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1、,英语 七年级上 (配人教版),课 程 标 准 教案,Unit 4,Wheres my schoolbag?,Introduce,Wheres my schoolbag? Its on the bed.,Words,table tebl 【用法】table意为:餐桌。 常用词组: at table在吃饭; at the table在桌旁,常用例句:There is a dog at the table. 桌子旁边有一条狗。,小练习:根据汉语意思填空 他们一家子都围坐在桌旁 The family is sitting _ _ _.,at the table,Words,bed bed 【用法】b

2、ed是名词,意为“床”。,常用例句: My books are on my bed.我的书在我的床上。,小练习:根据汉语意思填空 她通常晚上十点睡觉。 She usually _ _ _at 10:00pm.,goes to bed,Words,radio redi 【用法】radio用作名词,意为“收音机,无线电广播” 。,常用例句:She has a radio 她有一台收音机,小练习:根据汉语意思填空 那些黑人喜欢听收音机 Those_ like_.,Negroes; listening to the radios,Translations,Mom: Come on, Jack! 妈妈:

3、快点,杰克! Jack: Oh, no! Wheres my bag? 杰克:哦,不!我的包在哪儿? Mom: Hmmis it on your desk? 妈妈:嗯在你的桌子上吗? Jack: No. And its not under the chair. 杰克:没有。他也不在椅子上。 Mom: Oh! Its on the sofa. 妈妈:哦!在沙发上。,Translations,Jack: Thank you, Mom. Errwheres the map? 杰克:谢谢,妈妈。嗯地图在哪儿? Mom: I think its in your grandparents room. 妈妈

4、:我想它在你祖父母的房间里。 Jack: Yes, its on their bed! And my hat? 杰克:是的,他在你的床上!我的帽子呢? Mom: Its on your head! 妈妈:在你头上呀! Jack: Oh, yeah! Haha! 杰克:哦,是的!哈哈!,Expressions,Come on, Jack!快点,杰克! 【用法】come on的用法主要由以下几种: (1)表示催促,其含义是“赶快,快点儿” ,相当于“ Hurry up. ” (2)表示鼓励,意为“加油” 。 (3)表示安慰,意为“没事儿,不要紧” 。 【实例】Come on,David! Were

5、 late!快点,大卫!我们要迟到了,Expressions,小练习:单项选择 _ ,Jim! Lets go out to play. A. Come to B. come for C. come by D. Come on D. 考查口语come on的用法,故选D.,Expressions,Is it on your desk? 在你的桌子上吗? 【用法】(1)英语中有一些表示方位的介词,用于名词或代词前,这时名词或代词称为介词宾语。介词后的人称代词要用宾格形式。介词与后面的名词或代词构成介词短语。(2)当介词短语充当表语时,千万不要忘了be 动词(is, am, are)。 【实例】(

6、1)in表示“在中;在内”。in the room在这个房间里 (2)on表示“在上”。on the floor在地板上 (3)under表示“在下”。 under the bed在床下,Expressions,小练习: 根据汉语意思填空 她的鞋在桌子底下 Her shoes are _ _ _.,under the table,Expand,真题演练,1.【2014嘉兴】Im really tired. I have to stop running._, Jim. You can make it. A. Come on B. Take care C. Have fun D. Good luc

7、k 【答案】A 【解析】句意:我真的累了。我不得不停止跑步了。_,吉姆。你能做到。考查情景交际用语的回答,A项意为“加油”、B项意为“当心,小心”、C项意为“开心点”、D项意为“好运”,从句意可以看出别人累了,应该鼓劲。故选B项。,Expand,真题演练,2.【2013安徽】Mrs. King put a coat_ the sleeping girl to keep her warm. A. onB. with C. behind D. beside 【答案】A 【解析】考查介词的用法。on “在上面”;with意为“和”;behind意为“在后面”; beside意为“在旁边”。根据句意“

8、为了保暖,Mrs. King在睡着的小女孩身上放上一件外套”。故选A。,Expand,真题演练,3.【2014广安】I _ think the floor _ clean. A. /; isnt B. dont; is C. dont; isnt D. /; / 【答案】B 【解析】考查宾语从句,故选B项。在think引导的宾语从句中,否定的都是主句,从句谓语动词应为肯定,故A ,C均不正确,而D项从句中没有连系动词,故选B。,Summary,Words: table; bed;radio,Sentences:come on& is it on.,Exercise,根据图片提示填入适当的介词

9、1The ball is _ the floor. 2The hat is _ the chair. 3His pencils are _ the pencil box. 4The two girls are _ the tree(树) 5The computer is _ the table.,on,under,in,under,on,Exercise,句型转换 1His schoolbag is on the desk.(对画线部分提问) _ his schoolbag? 2My KEYS are on the table.(改为一般疑问句) _ KEYS on the table? 3A

10、 book is on the chair.(用four替换a改写句子)Four _ on the chair.,Where is,Are your,Four books are,Exercise,句型转换 4Is Tims bookcase red?(作否定回答) _. 5What are those?(回答问句) _ CDs.,No, it ins t,Those are,Exercise,根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1Look!The model planes are u_ the table. 2W_ are your parents? They are in the living

11、room. 3Oh,Mary,your radio is o_ the sofa.Its not under the sofa. 4Whats this in English? Sorry,I dont k_. 5The white model p_ is Ginas.,nder,here,n,now,en,Exercise,用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空 1_ is Jims sister? She is in her school. 2What are _ in English?They are books. 3What _ is your bag?Its red. 4_ for your tape. 5My _ game is in the bookcase.,color where that computer thanks,Where,that,color,Thanks,computer,Homework,Make conversations with your friends after class. Describe your own room.,


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