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1、精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan教师学科教案20 -20学年度第学期任教学科:任教年级:任教老师:xx市实验学校育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰r - 二rUnit 7 Lets clean up! 教学设计教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、初步认读table, chair, desk, door, window, clean, clean up, phew,发音正确。2. 能听懂、会读、初步会说Let clean up! Clean the table/,please.3. 通过看、听、模仿,能理解课文,并能流利地朗读,做到语音正确、语调自然,并能初步表演对话。

2、4. 通过学习培养学生热爱劳动、保持房屋整洁的好品质。5. 通过创设活动激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重点:1. 能听懂、会说、初步认读table, chair, desk, door, window,clean, clean up, phew,发音正确。2. 能听懂、会读、初步会说Let clean up! Clean the table/,please.3. 理解对话内容,能正确朗读,初步表演对话。教学难点:1. 注意clean, chair, table的发音,并注意 table和desk, clean和clean up的正确区分。2. 能正确运用祈使句 Clean the,please.

3、教学具准备及辅助活动1. 多媒体课件、实物投影。2. 人物头饰。作业设计课内1. 看动画,学故事部分对话。2. 操练表演对话。课外1. 看光盘朗读课文对话和单词。2. 完成一起作业网上的作业。3. 在父母的帮助下制作Fun time的转盘。教学过程:教学随笔Step 1. Warm up.1. T: Good morning, boys and girls .1 can do many thi ngs. Look,1 can write. Look!(展示自己的书与作业 )Can you do many things? Ss:Yes.T:Let PK!S1: I can sing. Liste

4、 n!S2: I can jump. Look!S3: I can draw. Look!2. 呈现机器人,欣赏歌曲Show Robort Roy.T: Look! This is Robot Roy. Do you remember him? What can he do?S: He can sin g/da nce/draw/cook.T: Let listen to a song. What else can he do?S: He can clea n the T: Won derful! He can do all the clea ning. Today let lear n Un

5、 it 7 Let clea n up.Step 2. Prese ntati on and practice.1.创设情境,教授目标词汇a. : Robot Roy can clea n. Can you clea n up?PPT呈现脏乱教室图b. Look, is it clean? Let clean up.可看PPT也可根据实际教室来说First, let sclean the desk.教学deskChan t:A desk, a desk,This is a desk.Clea n, clea n,Clea n the desk, please.同法 Learn the word

6、s: chairChan t:Chairs, chairs,They are chairs.Clea n, clea n,Clea n the chairs, please.同法 Learn the words: doorChan t:Clea n, clea n,Clea n the door, please.OK, OK.OK, OK, OK!(吹气球方法朗读,声音响起来,气球会变大)同法 Learn the words:windowc. 巩固词汇Liste n and pointQuick resp onsed. 创编歌谣巩固句型PPT呈现图和歌谣上半段,让学生先读上半段,再根据图创编下

7、半段Clea n, clea n, clea n the win dow.Clea n, clea n, clea n the doorClea n the window and door.Clea n, clea n, clea n the desk.Clea n, clea n, clea n the chair.Clean the desk and chair.T:看,在我们的努力下,我们的教室变得如此干净,在里面学习我们更加开心。我们应该养成热爱劳动,保持房屋整洁的好习惯吗?2. Lear n:Story time.PPT呈现Liu Tao家脏乱的图a.T: Just now, we

8、cleaned our classroom. How about Liu Tao and hispare nts? Let s go and have a look. Today is Sun day. They are at home.Look at Liu Tao s house. Is it clea n?Oh, it dirty. So they clea n up too.b. Watch and tick.T: What do they clean? Please watch the cartoon and tick out the things.c. 教学 tableRead t

9、he word.Compare with desk”先让学生比较再呈现Tip: table和desk都是指桌子”,但desk多指学习和办公用 的“书桌” “办公桌”,带抽屉,通常放在办公室、教室和书房;table是指吃饭、娱乐用的“餐桌”“茶几”等,通常放在餐厅、客厅等地方。d. 拓展引导学生观察妈妈在打扫什么Look at Liu Tao mum, what does she clean?Lear n to say: clea n the floor引导学生思考:What else can we clea n?Clea n the sofa/e. Look at Liu Tao house.

10、 Its very If you were his mum, what will you phrase?引导学生用以前学的赞美呈现新知:Well done!How are Liu Tao and his dad?They,re very tired.Lear n: Phew!3.Read ing time.注意语音语调,祈使句的语气,妈妈表扬的语气和感叹词phew的语气。可设置一些表情包,便于学生更好地领会a. Read after the tape.b. Read together.c. Read and act in groups.(三人组练习 )Step 3. Con solidatio

11、 n.1小组活动,分角色朗读、表演课文请几组学生上台表演,评比最佳表演小组Act correctly. Act flue ntly. Act vividly. 2.0rder and do给机器人发指令。3.根据时间情境,选择并表演.设计一项练习,配有图片和可供选择的祈使句It eight o clock in the morning.It nine oclock in the morni ng.It two o lock in the after noon.It three oclock in the after noon.Clea n the desk, please. Go to school, please. Read and write, please.Clea n the door, please. Play games, please. Clea n the win dow, please.3.Tip :请求别人做事情的时候要有礼貌,不要忘了用please哦!Step 4. Homework1. 看光盘朗读课文对话和单词。2. 完成一起作业网上的作业。3. 在父母的帮助下制作Fun time的转盘。


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