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1、1,Biblical Style used in Inaugural Address,经贸英语 321007685 lily,2,Biblical Style,Hebrews the classic work-Bible The most authorized version-the King James Version,3,The characteristics of Biblical Style (6),1. Rhythm-smooth Sound-harmonious & coherence Syllable-light & emphatic,ditributed evenly eleg

2、ant and concrete 2. Words vulgar and abstract,4,Biblical style used in Inaugural Address,elegant & concrete 1. P2 line 11, And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears (our ancestors)fought are still at issue around the globe . 2. P3 line 16 , “Let the word go forth from this time

3、and place, to friend and foe (enemy)alike. 3.P19 line 90 , let both sides join in creating a new endeavor(not attempt/effort) not a new balance of power.(formal,serious) 4.P19 line 91,but a new world of law where the strong are just, and the weak secure, and the peace preserved.(accurate),5,The char

4、acteristics of Biblical Style(6),loose 3.Structure conjunctions more & simple & clear Paragraph use and,6,Biblical style used in Inaugural Address,Large quantities of conjunctions 1.P2 line 11“And yet the same revolutionary beliefs . 2.P9 line 52 And let every other power know that this hemisphere i

5、ntends . 3.p19 line89 And, if a beachhead of cooperation may. 4.P25 line 118 And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you. And(4 times),But(4 times),For(3),So(1),7,The characteristics of Biblical Style(6),Little-used 4.Abbreviation form old form verb+not,8,Biblical style use

6、d in Inaugural Address,Do not use abbreviation form. Do use auxiliary+not,notional+not 1.auxiliary+not:need not, do not , dare not, cannot, shall not (11 times in all). For example, If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. 2.notional+not:observe not,o

7、ffer not, ask not (stress“not”-convey the absolute determination),9,The characteristics of Biblical Style(6),5.Rhetorical devices: more-used,10,Biblical style used in Inaugural Address,Large quantities of rhetorical devices metaphor: p7“riding the back of the tiger ended up inside” p9“the prey of ho

8、stile powers”,“the master of its own house” (vivid & concrete & accurate) repetition: p2 ,“all forms” , P9 “good”和“free”,P12 “beyond doubt” (push forward & deepen the theme) parallel structure: p6-p11,“To those” ( convey emphasis & to express emotion step by step ) antithesis :P6 “United there is li

9、ttle we cannot doDivided there is 1ittle we can do” (a strong sense of meaning),11,Conclusion:,Public sppech laid emphasis on passing his ideas and arousing the feelings from audience so as to gain the supports. Here,biblical style could help a lot. Kennedy was one of the examples.He added the biblical style to his inaugural address,which attracted the audiences attention and conveyed his thoughts successfully.,


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