Module3Journey to space Unit 2We haven’t found life on any other planets yet. (共15张PPT).pptx

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《Module3Journey to space Unit 2We haven’t found life on any other planets yet. (共15张PPT).pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module3Journey to space Unit 2We haven’t found life on any other planets yet. (共15张PPT).pptx(15页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Mars Martian M3 Journey to space U2 We havent found life on any other planets yet. 水星 金星 火星 木星 土星 天王星 海王星planets a star The earth is a planet and it _ the sun. goes around Seven other planets also go around the sun. The sun and its planets are called _ (太阳系). the solar system _of them has an _(环境) l

2、ike that of the earth. Noneenvironment /i/ /ai/ / There are hundreds of millions of (数以亿万计的)stars in the_ (星系), and our sun is only one of them. Galaxy a large group of Scientists have also discovered many other galaxies in the _ (宇宙). universe However, no one has communicated with us yet. Look at t

3、he picture and talk about what you know about Chinese spaceships. When did we send it? Where did we send it? How long did it stay in space? Who are the astronauts? In 2012. Jiuquan, Gansu Province. Thirteen days. Jing Haipeng, Liu Yang, Liu Wang Jing Haipeng Liu Yang Liu Wang Shenzhou-9 is a manned

4、spaceship. Read the passage quickly and choose the best title for it. 1. Anyone out there? 2. Life on the earth 3. The sun and other stars 4. The stars at night Task 1: Fast reading. Task 2: Careful reading. 1. Read Para1&2, and chooses the best answers. (1) How long has life been on the earth? ( )

5、a. Hundreds of years. b. Millions of years. c. Hundreds of millions of years. (2) How many planets does the sun have? ( ) a. Seven b. Eight c. Nine c b 2. Read Para 2 &3 and finish the chart. the galaxy the solar system the sun the universe Answer the questions: a. Does the light from other galaxies

6、 reach us quickly? b. How large is the universe? No, it has to travel for many years to reach us. Its impossible to imagine. 3. Read Para 4 &5 and check. (1) Scientist havent sent spaceships to travel outside the solar system . ( ) (2) To the universe, scientists have many questions without answers.

7、 ( ) have Task 3: Read the whole passage and match: whats each paragraph about? Para1: Para2: Para3: Para4: Para5: A. Our Galaxy B. Many other galaxies C. Spaceships D. Were not sure about life in space. E. We havent found life on any other planets. E A B C D How is the passage organized? A B C Para

8、1 Para2Para3 Para4 Para5 Para1 Para2 Para3 Para4 Para5 Para1 Para2 Para3 Para4 Para5 Writing 1: A Martian is writing a letter to earthmen in English , but his English isnt good enough, please help him to complete the letter. Dear earthmen, I am glad to _(communicate) with you. I am Martian and I spe

9、ak Martian and a little English. I have _(know) you a lot from your astronauts. So Id like to tell you my life on Mars. I like seeing films and I _ just _(see) the film called the Martian. Its really interesting, but our planet is much better now. In fact, we have the same taste. Potatoes are my fav

10、ourite food and I always eat a lot, so I have _(plant) billions of potatoes this year. However, I have never _(drink) water because there _ _(not be) water yet. Our life is happy but a bit hard here. I hope you can help us. Yours, Martian communicate known haveseen planted drunk hasntbeen Writing 2:

11、 if you are an astronaut and you are on Mars now. Please write about your life with Martians on Mars. I have been on Mars for two months. Life here is very relaxing. I have_ _ _ _ But its a pity that I havent _ _ _ _ However, Im missing my friends on the earth and Im counting down the days. Homework 1. Collect information about space travel. 2. Make a poster about space travel.


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