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1、Lets enjoy this English period !,Revision: Here are some easy questions for you! 1.Where did the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes come from? 2.Why can similar pairs of words be found in the English language? 3.What was the German plural form replaced by? 4.Which king of England used English for all

2、official occasions? 5.When did Modern English appear?,They came from the European mainland.,Because each word or phrase came from a different language.,It was replaced by the French way of making plurals.,King Henry IV.,During the Renaissance in the 16th century.,Fill in the blanks with the words an

3、d dates you can think of. 1.Before the middle of the _,people in Britain did not speak English. 2.The original language spoken in Britain was _. 3.The _,the Saxons and the Jutes spoke language that made up Anglo-Saxon. 4.Normans spoke _. 5.The Normans entered England in _. 6.By the _,old English was

4、 the official language of England.,5th century,Celtic,Angles,French,1066,10th century,English and its history,It is certain that this process will continue ,and people will keep inventing news words and new ways of saying things.,Answer the following questions:,1.What does UN stand for? 2.What is th

5、e United Nations? 3.What is the main purpose of the United Nations ? 4.How many countries are there which are members of the United Nations? 5.What are the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council?,It stands for the United Nations.,It is an international organization,which was founded on 24 Oc

6、tober 1945 in the United States.,It is to maintain the worlds peace and security.,There are 191 countries which are member of the United Nations.,They are China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States.,English Chinese French Russian Spanish Arabic,What do you think the official lan

7、guages of the United Nations are?,Discuss with your partner about the reasons for Chinese to be one of the official languages of the United Nations.,President Hu visited Moscow 1948 Middle School,Unit 2 Language Project Designing a booklet The development of Chinese characters,Please try to answer t

8、he following questions according to the report: 1)When did Chinese writing begin? 2)Who first invented Chinese writing? 3)How was Chinese writing invented? 4)When did the Chinese government introduce simplified Chinese Characters?,Thousands of years ago.,Cang jie,Cang jie saw the footprints of birds

9、 and animals in the snow and he got the idea that he could use different shapes or pictures to represent different objects.,In the 1950s.,Cang Jie Cang Jie, who is believed to have invented Chinese Characters, used to work as a history official under the Yellow Emperor in ancient China. It is said t

10、hat the inscriptions on bones and tortoise shell were also invented by him. He has been taken as a legendary figure in Chinese history and culture.,仓颉, 汉字的创始人,是古代神话传说中黄帝的史官.据说刻在兽骨和龟甲上的文字也是由他发明的.他被尊为 “造字圣人”.,Now lets enjoy the beauty of the Chinese characters:,甲骨文,金文,战国文字,小篆,Oracle Bone Inscriptions,

11、Bronze Inscriptions,Lesser Seal Characters,隶书,草书,Official Script,Cursive Script,王曦之兰亭序,行书,永和九年,岁在癸丑,暮春之初,会于会稽山阴之兰亭,修禊事也。群贤毕至,少长咸集。此地有崇山峻岭,茂林修竹。又有清流激湍,映带左右,引以为流觞曲水.,楷书 Formal Script,Running Script,Brief introduction to Chinese characters,Origins of Chinese characters,Development of Chinese characters

12、,Characters used to express ideas,Characters used to express directions and numbers,Pictophonetic characters,Simplified Chinese characters,Examples of pictographs,The main idea of each paragraph:,Forms and development of Chinese characters,Presentation:,Introduce our Chinese Characters to a foreigner!,Homework: You are going to write a booklet about the way several Chinese characters developed. Please do the group work and follow the instructions on P 39 to finish your own booklet.,Thats all. Thank you!,


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