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1、考点特殊句式考点考纲解读命题趋势特殊 句式掌握倒装句式的必备条件及倒装 的具体应用;熟知强调句的基本 结构及其一般疑问句、特殊疑问 句句式,注意强调结构与名词性 从句的混合考查;了解反意疑问 句附加问句的构成;了解祈使 句、省略、替代等的使用。特殊句式的考查主要 涉及完全倒装和部分 倒装的用法及表达方 式、强调句中的tht 以及省略的形式等几 点。第1步技法探究一强调句1强调句型强调句型由It+is/was+被强调部分+that/who.构成,可以用来强调 句子的主语、宾语、状语;被强调部分是指人的名词或代词时用 who和that均可,其他情况一律用thato(1) 强调句的一般疑问句式IsA

2、Vas it+被强调部分+that/who.?例:Was it yesterday that you met your old friend in the supermarket?(2) 强调句的特殊疑问句式特殊疑问词(被强调部分)+is/was+it+that/who. ?例:Why was it that you didn? t attend the meeting?What was it that made her so upset?对not.until.进行强调It is/was+not until.+that.例:It was not until I failed in the ex

3、ams that I realized I had not studied hard.2.使用助动词do(does,did)强调 强调句子谓语动词时,将助动词do(does,did)fi于动词原形之前,用 来加强语气。例:Do be careful!定要细心!例:He does enjoy drawing.他确实喜欢画画。二、倒装句1 部分倒装部分倒装指的是只将be动词、助动词或情态动词提到主语前面。(1) 表示否定意义的词或短语置于句首时句子用部分倒装。常见的 这类i司或短语有not,neveihandly,seldom,niTely,by no means,in no way,in no

4、case,at no time等。例:Seldom in my life have I met so determined a person.At no time should you touch it or get it hurt.(2) not only.but(also)连接两个分句,not only.置于句首时,前一个 分句用部分倒装。例:Not only do I enjoy less spare time,but I find myself even busier than before.(3) 在no soonerthan,hardlyGcaFcely)when结构中,no so

5、oner/hardly(scarcely)置于句首时,主句部分用部分倒装,且用过去 完成时,than/when后的句子用一般过去时。例:Hardly had he begun to speak when his father stopped him.No sooner had she seen him than she smiled在not.until.结构中,当not until.置于句首时,主句/句子用部分 倒装。例:Not until then did he know he lost his way.Not until all the fish died in the river did

6、 the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.(5)only强调状语置于句首时,主句/句子用部分倒装。 例:Only in this way can we learn English well.Only when he returned did we find out the truthso,neither,nor置于句首表示前面的情况也适用于另一人或物时。 例:We saw the film last week.So did they.I have never been abroad.Neither has he.(7)在so/su

7、ch.that.句型中,so/such.置于句首时,主句用部分倒装。 例:So moved was she that she could not say a wordSuch was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken. 虚拟条件句屮如果有were/had/should,省略连词if Ht,were/had/should要提到主语之前,构成部分倒装。150:Were they here now,they could help us.Had you come earlieryou would have met h

8、im.(9)neither.nor.连接并列的句子,前后两个分句都要倒装。 例:Neither do I know what has happened,nor do I care about it.2 完全倒装 完全倒装指的是将谓语部分全部放在主语前面。(1) 表示地点、方位的词(短语)咸there,here,now,then等置于句首,且 主语是名词时用完全倒装结构。例:Down came the rain.Here comes the train to BeijingIn the deep forest lies a lake,with a variety of fishes in it.

9、On top of the mountain stands an ancient temple (2) 主系表结构中的表语置于句首时。例:Present at the meeting were Professor Zhang and many other guests.(3) 直接引语的一部分位于句首时。例:Exactlyrsaid my father,shaking the old man,s hand三、省略句1句子成分的省略为了句子的简洁,一部分句子成分,如主语、主谓的一部分、表语、 宾语、补语等可以省略掉。例:(You)Open the door,please(You come)Thi

10、s way,please.Do you know Tom?I don,t know(him).My room is on the third floor and his(is)on the fifth (floor)I know that we will have an English competition but I don,t know when(we will have an English competition).Work hard when(you are)young or you,11 regret.Unless(it is)necessary you, d better no

11、t refer to the dictionary If he doesn,t want to go there,don,t force him to(go there).I don,t go swimming now but I used to(go swimming).注意:7 I不定式to之后的动词是be或have时,要保留to后的be和have。2. 词的省略(1) 宾语从句中的连词that般可以省略;and连接两个或两个以上的 that引导的宾语从句,第一个that可省略。例:I hope(that)you, 11 be fine soon.He said(that)the book

12、 was very interesting and that all the children like to read it.(2) 定语从句中的关系代词,如在从句中作宾语可省略。 例:Is this the reason(that)he explained at the meeting for his carelessness?四、祈使句1否定式和强调式例:Don,t be so sure.(否定式)例:Never come late(否定式)例:Please don,t forget to take your medicine(杏定式)例:Do come on time this eve

13、ning(强调式)2.带主语的祈使句为了加强感情色彩或要特别指明向谁提出命令或要求时,需加主 语“you”,有时还可同时加称呼语。例:Tom,you water the flowers!(2)命令/吩咐几个人分头做几件事情时,祈使句需带主语“you”,还可 同时带称呼。例:You,girls,clean the desks;you,boys,sweep the floor3 祈使句+and+陈述句二If,+主句祈使句+of+陈述句二Ifnot.,+主句例:Work hard and you will succeed.(=If you work hard,you will succeed.)例:

