【推荐】Unit 6 Shopping (课件1).ppt

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《【推荐】Unit 6 Shopping (课件1).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【推荐】Unit 6 Shopping (课件1).ppt(75页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 Shopping A Lets learn,T- shirt,sweater,jacket,skirt,pants,coat,hat,shoes,衣柜里有什么衣服?,What does he need?,umbrella,Lets learn,sun,sunglasses,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/,scarf,gloves,umbrella,scarf,gloves,sunglasses,Lets read,Look at the pictures and read the words quickly!,sunglasses,umbrella,The _ are _.,Th

2、e _ is nice.,sunglasses,umbrella,nice,gloves,scarf,Its snowy. Its cold.,The gloves are nice.,The scarf is nice.,games,shirt,skirt,sweater,coat,gloves,umbrella,T-shirt,scarf,shorts,shoes,umbrella,whose,gloves,pants,pack,help,cap,hat,wear,gloves,clothes,Make a dialogue. Assistant(售货员):Can I help you?

3、customer:The _ are nice. ( 顾客) Can I try _on? Assistant:Sure.,Customer:The _ is nice, Can I try it on?,Assistant(售货员):Can I help you ?,Assistant(售货员):Sure.,Assistant(售货员):Can I help you? customer:The _ is nice. ( 顾客) _? Assistant:_.,Lets go shopping!,Make a new dialogue. Assistant(售货员):_? customer:_

4、. ( 顾客) _? Assistant:_.,sunglasses,beautiful,The sunglasses are _ .,Whats the weather like today?,nice,Its sunny and hot.,umbrella,beautiful,The umbrella is _ .,Whats the weather like today?,nice,Its rainy and cold.,scarf,beautiful,The scarf is _ .,Whats the weather like today?,nice,Its snowy and co

5、ld.,a red scarf,a green scarf,gloves,beautiful,The gloves are _ .,Whats the weather like today?,nice,Its snowy and cold.,pink gloves,读一读,连一连:,sunglasses umbrella gloves scarf,售货员:Can I help you? 顾客: Yes. The gloves are nice.,Lets go shopping.,售货员: Sure.,Can I try them on?,try on 试穿,Can I try them on

6、?,them 他们,售货员: Can I help you? 顾客: Yes.The _ are nice. Can I try them on? 售货员: Sure.,售货员: Can I help you? 顾客: Yes.The _ are nice. Can I try them on? 售货员: Sure.,售货员: Can I help you? 顾客: Yes.The _ are nice. Can I try them on? 售货员: Sure.,Assistant(售货员):_? customer:Yes._. ( 顾客) _? Assistant:_.,Homework:

7、 1.Listen to the tape and repeat. 2.Design a suit of clothes and write their names.,Unit 6 Shopping A Lets talk,学习内容:,学习内容:,设计思路: 1.通过学生最喜欢的即将到来的六一儿童节入手,引出本课的主要任务: A fashion show for girls .Sarah a dress and a pair of shoes. John wants a pair of shoes.使下面的活动都在这一情境下进行,这样设计具有真实性和整体性。Make a dialogue ab

8、out Sarahs dress. 2.导入把课前准备的new shoes 现场出示,学生非常吃惊,请一女生替Sarah试鞋自然引出Are they all right?学生一下子就理解的此句的意思,找不同的学生试穿鞋子,引出答语。 3.从Jones mother带John去买鞋,进入文本。学生通过三次观看视频回答问题,对文本内容有了不同层次的理解,系统了本节课的语言知识,为下面的语言输出奠定了良好的基础. 4.模仿秀、Group work,lets play等活动能迎合学生兴趣,能吸引他们主动参与到课堂中去,并能体现学生从未知到已知的学习过程,让学生有机会运用已学到的语言材料,突出语言的实践

9、性和交际性,使学生学以致用。,学习目标: 1.能够正确朗读本课对话。 2.能听说,认读: Can I help you? Yes.These shoes are nice. Can I try them on ? Of couse. Here you are. Are they all right? They are too small/just right/too big. 并能在情景中运用。,Happy shoe store.,Can I help you?,Yes.These shoes are nice. Can I try them on?,Of course. Here you a

10、re.,Guiding 1,请同学们仔细看图回答问题:,How many people are there in this picture? Who are they? Where are they ?,3.,John, Johns mother and the assistant.,Theyre in a shoe shop.(鞋店),Guiding 2 请同学们仔细听录音内容,然后完成句子。 John: These shoes are_. Can I _?,Answer the questions,nice,try them on,Guiding 3,请同学们仔细听录音内容,选择正确的答案

11、: 1.The shoes of size six are _. A. too big 2.The shoes of size seven are_. A. too big B. just right,B. too small,中美英鞋码对照表:,John, are they OK?,No. Theyre too small.,Hmm. OK. Lets try size 7.,Good!,Theyre just right!,声音大 loud,流利 fluent,创新 creative,合作co- operative,Talk about their show.,准确 correct,Let

12、s act : Assistant(售货员): Can I help you? John: Yes._.Can I try them on ?Size 6,please. Assistant(售货员): Of couse. Here you are. Mom: John ,are they OK? John: No,_. Mom: Hmm. OK, Lets try Size 7. John: They are_. Mom: Good.,Lets play,Yes.The hat is pretty. Can I try it on?,Its just right.,Make a dialog

13、ue like this.,Can I help you? Yes.These _are nice. Can I try them on ? Of couse. Here you are. They are_. (big ,small,just right.),Can I help you? Yes.This_is pretty. Can I try it on ? Of couse. Here you are. It is _. (big , small,just right.),Make a new dialogue. (六一到了,你想买什么呢?) (Discuss in your gro

14、ups. What do you want to buy?),时间3分钟,Homework: 1.Read the dialogue for three times. 2.Act the dialogue in groups.,Unit 6 ShoppingB Lets learn & talk,expensive,nice,cheap,pretty,expensive,nice,cheap,pretty,大字大声小字小声,Look at that . Its . hat nice dress pretty shirt cheap skirt expensive,$ 230,Can I hel

15、p you? The dress is pretty. How much is this dress? Its $298. Its too expensive.,$15,$ 298,$89,$ 10,$ 100,$ 5,Sunny shop .,Can I help you? How much are the gloves? They are $5. They are cheap. Ill take them.,Role play. (四分钟后,比一比哪个小组表演的最好。),Mom: How do you like this skirt ? Sarah: _. Assistant: Can I

16、 help you? Mom: Yes._. Assistant: Its 89. Mom: Oh,_. Sarah: I like it ,Mom. Mom: Sorry, Sarah._.,Sarahs birthday is coming.I want to buy a scarf for her.,Ill take it.,$ 20,scarf,$ 20,cheap,(如果你们去给Amy过生日,你会选择什么礼物呢?),Ill take it.,时间3分钟!,Make new dialogues.,Homework: 1.Listen and repeat, then imitate. 2.Act the dialogue in groups.,


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