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1、A Tripto Qingdao 青岛之旅现今,越来越多的人喜欢去旅游。 有的人去登山旅行, 有的人去海滩度假。旅游途中,我们可以看见美丽的风景, 可以访问不同的让我们愉悦的地方,并且我们从中可以学习 到很多,也可以结交不同的朋友。去年的 10 月,我和我朋友乘公汽去青岛旅游。这里的 空气清新、阳光灿烂。第一站我们去了第一海水浴场。这里 是如此的迷人以至于我都不想离开。在这里我还幸运地遇到 了一群外国朋友并且还合了影。然后我去了有着悠久历史的 五四广场。游客非常的多但是大家都很友好。下午我们去了 崂山风景区, 这里因啤酒而被世人所知。 当你去崂山的时候, 一定不要忘了喝喝那里的啤酒。那里的啤酒

2、真的很好喝。最 后我们去了青岛博物馆,我们学到了很多。多么令人难忘的 一次旅游啊!Today, more and more people like travelling. Many people go on a trip to the mountains or beaches on holidays. We will see beautiful sights. We feel excited to visit different places, and we can learn a lot from it. We can also meet and make friends with the

3、people there.In last October , I went to Qingdao with my friends by bus. The air was clean and the weather was sunny. First we went to the No. 1 Bathing Beach. It was so fascinating that I didn 't want to leave. Luckily I met some foreigners , and I took many photos with them. Then I visited the

4、 May 4th Square which has a long history. It was very crowed there , but the people were friendly to each other. In the afternoon , we went to Laoshan Scenic Area. It was famous for the beer. When you go there , don' t forget to drink it. It really tastes well. Finally we visited Qingdao Municipal Museum , we learned a lot. What an unforgettable trip it was !


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