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1、酒店基础英语培训,演讲人:XXX 部门:人力资源部,PART 01,Greeting 问候与欢迎,PART 03,Direction 指路与带领,PART 02,Thanks 感谢与回答,PART 04,Apologies 致歉与答复,内容,Items,PART 05,Check in 入住,PART 06,Check out 退房,PART 07,Farewell 道别,问候与欢迎,Greeting,01,Greeting 问候与欢迎,Nice to meet you again.很高兴再次见到您。 Have a good rest. 祝您休息好!,问候与欢迎,情景1:当国外客人来到大门前/

2、前台时 1. Hello, sir! Welcome! 先生您好,欢迎! 2. Good afternoon, sir! Welcome to Ibis Hotel/our hotel! 下午好先生,欢迎光临宜必思酒店! 3. Good evening, Ms. Nice to meet you in our hotel. May I help you? 晚上好小姐,欢迎光临,请问我能为您服务吗?,感谢与回答,Thanks,02,Thank you (so/verymuch). 谢谢您(非常感谢) Thanks a lot.多谢 Thank you for coming 谢谢您的光临 Than

3、k you for staying in our hotel. 感谢您在我们饭店下榻 Thanks for your help 谢谢你的帮助 Im very grateful to you 非常感谢您,Thanks 感谢与回答,LOGO,Thanks 感谢与回答,感谢的应答:,You are welcome. /Welcome! 不用谢 My pleasure./With pleasure. 乐意效劳 Dont mention it. 何足挂齿 Its very kind of you./You are so kind.您真客气,Thanks 感谢与回答,UNIQUE SLIDE,PUT CR

4、EATIVE TITLE RIGHT HERE,Impressive picture and creative slogan here,情景3:当国外客人向你表示感谢,要懂得接受他的谢意 客人:Thank you! (Thanks a lot!) 回答:My pleasure! 我的荣幸或:Youre welcome!不客气,指路与带领,Direction,03,Direction 指路与带领,Follow me, please. 请跟随我来。 This way, please. 这边请。 Its over there. 在那边。(用手指明方向) Walk straight ahead. 一直

5、往前走。 Turn left/right. 往左/右转。 Go upstairs/downstairs. 上/下楼。 Please go to the 2nd floor. 请到2楼。,指路与带领,Direction 指路与带领,指路与带领,情景2:当国外客人需要前台带领或指明到某处时 客人:Excuse me, wheres the toilet/restroom please? 请问洗手间在哪儿? 回答:Its over there. Turn right at the corner, please. 在那边,前面角落处右转。 或:Please go to the 2nd floor. Y

6、oull see it after you get off the elevator. 请您上2楼,出电梯就可以看到。 客人:Thank you. 谢谢! 回答:My pleasure./You are welcome. 不客气,Direction 指路与带领,指路与带领,1. 在哪里?Where is/Wheres? 2. 卫生间/洗手间toilet/restroom/washroom/water closet 3. 角落Corner 4. 左/右转Turn left/right 5. 楼层地面Floor 一二三楼First/second/third floor1st/2nd/3rd/4th

7、 6. (从)下来Get off 7. 电梯Elevator/lift,致歉与答复,Apologies,04,Apologies 致歉与答复,致歉与答复,真诚及时的道歉有时会很好的缓和尴尬气氛 Excuse me. 请原谅/打扰一下 Im sorry./Sorry. 对不起 Im awfully/really sorry. 我真的很抱歉。 Its my fault. 这是我的错。 I apologize./I apologize for you/it/this. 我抱歉。我向你道歉。,Apologies 致歉与答复,致歉与答复,道歉的答复: Thats all right. 这没什么。 Tha

8、ts/Its OK. 没事。 It doesnt matter. 没关系。 Never mind. 不要紧,没关系。 Lets forget it./Forget about it./Forget it. 算了吧!,入住,Check in,05,Check in 入住,入住,1. 预订 Reservation/book Make/have a reservation进行预订 2. 到达arrive 3. Single room 单间 double room 双人间 suite 套间 luxury suite 豪华套间 4. Like 喜欢像 prefer 更喜欢(比较级) 5. 窗户Windo

