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1、由两国女性化妆看中日文化差异,地理科学学院 程思颖 222015318011071,1,The cultural differences between China and Japan also reflected In the aspect of makeup.,2,In Japan,almost all the woman will make up before going out。 In recent years,Japans station and shopping malls have many special room is used to make up.The rooms pr

2、ovides cosmetics、curling iron and face steamer. 在日本,几乎所有女性在外出之前都会化妆。 近几年,日本的许多车站和商场出现许多专门用来化妆的小房间。里面提供各种化妆品、卷发棒、蒸脸器等等。,3,If a woman just got off the train or just finished her shopping and only need to spend more than ten yuan an hour, you can use this room.They can take the delicate makeup look par

3、t in later activities.A lot of mother with a teenage daughter to come here to teach their makeup. 如果有个女士刚下火车或者刚购物结束那么她只需要花费十几元一小时的价格,就可以使用这个房间她们可以带着精致的妆容参加之后的活动. 很多母亲带着十几岁的女儿来到这里为了教女儿们化妆。,4,In Japan, makeup is a kind of polite.If you go out without makeup will be considered very rude. 在日本,化妆是一种礼貌. T

4、he Japanese believe in collectivism.They used to think of herself as a group of members,consider the feelings of people around, and most of the people standing in the same position 日本人信奉集团主义, 他们习惯把自己看成是某个集团中的成员,考虑周围人的感受,和大多数人站在同一立场,5,In China, many women will not deliberately to dress up themselves

5、The Chinese attitude toward life is realistic, Chinas young women make up in addition to highlight their beauty, and in order to find a partner. Older Chinese women think that he is no longer beautiful, so there is no need for makeup. 而在中国,很多女性不会刻意去打扮她们自己 中国人的生活态度是现实主义. 中国年青女人化妆打扮除了凸显自己的美丽以外,还含有几分梳妆

6、打扮为了找伴侣的动机。 中年以上的中国女人认为自己已经不再美丽了,所以没有必要化妆了,6,中国人和日本人的价值观和审美观有差异. 中国的传统观念是清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰。崇尚刚健朴素,自然清丽,不着雕饰的美。比起华丽的外在,老祖宗更看重内在涵养和气质神韵。 日本人更注重外观,生活中不乏精细,在化妆上既追求自然又不失精细雅致。 There are differences between the Chinese and Japanese peoples values and aesthetic view The Chinese traditional idea is advocating inner beauty。Compared with gorgeous appearance, the ancestors more appreciation temperament,7,中日两国对待化妆的态度的不同,源于社会文化和国内环境的差异,并无高低之分。 Such differences is the result of social culture and environment, we should respect each other and learn from each other,8,9,


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