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1、Unit 2 Looking DifferentTopic 1 I have a small nose. 龙山初中 尹玲教学内容:section D教学目标:知识目标:1. Review the simple present tense with “have/has” and adjectives of description: (1)They have round faces. (2)He has big ears. (3)Do you have a knife? Yes, I do./No, I dont. (4)Does she have small hands? Yes, she do

2、es./No, she doesnt. 3. Review the description of peoples appearances: (1)I have a small nose. (2)My face is round. (3)She has a small face, big eyes and a small nose.情感目标: 通过描述同学或朋友的外貌特征,增进同学间的情趣,促进班集体和谐。教学重点:1. 教师引导学生总结have/has 引导的表示所属关系的句型,复习描述及询问人物外貌特征,物品所属的表达。2. 本课是阅读课型,继续学习对人的描述和“Do you have ”1

3、 / 7句型及其答语的使用。教学难点: 复习本话题有关描述任务外貌特征的表达,让学生在做中学习英语,关注学生多元智能的发展。教学过程:Stage 1 getting students ready for learning 师生间常规问候。Stage 2 review words Step 1让学生听一首英文歌曲,总结本单元所学的新单词。Now, lets listen to an English song, and review the words about parts of the body. You should spell them one by one quickly. OK?Ste

4、p 2 总结外貌特征和一些形容词的常用搭配,通过竞赛的方式鼓励学生说出更多的描述人物外貌特征的句子。男生女生各位一组,得到苹果多的一组获胜,老师给予奖励。T: Hello, boys and girls. Lets review the words about parts of the body and adjectives of description. Lets have a competition. Ill divide you into two groups. The group which can speak more sentences will get more apples.S

5、tage3 Practice Step 1 Show a picture of Yao Ming, and ask the students to describe him in English.Step 2 Show the main information of a student, the teacher will describe him and ask the students to guess.T: I will describe a student in English, please guess, who is he?.Ss: He is Zheng Wei. T: Yes,

6、you are right. Do you have a good friend. Can you describe your friends in English? Ss: Yes we can. T: Ok, I will ask a student to describe his/her friend, and lets guess who he/she is.S1: I have a friend . He is a boy. He has Guess, who is he?Stage 4 Step1 给“运动员”标上序号。完成1。T: Look at the picture in 2

7、. We can see Kangkang and some other boys. They are playing soccer. Do you want to know who they are? Now listen to the tape and number the players in the order you hear. Step 2 核对答案,再听一遍,让学生写出所听到的句子,并一起朗读这些句子。T: Listen to the tape again and try to complete the following sentences.1. Lin Tao is from

8、 China. He has_. 2. Does Tom have long arms? _.3. Look! Peter_.4. A: What dose Kangkang look like?B: _.Step 3 Look the picture and fill in the blanks. Step 4 The teacher read the sentences and the students draw the picture. Finish 2.Stage 5 Grammar and Functions Step 1 引导学生完成句子,然后老师核对答案。 Step 2学生自己归

9、纳have/has 的用法,以及复习本话题拓展的有关询问姓名,介绍个人信息和交际功能的表达。 Step 3 Exercise1. This is Bruce. He _ a big head. A. has B. have C. is D. are2. Mr. Lee has _ short hair, _ small nose and _ wide mouth. A. a, a, a B. a, the, / C. /, a, a D. a, /, /3. That is my friend. His nose _ big. A. is B. are C. have D. has4. _ t

10、hey have a car? Yes, they _. A. Are, are B. Do, does C. Do, do D. Does, do5.Does she have big eyes? _. She has small eyes. A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. No, she does.Stage 6 Lets chant. Finish 3. Step 1 listen to the song together. And the teacher explain it. Step 2 Ask one student to sing the song. Step 3 let students chant together.Stage 7 Assigning homework1)复习本话题的单词和表达;2)用英语写一段话,描述你的一个朋友的外貌 ;3)预习Topic 2 Section A的单词。 板书设计:I have a small noseSection DHe I She has we haveIt does they do you 友情提示:范文可能无法思考和涵盖全面,供参考!最好找专业人士起草或审核后使用,感谢您的下载!


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