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1、Paragraph( 20-26) 徐娟娟,Lesson 9“A More Perfect Union” (Part1) Barack Obama,raucous P20,adj. (of voice, cries, etc) harshly or hoarsely loud 沙哑的,刺耳的; 吵闹的,喧哗的 e.g. The sound of that little girl is raucous. 那个小女孩的声音沙哑。 e.g. As I entered our courtyard one night, I heard raucous laughter and singing. 有一天晚

2、上我走进院子,听到喧闹的笑声和歌声。,n. a vessel with a wide mouth and without handles 罐 ;震动;刺耳声 vt.摇动;把.震得嘎嘎作响;使发出刺耳声 e.g. The wind jarred the windows. 风震得窗户嘎嘎作响。 使(意志,决心等)动摇,使不坚定 e.g. The challenges facing him jarred his confidence. 他面临的挑战动摇了他的决心。 vi.给人不愉快的感觉;刺激(常与on, upon连用) e.g. The singers high notes jarred on m

3、y nerves. 女歌唱家的高音让我神经受不了。 adj.不和谐的,刺耳的 jarring effect 震动效应 on the jar(门等)微开着,半开半掩着,jar,Metonymy,They are full of dancing, clapping, screaming and shouting that may seem jarring to the untrained ear.(para20) the untrained ear: the people who have never prayed in this kind of church before,Antithesis,

4、The church contains in full the kindness and cruelty, the fierce intelligence and shocking ignorance,(para20),Kindness Fierce intelligence,Cruelty shocking ignorance,VS,Alliteration,the struggles and successes , the love and yes, the bitterness and biases that make up the black experience in America

5、.(para20),Para21,officiate vt/vi act in an official capacity in a ceremony or religious ritual, such as a wedding (在礼拜仪式,祭礼等中)行使牧师的职务,主持宗教仪式 e.g. The bishop officiated at the marriage. 主教主持了婚礼。 perform duties attached to a particular office or place or function 行使职权, 执行公务;担当.的裁判员 to officiate as cha

6、irmen 担任主席 to officiate in the finals 担当决赛的裁判员,Paraphrase 21,He contains within him the contradictions - the good and the bad - of the community that he has served diligently for so many years. The community where he served was full of goodness and badness. Reverent Wright is just like the community

7、, is complicated and even contradictory.,Para21,Baptize vt. when someone is baptized, water is put on their heads or they are covered with water as a sigh that sins have been forgive and that they become a member of the Christian church. 给(人)施洗礼;使经受考验,给.精神上的洗礼 e.g. They baptized the new baby. 他们为新生婴

8、儿施洗礼。 e.g. Sorrow had baptized him. 悲伤使他在精神上经受了考验。,Para22,Disown vt. If you disown someone or something, you say or show that you no longer want to have any connection with them or any responsibility for them;(声明)与.脱离关系;否认,否认.同自己有关系;抛弃,遗弃 e.g. The spokesperson disowned a published statement. 发言人否认某项

9、发表的声明是他说的。 e.g. She disowned their son after she eloped. 她私奔后遗弃了他们的儿子。 no more than 至多,不超过; 同.一样不,和.同样不;仅仅,只是;,Para22,sacrifice v. the act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc. 祭献,以.为祭品;亏本出售,为.做出牺牲,为.献身 e.g. The priest sacrificed a chicken

10、. 牧师献祭了一只鸡。 e.g. She sacrificed family life to her career. 她位她的事业牺牲了家庭生活。 to sacrifice oneself for a just cause 为正义事业献身,Paraphrase22,I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can disown my white grandmother. (parallelism) Neither can I cut off th

11、e connection with him, nor can I disown the black community and my white grandmother.,confess,v. admit a fault, crime, or sth. wrong; 承认,坦白;忏悔; confess to doing sth 承认做了某事 e.g. I confess to having heard about it. 我承认曾听说过这件事。 e.g. He confessed to the priest before he died. 他死前向神父作了忏悔。,stereotype,n. a

12、 fixed idea or image that many people have of a particular type of person or thing, but which is often not true in reality 模式化观念,老一套 vt. 把.模式化;对.产生成见 e.g. Theres always been a stereotype about successful businessmen. 对成功商人人们总有一种成见。,cringe,vi. draw back, as with fear or pain; 畏缩,蜷缩;奉承,卑躬屈膝; e.g. The

13、dog cringed at the sight of a snake. 那条狗看见了一条蛇便畏缩不前。 e.g. They cringed before the queen. 他们在女王面前卑躬屈膝。,Paraphrase24,Some will see this as an attempt to justify for excuse comments that are simply inexcusable. Someone will believe that I just made an excuse for something that could not be excused for.

14、,Para24,harbor vt. to keep feelings or thoughts, especially negative ones, in you mind for a long time; 怀有;庇护 n. 海港;避难所; e.g. As for people who love us but whom we do not love, we may be indifferent, or at east would not harbor such a deep overall concern. 对于爱我们而我们又不爱的人,我们可能会忽视,或者至少不会怀有这样一种深深的全部的在乎。

15、 e.g. The harbor was full of soldiers with green baggage. 港口上满是带着绿色行李的士兵。,Paraphrase24,We can dismiss Reverend Wright as a crank or a demagogue, just as some have dismissed Geraldine Ferraro, in the aftermath of her recent statements, as harboring some deep-seated racial bias.,We can condemn Reveren

16、t Wright as being odd and eccentric or just treat him as unworthy topic, just as we did to Geraldine Ferraro,Paragraph25,Amplify vt. to increase sth in strength, especially sound 放大,增强(声音,权力等)to add details to a story, statement, etc. 阐发,充实(故事,事情,陈述等) e.g. He amplify the matter by an example. 他举例讲述了

17、这件事。 e.g. The president intends to amplify the company. 总裁打算扩大公司规模。,Para26,surface n. the outside or top layer of sth 表面,表层 v. to come up to the surface of water 升到水面;浮出水面 e.g. The ducks dived and surfaced again several metres away. 鸭子潜入水中,然后在几米开外钻出水面。 to suddenly appear or become obvious after havi

18、ng been hidden for a while 露面,重新出现,显露,被披露 e.g. Doubts began to surface. 人们开始怀疑起来。 to wake up or get up after being asleep 醒来;起床 e.g. He finally surfaced around noon. 他终于在中午时分醒来。 to put a surface on a road, path,ect.铺设路面等,Conclusion,This is the first time Obama address the issue of racial issues in p

19、ublic speaking, in the course of the primary election, His former priest Reverend Wright before in a sermon published some whites hate and anti American lecture were disclosed in the media, Obama suddenly plunged into a serious crisis of confidence. In the speech, he showed that his attitude, and probed into the racial issues in the United States, received rave reviews, got rid of a crisis of confidence.,Thank you,


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