转化。1. He does his homework at night否定句)2 The girl in green is my sister.四、选择正确的答案

2、,将其序号填入括号内。)1 up your left leg and it with your right hand.A. Touch.liftB. Lift.touchC. Lift.put)2 They readyclass .A. do; forB. are; to)3. Theres no time breakfast.A. toB.for)4. I can take some breadme.A. forB. withC. are;forC. ofC. to()5. I n eed a model pla ne .A. make B. to makeC. maki ng()6. Na

3、ncy play cards.A. wants toB. wan ts C. want to()7. I ofte n get uphalf past five the morning .A. at; in B. at; onC. i n; in()8. The boy ison the ma ns shoulders.A. sta nd B. sta nding C. sta nds ()9. Tur n left and right .A. ten time B. at ten times C. ten times D. with ten times ()10. What Lily usu

4、ally do on Saturday afternoon?A. doB. doesC. isD. are21世纪教育网21世纪教育网/听力部分(30分)、听录音,选择你所听到的选项。(每小题听两遍。10 分)()1. A. nightB lightC. bright()2. A. matchB. watchC. wash()3. A. touchB muchC. watch()4. A. helpB hereC. half线()5. A. quarterB. quietlyC. quick()6. A. lieB.tieC. pie()7. A. plusB pastC. puppet()8

5、. A. 5:10B 4:50C. 5:50()9. A. have breakfastB have lunchC. have dinner()10. A. listen carefullyBfollow the ordersC. sta nd in a line二、听录音,选择正确的回答。(每小题听两遍。10分)订()1 A. It seven.B At seven.D. Yes, I do.五年级第七单元课堂练习卷)2. A. Hes draw ing pictures.C. They draw pictures.B Theyre draw ing pictures.()3. A.Yes,

6、 we can.B.Yes, we do.C.Yes, we are.()4. A.It late.B.It 1 twe nty past nine. C. If a clock.()5. A.Yes, I am.B.Yes, it is.C.Yes, 1 do.三、听录音,完成卜列句子,每空一词。(每小题读三遍。10分)1. youron your head, please.2. Touch youryour fin ger.3. Classesat halfeight.4. Breakfast is. Come and have some.5. He isfrom seven in the

7、 morning to ten at 0分)飞判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相同,相同的用“2”表示,不相同的用“X表示。(5(f、)1 parkstar()2. cake glass()3. daysay()4. duty music()5. quartercar-1、翻译下列词(1 -r -5题为106-10题为5分;满分15分)1忙碌的一天2在晚上3.值日4 六点半5.六点五十6. afootball game7. clea n the library8. Let1 hurry. 9. a quarter to eleven10. brush onWs teeth三、选择正确的答案,将其序

8、号填入括号内。(10分)()1. My mother late every day .A. get upB. gets up)2. Theyreadyclass .A. do; forB. are; to)3. Su Ya ng goes to school.A. with footB. by foot)4. Theres no time breakfast.A.toB. forC. gett ing upC. are;forC. on foot()I can take some breadme.5.Bforwith()I n eeda model pla ne .A. makeB to ma

9、ke()7. Nancyplay cards.C.toC.makingA. wants toB wan tsC.want to()It sseven. IfstimecA. for()I ofte n get upQA. at; ingo home .Btohalf past five B at; onC./the morni ngC.in; in)10. 一 You look n ice in yellow.C. Thank youA. All rightB. Thats 10 分)right2. it (完全形式)4. four (同音词)6. libraries (单数形式)_8. co

10、me (现在分词)四、根据要求写出所给单词的适当形式1. tooth (复数形式)3. go (第三人称单数)5. feet (单数形式)7. lefs (完全形式)9. class (复数形式)五、句型转换(10分)1It sten to seven对划线部分提问)is it?2. Sam has lunch at twenty to twelve.(改为一般疑问句) Samlunch at twenty to twelve?3. I want to play cards.改为同义句)I* play cards.4. you, for, breakfast, are, ready (?)(连

11、词成句)5. at, a football game, past, ther, a quarter, four (.)(连i司成句) 六、完成句子。(10分)1Sam在五点五十分回家。Samhometen .2.你想看电视吗?一是的。但是我正在做作业。一你今天真忙啊。Do youwatch TV? Yes, I do. But Imy homework.Youretoday.七阅读理解(10分)AJane is a schoolgirl. She is fifteen. She lives with her parents and her grandfather. Her gran dfath

12、er is seve nty years old. He has got a backache. He n eeds to see a doctor. But Jane s parents are very busy. Her father is a policeman. Her mother is a teach So Jane wants to go to hospital with her grandfather after school. She hopes her gran dfather gets better soon.选择正确的答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。()1. What

13、s Janjob?A. A teacher.B. A policewoma n. C. A stude nt.()2 -What * s wrong with her grarialther?Hes got .C. an earacheC. Jane s grfiautider.C.Fiftee n.C. JanWs pare nts.A. a toothacheB. a backache)3. Who n eeds to see a doctor?A. Jane.B. Jane s parents)4. How old is Jane ?A. Seve nty.B. Five.)5. Who

14、 is/are busy?A. Jan esgra ndfather. B. Jane.BHelen usually gets up early every da y. But today she gets up very late in the morning. So she has no time for breakfast. She goes to school at about half past seven. She has her first less on at eight dclock. She doesntgo home at noon. She has lunch at a

15、 quarter to eleve n at school. After lun ch, she has a rest for half an hour. Then she plays games with her classmates. Classes are over at half past four. Helen goes home with her friend at about six. At six thirty, she has supper with her parents. She goes to bed at half past nine. Thats Hele ns d

16、ay.根据短文内容判断句子是否正确,对的打“V”,错的打“X” O()1 Hele n gets up early today.()2 Hele n has supper at half past sixty.()3. Hele n has lunch at a quarter to eleve n at home.()4. Helen has a rest and play games with her classmates after lunch.()5. We dont know what time Hele n gets up in the morni ng.五年级英语第七单元课堂练习

17、卷听力材料一、听录音,选择你所听到的选项。(每小题读两遍)1. ni ght2. wash 3. touch 4. half 5. quietly6. tie7. puppet 8. ten to five9. have breakfast 10. follow the orders二、 听录音,选择正确的回答。(每小题读两遍)1 What time do you go to school?2. What are Liu Tao and Gao Shan doing?3. Can you jump up and dow n ten times?4. What time is it?5. Do

18、you want to make a kite?三、听录音,完成下列句子。(每小题读三遍)1 Put your hands on your head, please.2. Touch your foot with your fin ger.3. Classes beg in at half past eight.4. Breakfast is ready. Come and have some bread.5. He is busy from seve n in the morning to ten at ni ght.五年级英语第七单元课堂练习卷参考答案听力部分一. ACACB,BCBAB二

19、. BBABC三. 1. Put, hands 2. foot, with 3. begi n, past 4. ready, bread 5. busy, ni ght笔试部分一、”xW x二、1. a busy day 2. at ni ght/ in the evening 3.on duty 4. half past six 5. ten to seve n9.十点四十6. 场足球比赛7.打扫图书馆8.让我们赶快。五分10刷牙三、BCCBA , BABAC四、1. teeth 2. it is 3. goes 4. for 5. foot6. library 7. let us 8. comi ng 9. classes 10. no五、1. What, time 2. Does, have 3. like, to4. Are you ready for breakfast?5. Theres a football game at a quarter past four.六、1. goes/ comes, at, to, six 2. want, to, am, doing, really, busy七、A. C B C C C B. xVxW


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