六年级下册英语课件-Module 9 Unit 2 Wishing you happiness every day 外研社(三起) (共18张PPT).ppt

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1、Module 9 Unit 2Wishing you happiness every day!,Wishing you happiness every day.,What is this?,Its an UFO.,What is it?,Its an alien(外星人)eln,alien,Its an _.,email,This alien is writing a letter to his friend on earth,I miss you. 我想你Best wishes to you.给你最美好的祝愿goodbye letter 告别信,Rrview,goodbye letter 告

2、别信,happiness幸福,愉快,happy快乐的,Wishing you happiness every day . 祝你幸福每一天。,happiness幸福,愉快,Listen and answer :,( )What is Lingling doing ?She is writing goodbye letters to all her friends.She is sending email to her friends.,A,Listen and answer :,( )What does she write first ?First she write friends addre

3、ss.First she write friends name.,B,Listen and answer :,1.Then what does she write ?_2.How many letters are there ?_,“Wishing you happiness every day”,There are about forty letters.,Summary,Lingling is writing _ to all her friends at school. First she writes the _ of a friend. And then she writes _ y

4、ou happiness every day in every letter. Look! This one is for Amy . And there are _ letters to write.,goodbye letters,wishing,name,forty,Game,.,Do and say.,Give good wishes to your friends.Good luck for the future. From Xiaoyong. Thank you, Xiaoyong,Farewell speech,Homework:1.熟读课文,掌握固定句型2.写一些祝福的话给自己最好的朋友,Thank you!,


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