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1、环境工程专业求职信第一篇:本科环境工程专业求职信模板 求职信网为你推荐一份本科环境工程专业求职信模板方便您写求职信 尊敬的贵公司领导:您好! 很冒昧占用您宝贵的时间,感谢您在百忙之中读完我的自荐信。我是一名来自 xx 学院环境工程专业 2014 届的应届本科毕业生,在将要结束大学生活,掀开人生新 的一页之时,我怀着无比激动的心情向您毛遂自荐,接受您的挑选与考验。十几年父母的勤劳、善良与朴实的耳濡目染和系统学习,培养了我吃苦耐劳、自 强不息的精神和诚实勤奋的品质。四年来,在“好学力行”校风的熏陶下,我刻苦 学习、取得了优秀的成绩,也获得了一些宝贵的经验 , 并掌握了污染控制、污染治 理、环境监测

2、、环境规划管理、环境评价等方面的基本理论知识。思想上,我有坚 定的共产主义信念,不断提高自身的政治素质和理论素养 . 。学习上,我刻苦学习 理论知识和专业技能,并注重理论与实际相结合,积极参加社会实践和各类实习, 具备了很好的环境工程专业的专业知识和现场实践经验。通过不懈的努力,熟练掌 握了 windows 操作系统、 office2014 、 autocad2014 、 photoshop 等应用软件的操 作。本着想锻炼自己的想法,我做过家教,参加过金工实习、电工实习、专业实习。 乘风破浪、展鸿鹄之志;谨言慎行、做立业之人。虽没有名牌大学的光环,但我 有较扎实的理论知识和不怕困难吃苦耐劳的精

3、神。回首大学生活,充实的学习完善 了我的知识结构,不断的思索和学习使我一步步地走向成熟。请给我一个机会,我 将还您一个满意的回报!最后,祝贵公司事业蒸蒸日上,祝您身体健康,万事如意此致敬礼求职者:求职信网2014 年 9月 5 日 第二篇:环境工程专业学生求职信 尊敬的领导:感谢您在百忙之中翻阅我的自荐材料!我叫 xxx,是西南交通大学07级环境 工程的本科毕业生。在大学的前三年中,我学习了本专业及相关专业的理论知识,完成了相关的课程, 为以后的实践工作打下了坚实的专业基础。同时,我注重外语的学习,具有良好的 英语听、说、读、写能力,并通过了大学英语国家四级测试。在科技迅猛发展的今 天,我紧跟

4、科技发展的步伐,不断汲取新知识,熟练掌握了计算机的基本理论和应用技术,并顺利通过了国家计算机二级(C+)考试。现在,我正在为了通过国家 计算机三级而努力。 三年来,我积极参加学校组织的各种活动。校运会,学校心理协会,演讲协会等。 三年的学生工作培养了我的团队协助精神,提高了我的组织协调能力。同时我努力 培养自己的各种兴趣爱好,积极参加文体娱乐活动、社会实践调查等。通过组织活 动和参与活动,我养成了良好的工作作风和处世态度。在院领导老师的支持和自身的努力下,我在学习和工作中都取得了优异的成绩, 不仅完善了知识结构还锻炼了我的意志,提高了我的能力,并光荣的成为了预备党 员。恕冒昧,如果我能成为贵公

5、司的一员,我定当用我的热情和能力投入到我的工作 中去。请相信:你们所要实现的正是我想要达到的!此致敬礼 第三篇:环境工程专业英文求职信dear leaders:hello!venture to oCCupy your very valuable time, thank you for your busy sChedule to finish my 自荐信 . i am a College from xx environmental engineering, 2014 session of this years graduates, the university will be the end

6、of life, and opened a new Chapter in life, i with great emotion i wish to apply to you, aCCept your seleCtion and tests.more than ten years of hard-working parents, unCles and kind-hearted and simple and systematiC study, i trained hard, the spirit of selfimprovement of quality and honest hard work.

7、 four years, in the learn to exerCise the influenCe of sChool, i study hard and aChieved exCellent results, but also reCeived some valuable experienCe and skills of the pollution Control, pollution Control, environmental monitoring, environmental planning and management, environmental assessment suC

8、h as the basiC theoretiCal knowledge. ideologiCally, i have a firm belief in munism, and Continuously improve their own qualities and politiCal theory. study, i study hard theoretiCal knowledge and professional skills, and foCus on bining theory with praCtiCe, and aCtively partiCipate in soCial praC

9、tiCe and a variety of internships, with a good environment for engineering expertise and praCtiCal experienCe at the sCene. through the unremitting efforts, master of the windows operating system, offiCe2014, autoCad2014, photoshop and other appliCations tooperate.in the wish to exercise their own i

