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1、-范文最新推荐- 研究新生英文自我介绍 Hello everybody, I am * from *,* years. In my college career, I have always thought that people should live and learn of my knowledge, the professional meticulous, which has been in the results have been positive, are given third-class scholarship per academic year. Not content t

2、o learn theory in class, while also focusing on a variety of application software and hardware. Therefore, in the fourth semester the teacher trust was responsible for the computer room. Broad love of my particularly good at art and multimedia publishing and website production, installation This cla

3、ss organization members also joined the Propaganda Department of the University Student Council. On the enthusiasm, hard working, and the members of the Department of solidarity, year I was promoted by the ministries minister. Minister in office during the focus with the schools, students of other d

4、epartments to complete all outstanding advocacy work to promote all kinds of schools to operate more smoothly at the same time line. School activities are enthusiastic to participate in the 2003 to 2004 by school cultural competition and quiz contest first prize. Bold and innovative reform of the sc

5、hool newspaper layout, making newspapers the subject, as the rate to a level. School activities are enthusiastic to participate, in April 2005 by School Web outlets. As a student I have repaired their studies also focus on community practice. Line to apply their knowledge, practice theory of play co

6、mbined with the summer of 2002 I candidates skilled computer technology into the practice of Hengyang City, Lenovo computers. Summer 2003, the company I work in Guangdong Huadu handbags, its solid foundation in this regard and interest of my week on the skilled use of various design software, and th

7、en make a lot of excellent design, from students and teachers acclaim. I have a love for the motherland and so on and so on the fine tradition, and positive attitude towards life and a wide range of interests, strong sense of responsibility at work, diligent, pragmatic, have strong organizational, p

8、ublicity, a certain cell and creative arts, team-oriented spirit and collective ideas. Do not know if I introduce you to not be able to have a good impression on me, hope you make recommendations to my inadequate. Hello, everyone, please allow me to introduce myself with a minute let you know me, kn

9、ow me and accept me. I come from Shandong, xxx, 20-year-old, my hometown Qilu earth gave me a straightforward character, and yet steady, and later the city of Nanjing travel long distances to school. As one saying goes: Ten years out of sharpening sharp, sword-jun to knowledge only pending. Zaikuzai

10、lei, I am willing to try, eat life of hardship, Fang Wei Ren Exalted, in later school life, I will definitely be one to make their own efforts, but had a substantial significance of post-secondary life. Student life in the future please give more concern, a simple self-introduction is completed, tha

11、nk you! 虽然我没有上过团课,但对共青团还是了解一些的:共青团是先进青年的先锋组织,是中国共产党的后备军,还是培养德智体全面发展的人才的大学校。团员要积极上进,热心为大家服务,先人后己,不计较个人的得失。共青团委是中学最主要的组织成分。 知道了原因,我当然就会改正。譬如在上学期的千禧联欢会上,我不但担任我们组话剧的大部分编剧,还自告奋勇地做旁白,结果话剧获得了同学的好评。这真出乎我意料之外,鼓舞了我,使我增添了信心。这似乎也是于慧溟同学的功劳,她的活力感染了我。后来,我积极参加班里的活动。在学习方面,我虽然做得还不够好,不够刻苦,但我会尽自己最大的努力。 在入团后,我一定遵守团章,按团的旨意办事,不做违反团章的事。因此我希望校团委能接受我的入团申请书,使我成为团的一分子。 此致 敬礼 申请人: 2018年6月17日 3 / 4


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