Never,ever give up.ppt

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《Never,ever give up.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Never,ever give up.ppt(105页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、3 3 Never, ever give up! Unit 1 Section AUnit 1 Section A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS AIR FORCE ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration. Accordingly, a “genius” is often merely a talented person who has done all of his or her homework. Thomas Edison (Americ

2、an inventor) Do the best you can in every task, no matter how unimportant it may seem at the time. Sandra Day OConnor (American jurist) 3 3 1UNIT1The way to successThe way to successUNIT Section ASection A 3 3 1The way to successThe way to successUNIT Never, ever give up! ObjectivesObjectives To tal

3、k about the secret of success To further understand the text To apply the phrases and patterns To master the essay writing skill ContentsContents Never, ever give up!Never, ever give up! Section A Warming-up activities Text study Language application Summary Warming-up activities Lead-inLead-in Pre-

4、reading activitiesPre-reading activities Cultural backgroundCultural background Never, ever give up!Never, ever give up! Section A 1. What is success? To live your life the way you want to live it To earn money, power, and fame To be surrounded by people you admire and respect To achieve your dreams

5、, desires, hopes, wishes, etc. A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. Lead-inLead-in Short answer questions 2. What do you think are the secrets of success? A strong will and adequate preparation Determination and persistence Well begun is ha

6、lf done. When you want success as badly as you wanted air, you will get it. Lead-inLead-in Short answer questions 1 As long as you are committed to your goals and you are _ about your dreams, you will _ accomplish them. 2 To accomplish _ results in your life, you have to be 100 percent committed and

7、 you must be willing to _ your time and effort. passionate Listen to a talk about steps to make your dreams come true. Fill in the blanks based on what you hear. eventually amazing sacrifice Listen and talk Pre-reading activitiesPre-reading activities 3 What are the three steps that you should follo

8、w to achieve success? 1) _ 2) _ 3) _ Map your goals out Listen to a talk about steps to make your dreams come true. Fill in the blanks based on what you hear. Believe in yourself Take action Listen and talk Pre-reading activitiesPre-reading activities 1. Why do most people fail to achieve success in

9、 the end? 2. Can you think of any other helpful steps that can be taken to make your dream come true? Listen to the talk again and discuss the following questions. Listen and talk Pre-reading activitiesPre-reading activities 1. Why do most people fail to achieve success in the end? Not have the pass

10、ion; Not clear about what they want; Not know the exact destination that they want to reach; Not focus on what they want. Listen and talk Pre-reading activitiesPre-reading activities 2. Can you think of any other helpful steps that can be taken to make your dream come true? First, to learn to adopt

11、suitable strategies; Second, to realize the significance of learning; Finally, to create or find opportunities rather than wait for opportunities to find us. Listen and talk Pre-reading activitiesPre-reading activities We cannot travel every path. Success must be won along one line. We must make our

12、 business the one life purpose to which every other must be _. I hate a thing done by halves. If it be right, do it boldly. If it be wrong, leave it undone. The men of history were not perpetually looking into the mirror to make sure of their own size. _ in their work they did it. subordinate Absorb

13、ed To be continued Listen to a short passage on success and fill in the missing information. Compound dictation Pre-reading activitiesPre-reading activities They did it so well that the wondering world sees them to be great, and _ them accordingly. To live with a high ideal is a successful life. It

14、is not what one does, but what one tries to do, that makes a man strong. “Eternal vigilance,” it has been said, “is the price of _.” With equal truth it may be said, “Unceasing effort is the price of success.” Listen to a short passage on success and fill in the missing information. labeled liberty

15、To be continued Compound dictation Pre-reading activitiesPre-reading activities If we do not work with our might, others will; and they will outstrip us in the race, and pluck the prize from our grasp. Success grows less and less _ on luck and chance. Self- distrust is the cause of most of our failu

16、res. The great and _ help to success is character. Character is a crystallized habit, the result of training and conviction. dependent indispensable To be continued Listen to a short passage on success and fill in the missing information. Compound dictation Pre-reading activitiesPre-reading activiti

17、es Every character is influenced by heredity, environment and education. But these apart, if every man were not to be a great extent the _ of his own character, he would be a fatalist, and _ creature of circumstances. Instead of saying that man is a creature of circumstance, it would be nearer the m

18、ark to say that man is the architect of circumstance. architect irresponsible To be continued Listen to a short passage on success and fill in the missing information. Compound dictation Pre-reading activitiesPre-reading activities From the same materials one man builds _, another hovel. Bricks and

19、mortar are mortar and bricks, until the architect can make them something else. The true way to gain much is never to _ to gain too much. Wise men dont care for what they cant have. palaces desire Listen to a short passage on success and fill in the missing information. Compound dictation Pre-readin

