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1、知识清单Unit 4 Wildlife protection核心单词1. protection仏保护2. decrease3. lssn .损 失;遗失;丧失4. hunt州&皿打猎;猎取;搜寻5.respond兀回答:响应:做出反应6.distant cicli.远的;远处的7.relief以痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除8. laughter n.笑;笑声9.mercy仁慈:宽恕:怜悯10. certain adi 确定的;某一;一定11. containvt.包含;容纳;容忍12. affectvt.影响;感动;侵袭13. appreciate皿鉴赏;感激;意识到核心单词14. succeed

2、vt.继承15. employ vt. 雇用;利用(时间、精力等)16. harm n.&W.损害;危吿17 bitevi. & w.咬;叮;刺痛18.inspect vt.检查;视察 11119. fierceadj.凶猛的;猛烈的20. endingn.结局;结尾重点短语1. die out灭亡;逐渐消失 peace 和平地;和睦地;安详地3. in danger(of)在危险中;垂危4. in relief如释重负淞了 口气5. burst into laughter 突然笑起来;大声笑了出来6. protect.from 保护彳、受(危害)7. pay attention to

3、注意8. come into being形成;产生9. according to按照;根据所说10. so that以至丁蔦结果经典句型1 .There Daisysaw an antelope looking sad .在那里,戴茜看到一只藏羚羊面带忧郁的神色。;2.It shows the importance of wildlife protection,but I? d like to help as the WWF suggests这体现了野生动植物保护的重要性,不过,我还是想按照世界野生 生物基金会的建议来帮助你们。3.After a while she saw some zebr

4、a with black and white lines going beneath their stomachs.过了一会儿她看到了一些斑马,它们身上有从上一直延伸到腹部的 黑白相间的条纹。实战演练I 单词拼写1. This hat will give potection(保护)against the hot sun.2. My wallet containing (包含)two hundred yuan and my passport was lost when I was shopping3. Both bees and butterflies belong to insects (昆虫

5、).4. When they go hunting (打猎),they live in tents.5. We greatly “ppreciate (感激)your timely help.6. Mrs Brown,s dog bit (咬)the mailman when he was delivering newspapers yesterday aftemoon.7. China is becoming a powerful (强大的)country in international affairs.8. The dog looks fierce (凶恶).You d better k

6、eep away from it.9.1 offered him a drink but he didn,t respond (回应).10.You,d better reserve (存 留)the money for future need.n口 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空die out,as a result(of),in peace,come into being,in danger,protec from,pay attention tojn relief,burst into laughter,according tot 1.1 smiled in relief after h

7、earing my son had been admitted to Tsinghua University.2. He fell far behind other students as a result of his laziness.3. The government is doing its best to protect those rare animals from being hunted.4.1 had warned him of the possible danger,but he didn? t pay attention to 辻.5. Elephants would d

8、ie out jf men are allowed to shoot as many as they wished.6. Children? s lives are angerevery time they cross the road.7. The two nations used to live in peace .8. When I told the joke,everyone burst into laughter .9. When did the universe come into being ?10. Prices vary according to the quantity o

9、rdered.实战演练mni 单项选择l. The little girl was D losing her life, but she isnowA. in the danger of; out of dangerB. in danger of; out of the dangerC. in the danger of; out of the dangerD. in danger of; out of danger解析:in danger (of)表示处境危险,有 的危险”;out of danger意 为“脱离危险”。注意在这两个介词短语中ganger前习惯上不用冠 词。obviously

10、 he was A.loss; losing Cosing; lost2. He was at a B what to say to the teachers questionin thought just now.B.loss; lostD.lost; loss解析:第一个空考查固定词组at a loss,意为困惑,不知所措”。第二 个空考查固定搭配be lost in“沉迷于”。3. The British government often says that providing children with D to the information superhighway is of g

11、reat importance A.preventionB.protectionC.allowanceD.access解析:prevention/4 阻止;防止”;protection:保护;防卫,5;allowance/c 津 贴,补助;宽容,允许access to sth./sb./(使用某物或者接近某人的) 机会或权利;(接近或进入某地的)方法;通路。句意:英国政府经常 说提供给孩子们便利地使用信息高速公路的机会是非常重要的。 故答案选D。4. The book said that the hero was killed by reactionaries but that his spi

12、rit would never D .A.die awayB.die downC.die offD.die out解析:die out广消失,消逝”;die away/(风、声音等)渐息;减弱”;die down/6熄灭;die off:相继死去。故选D。5. The two countries used to beC war w让h each other, but nowthey;; at;; in解析:句意:这两个国家以前常常处于战争状态,现在他们和平了。 at war意为处于战争中”;at peace在句中作表语;in p

13、eace在句中作 状语。实战演练IVIV 完成句子1.作为一名教师,他的确拥有足够的知识。As a teacher,he really has enough knowledge2我的老师让我下午一直做作业。My teacher kept me doing homeworkall the afternoon.3. 我来这儿很久之前就听说过他。I had heard of him long before came here.4. 看起来他似乎是病了。It seems thathe is ill.5. 他不能来参加庆祝会,太遗憾了。It is a pity thathe can,t attend the celebration.


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