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1、讨价还价英语口语太贵了。It ' s too expensive.那么贵啊 That much有没有廉价点的Do youhaveanycheaper ones可以讲价或者打折吗Isthispricen egotiableor isthere any disco unt这超过了我的心里价位。That'bit more tha nIwant to pay.这远远超出了我愿意支付的价格范围。It ' s wellbeyondmy price range.能给我打折吗 Can I have adisco unt这些商品打折吗Do you offera disco unton t

2、his goods可以打九折吗Can you knockoff 10%185美元我就买它了。US$185 ,I' II take it.Do you have anything on sale你们有什么特卖品吗Is there a disco unt有什么打折商品吗How much is it 多少钱这条围巾多少钱这个要多少钱价格怎么样How much is this scarfHow much does it costHow about the price那个要价多少你要的价位是多少呢这个夹克是什么价格我该付多少钱How much do you want for thatWhat&#

3、39;s your gen eral price rangeWhat's the price for the jacketHow much shall I pay for itHow much do I owe you我该付多少钱How much do you want to pay 你想付多少钱How much do you offer 你能出多少钱你能告诉我这个多少钱吗我想知道这个多少钱Would you like to tell me how much it is rd like to know how much it is.Barga iningA:My I help youm

4、 justlook ingfor now. Could Ihavea lookyour tiesA:Yes,certa inly.Here's anicelook ingone.B:Yes,it isattractive.Butdont youthi nkit is alittletooloudI am alittlecon servativesiB:Tha nks, but Ide. Let me see thatgray and blue one.please.A:Do you mean this oneB:Yes, that ' s the one. How much d

5、oes it costA:$300.B:300 Thats too expe nsive.Is this pricen egotiableor is there any disco untA:Well,sir.Taking intoacco unt of thequalityand workma nship,youfind the price is justified.Thisis the rockbottom price.B:It ' s wellbeyondmy pricerange.A:I can knock offfor you a 10% ifyou reallylike i

6、t.B:Ok, I ' ll take it.商谈'sgetdow ntobus in ess,shall we让我们开始谈生意好吗,dliketotellyou what I thinkabout that.我想告诉你我的一些想法。这些价格是批发价还是零售价these prices wholesale or retails too high. 价钱太高了。, no, this is the lowest price.噢,不,这是最低价。us have your rock-bottom price.我们给你低价。' s the price range 价格范围是多少st

7、artat one hundredand fifty yuan andgo up to two hundredyuan.它们以 150 元起价,至多到 200 元。price isquite reasonable.这价格相当合理。priceis unreasonable.这价格高得不合理。you make it a littlecheaper =Can youcome downa little=Can youreduce the price你能不能算廉价一点soundsvery impressive.那似乎非常好。soundsreasonable.那似乎非常好。' d liketo h

8、ear yourideason我想听听你关于的看法。re offering us this product at 1800 yuan per unit-is that right你提供我们的这种产品报价是每台 1800 元吗,对吗d appreciateit if you could sell it to us for 1350 yuan per unit. 如果你能以每台 1350 元的价格卖给我们,我们将不胜感谢。the qualityinto consideration, I think the price is reasonable.考虑到产品质量,我认为价格是合理的。' s

9、one problem to be mentioned. 有一个问题要提出来。price we quoted is quite good for your country. 我们报的价格 相当适合贵国。price you quoted is a littlestiff for exporting.你报的价格' re in complete agreement.我们完全同意。can' t make adecisionat this time.我无法现在做决定。26. Its not possibleforustomake any salesat this price. 我们无法以

10、这种价格销售。yuan isaboutaslowas we can go.380 元大约是我们能出的最低价格。'm afraidIcan'tagreewith you there.恐怕我不能同意您出的价格。在这一点上我想你是误会我了。price is higher than that of othercompanies.你方的价格比其对于出口而言,有点偏高。price is 15% higher than that of last year.你们的价格比去年的高 15%。think you misunderstoodme on this point.它公司的价格要高。our p

11、rice is very reasonabl30. But considering the high quality, e. 不过鉴于产品的优良质量,我们的价格是非常合理总之,商品的价值往往同商品的本质关系密切。当要强调出口商品的品质以使交易到达理想的价格时,我们可以说:Thisone isvery goodfor 10 US dollars.(这东西绝对值10 美元。)或 These are slightlyhigherin price,but theirsuperior qualitymakes them more valuablethanthe lessexpensiveones. (

12、这些货价稍微高了一点,但其优异的品质,使它们比那些廉价的货,更有价值。 )在谈到商品价格廉价时, 买方切忌使用 cheap 这个词, 因为在西方人看来, 它意味着商品是由廉价劳工 (cheap labor) 制造出来的廉价商品。外贸英语应尽量使用 reasonable这个形容词。如: The price is quite reasonable.( 这价格相当合理。 )讨价还价“ The best 者 This is的结果是双方做出的让步。在最后让步时可说:compromise we can make is 我们能做出的最大让步是 或the lowest possible price. 这已是最低价格。


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