9、w 6. 留下离开Leave 7. 英语中的肯定答复 Yes, please./Yep.OK, sir.Certainly, sir.Sure. Sure thing.Exactly.Sure, go ahead.Sure, no problem.,Check in 入住,入住,1. 多久How long 2. 多少How many 3. 待留保持Stay 4. 计划plan 5. 期望想做Expect 6. 等待Wait Wait a moment/second/minute. 稍等一下,Check in 入住,情景4: 询问是否有预订,问:Did you have a reservatio

10、n with us? /Did you make a reservation, please?您有预订吗? 客人: No, I just arrived in this place. 没有,我刚到这里。 回答:We have single rooms, double rooms, suites and luxury suites in our hotel. 我们有单间、双人间、套间和豪华套间。 What kind of room would you like/prefer? A single room or a double room? 您需要哪种房间?单人房还是双人房? 客人: I want

11、 a single room with window.单人间,有窗户 回答:Im sorry, we dont have any single rooms left/all single rooms have been booked, would you like a double room? 对不起,我们没有单间了,双人间可以吗? 客人:Yes, please. 可以。,Check in 入住,入住,情景6: 询问房价 客人:Whats the room rate today? 今天房价多少? 回答:The price of a single room is 170 RMB per day.

12、/The single room rate is 170RMB per day. 单间的房费是每天170元。 客人:OK, Ill take it for two nights. 一个单人间,住两晚。 回答:Sure, no problem. Thank you very much, sir. 没问题,先生。非常感谢。,Check in 入住,入住,1. 护照passport 2. 房号Room numberNo./# 3. 房卡Room card/key card 4. 点整点Oclock2 oclock 2点钟 6. 离开Leave 7. 空出,搬出Vacate 8. 免费For free

13、/free,Check in 入住,入住,1. 房价Room rate/price 2. 多少钱? How muchWhats the price of 3. 人民币 RMB 4. 折扣 discount Could you give me any discount? 有折扣吗?,Check in 入住,入住,Could you give me your passport?/May I have your passport, please? 麻烦出示一下您的护照。 Your room number is 246 on the second floor. 您的房号是二楼的246室。 Heres

14、your key card/room card. 这是您的房卡。 You may keep the room till 2PM./Youll have to leave/vacate your room by 2PM. 您可以将房间保留到下午2点。 Do you need a morning/wake-up call, please? 需要叫早服务吗? We have breakfast for free on 2nd floor each morning from 7:30-9:30. 早餐免费,每天上午7:30到9:30在2楼。,Check in 入住,入住,行李服务Luggage Ser

15、vice 保险箱safe deposit box/safety box 叫醒服务morning/wake up call 洗衣服务Laundry Service,Check in 入住,入住,中餐厅Chinese Restaurant 西餐厅Western Restaurant 咖啡厅Coffee Shop 酒吧Bar,Check in 入住,入住,会议室Conference Room 商务中心Business Center 停车场Parking 信用卡Credit Card,道别,Farewell,06,Farewell 道别,PHONE SLIDE HERE,# Phone Section

16、,输入你的标题,详细内容点击输入本栏的具体文字,简明扼要的说明分项内容,此为概念图解。,输入你的标题,详细内容点击输入本栏的具体文字,简明扼要的说明分项内容,此为概念图解。,详细内容点击输入本栏的具体文字,简明扼要的说明分项内容,此为概念图解。,Farewell 道别,添加您的标题 由在此输入详细介绍,以表达项目工作的详细资料和文字信息。,添加您的标题 由在此输入详细介绍,以表达项目工作的详细资料和文字信息。,添加您的标题 由在此输入详细介绍,以表达项目工作的详细资料和文字信息。,添加您的标题 由在此输入详细介绍,以表达项目工作的详细资料和文字信息。,添加您的标题 由在此输入详细介绍,以表达项目工作的详细资料和文字信息。,添加您的标题,酒店基础英语培训,演讲人:XXX 部门:人力资源部,


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