20、g activitiesPre-reading activities Questions Previewing 1. What do you know about public schools in the UK? 2. What do you know about public schools in the US? TipTip s s TipTip s s Cultural backgroundCultural background Public schools in the UK Independent of the state system; Educate secondary-lev

21、el students for a fee; Evolved from an institution of the late European Middle Ages or Renaissance; Curriculum placed heavy emphasis on the Greek and Roman classics. Cultural backgroundCultural background Public schools in the UK Paid, in part or in whole, by public funding from taxation; Institutio

22、ns of post-secondary education overseen by government. Cultural backgroundCultural background Public schools in the UK Uphold a committed and focused will and spirit; Have the will to overcome profound obstacles and to work diligently. Main ideas of the partsMain ideas of the parts Main idea Main id

23、eas of the partsMain ideas of the parts Main idea Transcend handicap; Accomplish any feat and achieve success. Part III Para. 8 By reinforcing the statement given in part II, the text draws the conclusion that with hard work, _, dedication and preparation, you can _ any handicap, accomplish any feat

24、, and _. determination transcend achieve success Main ideas of the partsMain ideas of the parts Main idea 2. An achievable goal (examples); 3. Focused hard work and persistence (examples); Part III. Conclusion With hard work, determination, dedication and preparation, you can transcend any handicap,

25、 accomplish any feat, and achieve success. To be continued Oral reproductionOral reproduction Speech makingSpeech making You may adopt the following expressions. in pursuit of ; to fulfill ones dreams/hopes/ideals, etc.; to make great contribution to ; never give up; to uphold a committed and focuse

26、d will and spirit; a burning inward desire that fuels the determination to act, to keep preparing, and to keep going. Oral reproductionOral reproduction Speech makingSpeech making Translate a paragraph based on a summary of the text by using the expressions from the text. Paragraph translationParagr

27、aph translation 很多人只是嘴上说他们想要 什么东西,但并不真正地付出大 量努力去实现。很多人因为害怕 失败而不敢全心尝试尝试 。而成功的 秘诀在于内心燃烧烧的欲望,从而 激发发行动动的决心,即使疲惫,即 使失败,也会继续准备,继续前 进。 expend great effort trying with all their heart burning inward desire fuels the determination To be continued Paragraph translationParagraph translation 专专注于汲取更多的知识,争取 持之以恒

28、地渐进渐进,保持永不言 退的坚强意志。只要刻苦努力 ,意志坚决,专心投入,准备 充分,你就能跨越一切障碍,达 成所有壮举举,取得成功! focus on gradual, consistent progress transcend any handicap accomplish any feat Samples Paragraph translationParagraph translation Many people simply say that they want something, but they do not expend the substantial effort requi

29、red to achieve it. Many people let the threat of failure stop them from trying with all of their heart. The secret of success is based upon a burning inward desire that fuels the determination to act, to keep preparing, to keep going even when we are tired and fail. Focus on becoming more knowledgea

30、ble. Focus on gradual, consistent progress. Maintain the strong will to keep going. With hard work, determination, dedication and preparation, you can transcend any handicap, accomplish any feat, and achieve success! Paragraph translationParagraph translation Thematic study Summary Revision of Revis

31、ion of the useful expressionsthe useful expressions Revision of Revision of the functional patternsthe functional patterns Never, ever give up!Never, ever give up! Section A 1 偏离,背离 2 阻止某人做 3 战胜 4 追求 5 通过奋 斗逐步达到 6 放弃 7 专注于 8 移开;从开除 9 认定失败 10 充当;起作用 deviate from preclude sb. from doing triumph over .

32、 in the pursuit of work ones way to/through/into give up on focus on remove from write off act as Revision of Revision of the useful expressionsthe useful expressions Language pointsUseful expressions 11 不足;不够好 12 为而鞭笞 13 赞颂 为/是 14 付出努力去做 15 内心燃烧的欲望 16 执着于 17 跨越一切障碍 18 达成所有壮举 19 因而成名 20 言简意赅的讲话 fall

33、 down whip for commend as accomplish any feat expend effort to do burning inward desire keep ones eyes on transcend any handicap achieve fame for short, clear-cut speech Revision of Revision of the useful expressionsthe useful expressions Language pointsUseful expressions Functions & Usages Function

34、s & Usages Sentence Patterns Sentence Patterns 1. 用于表达“对对已知条件的 否定”。 2. 用于表达“某人做某事的 原因”。 3用于表达“对对某事物最为为 重要的因素是”。 A, B, C none of these be/do Sb. do sth., not because , but because Its not that matters. Its that be/do Revision of Revision of the functional patternsthe functional patterns Language pointsUseful patterns The endThe end Never, ever give up!Never, ever give up! Section A 谢谢观赏谢谢观赏谢谢观赏谢谢观赏 !


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