人教七年级上册starter unit3 What color is it 1a--2e (共44张PPT).ppt

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《人教七年级上册starter unit3 What color is it 1a--2e (共44张PPT).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教七年级上册starter unit3 What color is it 1a--2e (共44张PPT).ppt(44页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,Starter Unit 3,What color is it?,S,T,U,V,W,X,1a-2e, Whats this? Its ,A,F,字母大猜想, Whats this? Its ,E,H,字母大猜想, Whats this? Its ,M,j,字母大猜想, Whats this? Its ,P,Q,字母大猜想, Whats this? Its ,G,k,字母大猜想,a rainbow(彩虹),white,purple,blue,green,red,yellow,Colors,A: What color is it?,B: Its ,red,blue u:,white ai,gr

2、een i:,black and white,yellow,black,purple,brown,Lets learn,colors,green,white,blue,yellow,black,purple,brown,red,Look and say,colors,What color is missing?,Game,colors,What color is missing?,Game,colors,What color is missing?,Ask and answer,colors,green,white,blue,yellow,black,purple,brown,red,What

3、 color is it? Its .,red _ yellow _ green _ blue _ black _ white _ purple _ brown _,Look at the picture. Write the letter for each color.,V,1a,Y,S,W,Z,U,X,T,Listen and repeat.,1b,Whats this?,Its V.,What color is it?,Its red.,V,Whats that?,Its Z.,What color is it?,Its black.,Z,Practice the conversatio

4、ns of 1b with your partner. Then make your own conversations.,1c,Pairwork,Whats this?,Its ,Make your own conversations.,What color is it?,Its ,U,W,S,T,X,Y,S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z,Listen and repeat.,2a,t z v x w y u s,Listen and number the letters you hear 1-10.,2b,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,/es/,/ti: /,/

5、ju: /,/vi: /,/dblju:/,/eks/,/ wai /,/zi:/,Look and copy.,2c,Write the missing big letter or small letter for each pair.,2d,w,T,s,X,u,Z,y,V,large,medium,small,Talk about what these letters mean?,2e,UFO=,Unidentified Flying Object,China Central Television,CCTV =,Group work: write down other letters yo

6、u know. (小组讨论, 写出你知道的其他英文字母缩写),XL,(extra large ) 加大号,MTV,(Music Television ) 音乐电视,UN,( United Nations ) 联合国,邮政速递公司 智商 中国共产党 人民币 非典 不明飞行物 个人计算机 信息技术,CCP,PC,IT,RMB,IQ,EMS,SARS,UFO,S,X,D,Y,W,E,Whats this? Its . What color is it? Its.,Ask and answer,J,Summary,1. yelloblueorante,2. bleuredowhitae,3. grem

7、ebrownose,4. purpellowhitees,blue,red,brown,white,Quick eyes,5. bluoxyellowante,6. whitaepurpletea,7. blaegreensbrow,8. greanablackage,yellow,purple,green,black,Quick eyes,Color the picture.,blue,black,red,yellow,green,Blue-欧洲 Black-非洲 Green-大洋洲 Red-美洲 Yellow-亚洲,奥运五环旗的含义: 奥林匹克旗帜中间有五个圆环组成的图案。这是根据现代奥林

8、匹克运动会创始人皮埃尔德顾拜旦男爵的建议和构思制作的。 奥林匹克旗帜五个不同颜色的圆环(天蓝色代表欧洲,黄色代表亚洲,黑色代表非洲,草绿色代表澳洲,红色代表美洲)连接在一起象征五大洲的团结,象征全世界的运动员以公正、坦率的比赛和友好的精神在奥林匹克运动会上友好相见,欢聚一堂,以促进奥林匹克运动的发展。,1.夏季奥运会几年举办一次? 2.北京奥运会是历史上第几届奥运会? 3.在北京奥运会上,中国代表团分别获 得多少枚金牌,银牌和铜牌?,Do you know?,1.夏季奥运会每四年举办一次。,2.北京奥运会是历史上第29届奥运会。,3.在北京奥运会上,中国代表团共获得:,51,22,28,gre

9、en,blue,white,purple,black,red,yellow,orange,1.写出下列关于颜色的单词。,Exercise,2. 在四线格中写出所给字母左邻右舍。,S s,U u,X x,V v,T t,U u,Y y,W w,V v,T t,Z z,V v,X x,U u,W w,a red flower,an orange orange,a yellow key,a blue pen,a black car,a green apple,3. 翻译下列短语。,4. 看图片填空。, Hello, Alice! Oh, _, Frank. Whats _? _ _ panda (熊猫). _ color is it? Its _ and _.,Hello,that,Its a,What,black white,1. Copy letters SZ. 2. 用所学颜色写一篇小短文, 如: This is my bedroom. I have a white bed, and my table light is red.,Thank you!,


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