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1、第一组 1.长大 grow up 2.怎么了? Whats up ?= Whats wrong? =Whats the matter? = What happened to you? 3.成长很难。 Growing up is hard. 4.为某人建什么 build sb. sth.= build sth. for sb. 5.我长得太大而不能住在我的房子。 I am growing too big for the house.,6.那不会太容易。 That wont be easy. 7.把我叫醒 wake me up 8.从书本了解世界 learn about the world fro

2、m the book 9.直到你建完它再叫醒我。 Dont wake me up until you finish building it . 10.你如何了解世界? How do you learn about the world ?,11.允许某人做某事 allow sb to do sth 12.不同时代与地域的人们 people in different times and places 13.每当我想读的时候就能读他们。 I can read them whenever I want to . 14.通过网络了解世界 learn about the world through the

3、 Internet. 15. 一.就. as soon as,第二组 1.点击鼠标 click the mouse 2.大量的信息。 a great deal of information 3.你为什么喜欢那样了解? Why do you like to learn that way ? 4. 亲朋好友 friends and relatives 5. 永不放弃 never give up,4.比其他的孩子都要矮的多 much smaller than the other kids much smaller than any other kid 5.当读初中的时候 while attendin

4、g junior school 6.参加.的选拔 try out for . 7.拒绝某人做某事 refuse sb. to do sth = sb. be refused to do sth 8. 灰心丧气 lose heart 9. 获得机会 get a chance,7.得二十分 score twenty points 8.从那以后 from then on 9.没必要做某事 dont have to do dont need to do neednt do sth 10.做在观看席上 sit in the stands 11.由于他的身高 because of his height,1

5、2.使某人做某事。 get sb. to do sth = make / let sb. do sth 13.继续做某事。 go on to do sth go on doing sth go on with sth . 14.他被命名为年度选手。 He was named Player of the Year 15.邀请某人做某事 invite sb. to do sth,1.仅仅因为 simply because 2.决定做某事 decide to do = make a dicision to do sth . 3.引领某人到全国冠军的地位 lead sb. to the nationa

6、l championship 4.这让他引起了某人的注意 This brought him to the attention of sb. 5. 结果 as a result 6. 成功 succeed =have sucess = be a sucess =be sucessful,第三组,7.获得奖学金 get a scholarship 8.对.感兴趣 be interested in = have an interest in 9.比某人高而是多厘米 be more than 20 cm taller than sb. 10.强迫某人做某事 force sb. to do sth =

7、sb. be forced to do 11.保持健康 stay / remain / keep healthy 12. 关注某人 take notice of sb. 13. 获得巨大的成就 have great achievements,14.凭借艰苦的努力获得成功 achieve sucess through hard work 15.高矮胖瘦关系不大。 size and bidy type doesnt matter. 16.如果你永不放弃,你就几乎可以做任何事情。 You can do almost anything if you never give up .,第四组 1.去慢跑

8、go jogging 2.练习打篮球几小时 practise playing basketball for hours 3.感到精疲力竭 feel tired out 4.接到叔叔的电话 receive a call from my uncle 5. 准备做某事 be ready to do sth,6.下班回家 come back from work 7.痴迷于打篮球 be crazy about playing basketball 8.本周天气很可怕的。 The weather has been awful this week. 9.天色正在变暗。 It was getting dark

9、. 10.这是我们第一次打篮球 It is the first time we play basketball. 11.电视有比赛 There is a game on TV.,12.对打篮球认真 be serious about playing basketball 13.他是曾在NBA打球的最佳中国球员。 the best Chinese player to ever play in the NBA 14.他职业生涯的最好时刻 the best moment in his career 15. 一场跟亚特兰大鹰队的比赛 a game against the Atlanta Hawks 16

10、. 中国运动员之一 one of the Chinese athletes 17. 结束他的职业生涯 end his basketball career,第五组 1.二战1939年在欧洲爆发,1945年结束。 World II broke out in Europe in 1939 and ended in 1945. 2.每一个人生活都因为战争改变。 Life changed for everyone because of the war. 3.战争期间七千二百万人丧生。 72 million people lost their lives during the war. 4.这本日记由一个

11、名叫Anne Frank所写的。 The diary was written by a girl named Anne Frank. 5. 全世界人都读这本日记。 The diary was read by people all over the world.,6.那时的一个记录 a record of that time 7.人类精神的胜利的象征 the symbol of the victory of the human spirit 8.躲在一个秘密的地方 go into hiding in a secret place 9.她的大姐死于疾病。 Her elder sisiter die

12、d of illness. 10.把她的日记出版 have her diary published 11.他家被迫搬到另一个国家。 He was forced to move to another country.,12.她坚持在日记中写。 She kept writing in her diary . 13.她写下她的思想、感情、未来的梦想。 She wrote down her thoughts ,her feeling ,her hope and her dreams for the future. 14.一个12岁大的男孩的故事 a story about a 12-year-old

13、boy 15. 逃脱纳粹集中营 get away from Nazi camp 16. 历经战争而不死 survive the war 17. 敬佩孩子们的勇气 admire the children for their courage,第六组 1.生活在和平中 live in peace = live peacefully 2.生活在生命的恐惧中 live in fear of their lives 3.卖得好 sell well 4.最影响我的人 the person who has influced me most 5. 我父亲五十多岁。 My father is in his fif

14、ties.,6.他已经在一家本地工厂好多年。 He has worked in a local factory for years. 7.他乐于助人。 He is ready to help anyone . 8.照顾那些失去父母的孩子 care for the children who have lost their parents 9.他有一些钱剩下。 He has some money left . 10.把它送给需要帮助的孩子 give it to the children in need 11.患有白血病的人。 people with blood cancer,12.令某人惊讶 to ones spurise. 13.他决定死后把遗体捐给医学研究。 He has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death . 14.他对别人似乎比家人更友善。 He seemed to be kinder to others than to his family . 15. 我知道他有一颗充满爱的心。 I realize that he has a heart full of love .,


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