14、Hurry up or we will be late.(=If you don,t hurry up,we will be late.)五 反意疑问句反意疑问句由两部分构成:前一部分用陈述句形式,后一部分是一 个附加在前一部分上的简短问句。陈述部分用肯定形式时,附加问 句部分用否定形式,反之亦然。附加问句部分的动词形式及主语由 陈述句决定,而且主语必须是代词。1陈述部分的主语是名词时,附加问句的主语用相应的人称代词。 例:Your parents had a long talk with you last night,didn t they?2陈述部分主语是表示人的不定代词时,反意疑问句的主

15、语侧重全 部用they,侧重个体用he。例:No one was there that day,was he/were they?3. 陈述部分主语是表示物的不定代词时,反意疑问句的主语用it。 例:Every thing that he says is true,isn,t it?4 陈述部分的主语是one时,反意疑问句的主语在正式的场合用one, 在非正式场合用you。例:One should be honest,shouldn? t one/you?5. 陈述部分主语是指示代词时,反意疑问句的主语要用it或they。 例:This is your car,isn,t it?Those a

16、re grapes,aren,t they?6. 陈述部分是there be结构时,反意疑问句仍用thereo例:There was a hospital here,wasn? t there?7. 陈述部分有表示推测的情态动词must时,反意疑问句的动词与; must后的动词一致。例:They must be sleeping then,weren t they?注慧? I11111must后接完成式,若表示对过去情况的推测,附加问句中动词用 didn t;若表示对已完成情况的推测,用haven,诫hasn? to8 陈述部分含有否定词时,反意疑问句用肯定式。例:He is never la

17、te for school,is he?They seldom clean the room,do they?注慧 F 111111!常见的否定词有no,never,nothing,nowhere,rarely,hardly,seldom,few,little;|Jdi 咅 b 分有带否定意义词缀的派生词,如dislike,useless,unfair等,后面的附 加问句仍用否定式。9陈述部分是祈使句时仮意疑问句用will you或won t youo例:Look at the blackboard,will/won? t you?Don,t make any noise,will you?注

18、意: 111111以Let s开头的祈使句仮意疑问句用shall we;以Let us/me开头的 祈使句,反意疑问句用will you;陈述部分是否定的祈使句,反意疑问 句用will you或can you都可以。10. 陈述部分是并列句时,反意疑问句与邻近的分句一致。例:She works hard and she is the best one in her factory, isn,t she?11. 陈述部分是复合句时,反意疑问句与主句一致。例:When the teacher speaks in class,we have to keep quiet, don,t we?12. 陈

19、述部分是否定转移句式时,反意疑问句与从句一致,且用肯定 形式。例:I don t think he will come,will he?注意: IIII I I I I在回答反意疑问句时,不管其陈述句部分是肯定的还是否定的,如 果事实是肯定的,回答用“yes+肯定的简略句”;如果事实是否定的, 回答用“no+否定的简略句”,形式要一致。陈述部分是否定形式时, 答语中的yes译成,还”,no译成“是”。They haven,t been told the truth,have they?一Yes,they have./No,they haven t第2步真题试做that1. (2017-天津畐考

20、)It was when I got back to my apartment first came across my new neighbors解析:此处是“It is/was.that.”强调句式,强调的是when引导的时间 状语从句,故填thato2. (2016-课标高考 II)It could be anything gardening,cooking,music,sportsbut whatever it is.make(make)sure ifs a relief firom daily stress rather than another thing to worry abo

21、ut.解析:句中动词短语置于句首,构成祈使句,故用动词原形。3. (2016-天津高考)You are waiting at a wrong place. It is at the hotel that the coach picks up tourists.解析:本题考查强调句型,at the hotel是被强调部分,缺少强调句式中 的 that,故填 that。第3步模拟通关1. (2019-广东佛山模拟)1 was in trouble in overcoming my addiction to alcohol,and so was my friend Mike.解析:根据句意判断,所填

22、的词要能表达出后一种情况与前面情况 相同这一意义,故用SO,构成“SO+谓语动词+主语”这种倒装结构,表示“也”。2. (2019-广东中山模拟)Freddy gave him a job and housing and lent him pocket money while training (train) him.解析:根据宾语him判断,train在此是动词,其逻辑主语与句子主语一 致,且二者为主动关系,故填现在分词。while training him相当于 while he trained him的省略。3. (2019-广东珠海阶段检测)Itt true,but I heard s

23、ome people did find their better half through online dating解析:根据主句时态I heard判断,hear的宾语从句应该用一般过去时,而空格后是动词原形find,故空格处应填助动词did,一方面起强调作 用,另一方面与find起构成一般过去时态。4. (2019-广东惠州月考)It is ones inner beauty thatmatters.解析:所填词与句首的It is起构成强调句式,被强调的是表示事物 的句子的主语,故填that。5. (2019-广东肇庆月考)He said/What a beautiful day! How I wish I could go back to sleep!But now I have to go out and find some food.解析:根据句子结构可知,空格所在句是一个感叹句,引导词修饰动 词,故填How。


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