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1、1,unit1We lived in a small house,Module 1 Changing,2,现在 过去,am- is - are -,was,was,were,3,现在 过去,is - was are - were,4,Sentence pattern,(没)有、 There is / isnt (表达现在) There are / arent (没)有 、 There was / wasnt (表达过去) There were / werent ,5,There be,many years ago,now,was,were,否+nt,wasnt,werent,is,are,否+

2、nt,isnt,arent,6,Practice,Many years ago Now,There was a small house. 有一个小房子。,There is a big house. 有一个大房子。,7,ago 以前,8,now 现在,9,ago 以前,10,now 现在,11,change 改变,12,different不同的,New Words:,13,many years ago,now,ago 以前,14,television 电视机,television 电视机,TV,15,grandchildren (外)孙子(女),grandmother 祖母,外祖母,16,lad

3、y 女士,夫人,17,life,any,us,生活,任何,一些,我们(宾格),18,摘苹果:看谁摘得快!,不同的,以前,电视机,任何,一些,生活,life,different,ago,any,television,grandchildren,外孙子(女),我们,us,祖母,grandmother,19,Q:1.Who are the man and the old woman?,2.What are they talking about on TV?,20,They are an old lady and an interviewer.,Q:1.Who are the man and the

4、old woman?,21,They are talking about life.,Old lady:Life was very different in China many years ago.,Q:2.What are they talking about on TV?,22,Many years ago许多年前,There werent,any buses.,23,There werent,Many years ago许多年前,any televisions.,24,We lived in,Many years ago许多年前,a small house.,25,Now 现在,The

5、re are,lots of buses and cars.,26,Now 现在,We live,in a big house.,27,Now 现在,We have got,lots of food.,28,There is / are There isnt / arent ,表示 现在 “有” 或 “没有”,29,grandmother,grandchildren,30,我来比较,Many years ago,There werent any computers.,We lived in a small house.,31,摘苹果:看谁摘得快!,不同的,以前,电视机,任何,一些,生活,lif

6、e,different,ago,any,television,grandchildren,外孙子(女),我们,us,祖母,grandmother,32,There are lots of buses and cars.,We live in a big house.,We have got lots of food.,Now,33,1 Its a programme about China. ( ) 2 The old lady watches TV every day.( ) 3 There were many buses. ( ) 4 There were many televisions

7、. ( ) 5 The old lady lived in a small house. ( ) 6 There are lots of cars and buses now. ( ) 7 The old lady lives in a small house. ( ),T,F,T,F,T,T,F,34,There werent any buses.,How was it different?,There werent any televisions.,We lived in a small house.,We didnt have enough food.,35,There are lots

8、 of buses and cars.,How about now?,We live in a big house.,I watch TV every day.,36,Practice,There are many computers and televisions. 有很多电脑和电视。 There werent any televisions. 没有电视。,37,Practice,We dont have enough food. 我们没有足够的食物。(现在) We didnt have enough food. 我们没有足够的食物。(过去),38,Practice,We live in a big house. 我们住在大房子里面。(现在) We lived in a small house. 我们住在小房子里面。(过去),39,40,41,Homework for today: 回家后问问你的爷爷、奶奶、外公或外婆,他们以前的生活与现在的生活有什么不一样。把结果下节课用英语告诉老师。 可用以下句型: There werent-.There is/are-. We lived -.We live in-.,42,see you next time!,


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