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1、专题二说明文型语法填空专题二说明文型语法填空专题二I典例导练说明文是对事物的特征.本质、性能.状态,或事物的 发生、发展、结果、用途、原理等进行介绍、解释、说明的 种文体。其语言特点有1. 幺用蟲时棊。由为说明文通常是对客观事物或事 理的一种介绍与解释。2. 釆用客观描述。说明文一般是对客观存在的说明与 介绍,因此,语言的表述也应该尽可能地给人以客观可信的 感觉。分析句子结构是答题过程中很关键的一步。做题时, 首先确定句子的主谓宾成分,看看该句子缺不缺谓语动词, 然后再考虑非谓语动词或者其他成分。此时,要借助上下文 的暗示或明示,确定需要填入词语的词性、形式和功能等。The air we br

2、eathe is freely available, without which we could not survive more than a few minutes.For the most part, air is available to everyone, and everyone 1 (need) it.Some people use the air to sustain them while 2 (seat) around and feel sorry for themselves, 3 breathe in the air and use the energy it prov

3、ides to make 4 magnificent life.Opportunity is 5 the same way; it is everywheret is 6 freely available that we take it for granted.Yet opportunity alone is not enough to create success, it must 7 (seize) and acted upon in order to have value.So many people are so anxious to “get irT on a(possible).

4、Just as you need air to“ground floor opportunity, as if the opportunity will do all the work thafsbreathe, you need opportunity to succeedt takes more than just breathing in the fresh air of opportunity,matters is what you do9 ,You must make use of it.Thafs not up to the opportunity, thafs up to you

5、t doesrft matter what “floor, the opportunity is on, but _10 with it.5.9.2._6._10.3.7.【解析】1. needs考查主谓一致,由全文时态 可知用一般现在时,everyone后用第三人称单数。2. seated过去分词作伴随状语,相当于“while they are seated。3. Others 句型:some.others.表示“一种奇妙的生活”,是泛指,故用4. a不定冠词a。5. in in the way是固定搭配。专题二I典例导练6. so 句型 seized依据上下文的理

6、解,可知句意表示“有 机遇必须抓住,你才能成功” O8. impossible依据上下文和构词法,此处应为“不可能的”,故用“impossible。9. however/though 插入语,意为“然而”。10. what引导主语从句且在句中作主语,故用whato专题二I新题预测fX(一)Two seeds lay side by side in the fertile spring soil The first seed said, “I want to grow! I want to send my roots deep into the soil 1 rne5 and thrust my

7、 sprouts (芽)2 the earthJs crust above mewant to open mytender buds借蕾)like banners to announce the 3 (arrive) of springwant to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the blessing of the morning dew(露水)on my petals(花瓣)! ”And so she grew.The second seed said, “I am afraidf I send my roots into the g

8、round below, I dorft know what I4 (come) across in the darkf I push my way throughthe hard soil above me, I may damage my delicate sprouts. What if I let my buds open and a snail (蜗牛)tries5 (eat) them? And 6 I were to open my blossoms,7 small child may pull me from the ground.No, it ismuch(good) for

9、 me to wait 9 it is safe.,JAnd soshe waited. A yard hen scratching around in the early spring ground for food found the waiting seed and immediately ate 10,1【解析】两颗种子的故事,告诉我们惧怕冒险和成长, 最终要被生活吞没。之下”与下文的1. beneath 介词,意为“在 above相对。2. through 介词,意为“穿过”。3. arrival在冠词后用名词。黑暗4. will come对来来的

10、预测,句意为:我不知道在 黑暗之中将会遇到什么。5. to eat因try表示“试图做某事”,后接不定式。6. if if引导虚拟条件句。7. a表示泛指的“某一个”小孩,故用不定冠词a。8. better隐性比较级,即“等”比“长”好得多。句 中much也提示我们要用比较级,因为much常用来修饰比技 级,表示“9. until意为“直到”,引导时间状语从句。10. it it指代前文中的the waiting seedo(二)What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up, 15 the surest w

11、ay to success is tokeep your direction and stick 2 your goal.On your way to success, you 3 keep your directiont is just like a lamp, guiding you in darkness and 4 (help) you overcome obstacles on your way, 5, you willeasily get lost or hesitate to go aheadDirection means objectives.You can get nowhe

12、re 6 an objective in life.youYou can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieve 7 .Only in this way know how to arrange your time and to spend your time9 (proper). And you should also have a belief _10 you are sure to succeed as long as you keep your direction all the timeK

13、2. 3. 4.9.10.【解析】本文告诉我们,要想成功,最可靠的方法就是 坚持你的方向和目标。1. However与前句是转折关系,空格前后都有标点,用副词however o2. to stick to意为“坚持” o3. must由语境不难揣摸出作者的语气,句意为:在 通往成功的路上,你必须坚持你的方向。4. helping 与guiding并列,一起补充说明a lamp, 故用现在分词。5. Otherwise由本句与前句的逻辑关系可知,要填 表示否则”的otherwiseo6. without句意:人生如果没有目标,你将一事无成。7. it it指代your objective0 wi

14、ll/can句意:只有这样,你才会知道9. properly 修饰动词spend作状语用副词。10. that引导同位语从句,从句中不缺句子成分,且意 义完整,故填thato(三)It happened that a dog had got a piece of meat and was carrying 1 home in his mouth.Now, 2 his way home he had to cross a plank lying 3 a running brook, 4 he crossed, he looked 5 and saw hisown shadow _6 (refle

15、ct) in the water beneath.Thinking it was 7 dog with another piece of meat, he made up his mind to have that also.So he made a snap at 8 shadow in the water, 9 as he opened his mouth the piece of meat fell out, 10 (drop) into thewater and was never seen more.Beware lest you lose the substance by gras

16、ping at the shadow.专题二I新题预测1.5.9.2. 6.10.专题二I新题预测【解析】这则狗和影子的故事,告诫我们:切莫因追逐 幻影而丢失已有的东西。1. it 指代a piece of meat,故用it。2. on癢示在某人回家的路上”用on ones way homeo3. across表示“横过”河流或道路等细长的东西或 操场等一个平面的东西,用介词acrosso4. As/When 表示“当时候”。5. down down。因“向下看”才能看到水中的影子,故用6. reflected 因shadow与reflect是被动关系,故用过去分词作定语。7. another指它以为是“另一条狗”。 the特指水中的“那个”影子,故用定冠词the。9. but前后是转折关系。_10. dropped 与opened, was seen是并列关系,三个 先后发生的动作应当用同一时态,故drop也用一般过去时,故 填 dropped。


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