10、deas, i did tutor, participated in internships metalworking, electrical training, professional training.brave the wind and waves, show鸿鹄之志 ; cautious, who do liye.universities, although not the halo, but i have a solid theoretical knowledge and is not afraid of difficulties in the spirit of hard. lo

11、oking back at the university of life, and enrich the learning to improve my knowledge of the structure, constantly thinking and learning step by step i am more and more mature. please give me a chance, i will also return you a satisfactory!finally,祝贵 thriving business, i wish you good health and goo

12、d lucksincerely, salute第四篇:环境工程专业大学生求职信模板尊敬的领导:您好!很冒昧占用您宝贵的时间,感谢您在百忙之中读完我的求职信。我是一名来自 xx 学院环境工程专业 20xx 届的应届本科毕业生,在将要结束大学生活,掀开人生 新的一页之时,我怀着无比激动的心情向您毛遂自荐,接受您的挑选与考验。十几年父母的勤劳、善良与朴实的耳濡目染和系统学习,培养了我吃苦耐劳、 自强不息的精神和诚实勤奋的品质。四年来,在“好学力行”校风的熏陶下,我刻 苦学习、取得了优秀的成绩,也获得了一些宝贵的经验 , 并掌握了污染控制、污染 治理、环境监测、环境规划管理、环境评价等方面的基本理论知

13、识。思想上,我有 坚定的共产主义信念,不断提高自身的政治素质和理论素养 . 。学习上,我刻苦学 习理论知识和专业技能,并注重理论与实际相结合,积极参加社会实践和各类实习, 具备了很好的环境工程专业的专业知识和现场实践经验。通过不懈的努力,熟练掌 握了 windows 操作系统、 office2014 、 autocad2014 、 photoshop 等应用软件的操 作。本着想锻炼自己的想法,我做过家教,参加过金工实习、电工实习、专业实习。 乘风破浪、展鸿鹄之志 ; 谨言慎行、做立业之人。虽没有名牌大学的光环,但 我有较扎实的理论知识和不怕困难吃苦耐劳的精神。回首大学生活,充实的学习完 善了我

14、的知识结构,不断的思索和学习使我一步步地走向成熟。请给我一个机会, 我将还您一个满意的回报 !最后,祝贵公司事业蒸蒸日上,祝您身体健康,万事如意此致敬礼第五篇:旅游环境英文求职信hello!as the saying goes, downwards, everyone wants to own a larger platform for greater progress. thank you for taking the time in his busy schedule to read this cover letter. perhaps you are facing a number of

15、 job seekers, perhaps you just rest in between a busy meeting, quiet in a noisy phone after switching on its cover, but i can feel the significance of this moment. for me, when you turn the page when you have opened the gateway to opportunity for me and the success of the first gate. you will be ope

16、ned a new chapter in my life, because your love and care, my life will now appear in a memorable turning point.my name is *, i shaanxi xxx university school of tourism and environment 2014 session of the project cost professional graduates. 21 years old this year, i cheerful, willing to accept new t

17、hings, hobbies, dare to meet the challenge, is a person who is not throwing in the towel. in college who have participated in the school and the department organized sports activities, and awards. university studies so that i establish the correct outlook on life, values, and the formation of a warm

18、, motivated, and indomitable character and honest, trustworthy, responsible, loving creed. college life, i have a unique way of thinking, not only learned the textbook knowledge, but also a social practice opportunity, not only on the knowledge of the consolidation and strengthening, but also improv

19、e their ability.i just want to choose your leaders give me a display platform. with very sincere feeling of persistent hope to attend your organizations recruitment, i hope i can surprise you ing, gives me hope. i hope you give me the opportunity to hone their own. an ancient saying goes: ten years

20、of sword, ten years of school life as a grinding process of the sword. today finally it presents in front of you, please identify its sharp, i believe it will not make you disappointed. self determined, day three provinces, self-confidence has improved character; brave job, pragmatic innovation, sel

21、f-confidence had been successful. so, today i take the liberty of you volunteered, hoping to get a chance to test their own, also hope to contribute to the development of your panys modest.at the same time, i also know that now i am just the start of school, your school is my real platform. todays j

22、ob, is also hoping to get a better learning environment, which can result in better jobs to repay your kindness.of course, as a fresh college students, the biggest weakness than lack of experience. but i will start everything from practice, i believe from childhoods sense of spirit will help me as s

23、oon as possible into work, work with an open mind to ask older employees to learn and correct their shortings, to make up for their lack of best ability to contribute to your panys modest.finally, zhu guigong secretary of the flourishing! wish you good health and smooth work, and wish things through and your pany and prosperity!


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