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1、-范文最新推荐- 英文简历自我评价范文       应聘国外企业或者是需要用到英文制作简历的时候,英文自我评价一般位于基本信息之下,用三到五句话列出自己最大的优势,表明自己为什么适合该职位。参考下这些范文吧,相信会对你有所帮助。o highly motivated, creative and versatile real estate executive with seven years of experience in property acquisition, development and construction, as well as

2、 the management of large apartment complexes. especially skilled at building effective, productive working relationships with clients and staff. excellent management, negotiation and public relations skills. seeking a challenging management position in the real estate field that offers extensive con

3、tact with the public. o over 10 years as an organizational catalyst/training design consultant with a track record of producing extraordinary results for more than 20 national and community based organizations. a commitment to human development and community service. energetic self-starter with exce

4、llent analytical, organizational, and creative skills. o financial management executive with nearly ten years of experience in banking and international trade, finance, investments and economic policy. innovative in structuring credit enhancement for corporate and municipal financing. skilled negoti

5、ator with strong management, sales and marketing background. areas of expertise include (a bulleted list would follow this paragraph.) o health care professional experienced in management, program development and policy making in the united states as well as in several developing countries. expertis

6、e in emergency medical services. a talent for analyzing problems, developing and simplifying procedures, and finding innovative solutions. proven ability to motivate and work effectively with persons from other cultures and all walks of life. skilled in working within a foreign environment with limi

7、ted resources. o commander - chief executive officer of the u.s. navy, atlantic fleet. expertise in all areas of management, with a proven record of unprecedented accomplishment. history of the highest naval awards and rapid promotion. proven senior-level experience in executive decision-making, pol

8、icy direction, strategic business planning, congressional relations, financial and personnel management, research and development, and aerospace engineering. extensive knowledge of government military requirements in systems and equipment. committed to the highest levels of professional and personal

9、 excellence. o performing artist with a rich baritone voice and unusual range, specializing in classical, spiritual, gospel and rap music. featured soloist for two nationally televised events. accomplished pianist. extensive performance experience includes television, concert tours and club acts. av

10、ailable for commercial recording and live performances. 平凡中,我们一样奉献 各位领导、朋友们: 大家好! 演讲从我们最熟悉的他们开始。他们是阳光底下一群平凡的人。当他们从井下回到地面,那特有的憨厚笑容掩不住身心的疲惫。他们会点上一根烟,在红红的烟头后面是沾满煤屑的脸。在黑色的面庞上,甚至很难找到那黑色的眼睛,他们会说笑几句,这时吸引你所有注意力的会是那洁白的牙齿,你不可能不感觉到一种感动,我也只能承认,只有这黑白两色的笑容,才是世界上最美丽的笑容!这些在千尺井下、地层深处开采光明的硬汉子们,他们同样也是诗人,他们每天用风钻在深深的地层中

11、书写着崭新的诗篇。闪光的乌金上没有刻上他们的名字,印上他们的私章,但那诗篇却发表在千家万户的炉膛和建设祖国的高炉!他们就是我们的父亲,我们的爱人! 很遗憾,没能用铿锵的水靴破开万年的夜幕,去割开黑暗中的矿石,让沉睡的宝藏开出愉悦的浪花,流淌出乌金香气。但我们却是这些最可爱的人的妻子,而且还有幸成为了矿山的一份子,成为了拣矸班姐妹的一员。是那欢快悦耳的凿岩机奏鸣曲,撼动三山五岳的开山炮声,高高的井架、飞旋的天轮,伴我们走过青春岁月。破碎机、载矿皮带两畔,留下了我们重叠了千万次巡回拣矸的足迹,望着不知疲倦往复运转的载矿皮带,我们对这煤里淘矸的事业更加痴情。多少次站在井口,看着风驰电掣的机车,拉着那

12、些不夹杂矸石的闪亮煤炭轰隆开过;多少次,对着镜子发现自己也有着淳朴的黑白两色笑容时,我深深的陶醉了,这没有杂质的煤炭真的好闪亮,这黑白两色的笑容真的好美丽。 身为潞安人也见证了潞安的每一次发展,矿山的每一次飞跃。太行论剑剑气高,往事越千年。后羿射日,日落潞安化为浩瀚煤田,而五颗太阳便落在了我们这块土地上,于是有了这样一个亲切的名字-五阳。这是一片“与天为党”、“为天下脊”的博大深厚的土地。这里有秦始皇“与天为党”的慷慨,有苏轼“上党从来天下脊”的豪迈,有朱德“太行豪气传千古”的峥嵘,还有挖出第一锹乌金的老一代创业者,安于奉献足智多谋的科技工作者,运筹帷幄决胜于千里的各级领导群体,更有“一局三金

13、马,中华第一家”的美誉,蓄势待发,意欲搏击资本市场,方方面面争第一的霸气! 曾多少次为那射日的后羿折服,曾多少次为那千尺井下的一片赤心而感动。太阳之所以燃烧,是因为它选择了辉煌;而我们这些后羿的子孙们!选择了开采太阳的事业。射日的英雄单膝跪地,面朝苍穹,神色坚毅,弯弓满盈,挥洒着战斗的豪迈!我们只是平凡的一份子。但同样能和后裔一样书写豪迈,和男儿一样奉献热血青春。平凡中,我们一样能够奉献!平凡中,让我们一起奉献!一起为潞安的未来、五阳的明天奉献! 1.不要不要随意写一些自己不具备的特质。 很多同学再写自我评价的时候会写自己:谨慎,做事仔细,这可以,但是一定不能在简历中出现那些小马虎才犯的错误,

14、比如:错别字,缺字,多字,语句不通顺,排版错乱,字体不一,不留联系方式等等。 这些看起来有些低级的错误,其实是HR每天都一定会看到的,大家一定要引起重视,不要再犯。 你可以适当的夸夸自己,但是刚夸奖自己这方面很好,就犯相应的错误,那HR会怎么想呢? 2.不要说一些特别虚的话,吃苦耐劳的领导能力和沟通能力,优秀的协调能力和应变能力,富有团队精神。等等。假期做过促销员就说自己吃苦耐劳?当过班长就具备的领导能力?敢说自己具备领导能力的人有几个? 不管是说话还是做事,都要踏踏实实的,这才是企业希望找到的好员工。 3.不要把简历中的各种经历在自我评价中全部重复一遍,有的同学自我评价从小学开始,到大学结束,各种奖励说了一遍,问题是,小学的小红花能说明你适合某个职位吗?谁长这么大还能没点光荣历史啊,不要让HR跟着你回顾一遍,最好得出你小时候明显比现在优秀这样一个结论,对吧。 5 / 6


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