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1、Unit 3 Language in use教学目标 Teaching Aims and Demands:1. Language KnowledgeKey vocabulary: water sports, grey, ancestor Speaking skill: To say sentences involving the attributive clause. 教学重难点 Writing skill: To write sentences involving the attributive clause. 教具 Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (or Tape r

2、ecorder, OHP) 教学过程 Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Play a gamePlay another “ I describe, you guess. ”设计意图 : 本单元是一个复习单元 ,以游戏引出话题, 活跃课堂气氛, 鼓励学生大胆表达。 因 为老师出的题目有限,所以在全班做完之后,若时间允许,还可以分小组做。 (让同学们事 先准备好图片) 。在做这个游戏时, 同学们能够很轻松地说出带定语从句的句子, 能够在游 戏当中掌握好本单元的语法重点。Step 2 Read a dialogueRead a dialogue completed by the

3、teacher and ask the students to make similar dialogues. Try to use the Attributive Clause.Read the conversation and pay attention to the underlined words .A: Do you want to see my photos?B: what photos?A: The photos that I took in Australia.1. A: What surprised you most in Australia?B: The thing tha

4、t surprised me most was the weather!2. A: What do you call that famous Australian animal? The one that can jump very high. B: Oh, you mean a kangaroo.3. A: What ' s the name of that dangerous animal?B: The one that is green? That' s a crocodile.设计意图 :本单元是复习单元,尽可能让同学们运用本单元所学过的知识来自己编对话,做 到灵活运用

5、,大胆创新,并且还有助于合作与交流。Step 3 Join the sentences.Ask the students to join the sentences with “ that” .(句子见幻灯片 )Step 4 Finish Activity 1Read the passage and underline all “ that ” in the Attributive Clause. 设计意图 :在第三和第四步中,着重点在写上。经过了前面两个单元的学习,本单元的重点 是让同学们能够写出带定语从句的句子,这也是本模块的一个任务。Step 5 Around the worldShow students a picture of Australian athlete and hero. Ask students to learn from her.Step 6 HomeworkFinish the exercises in the workbook. 课后记:学生的积极性不太高,所涉及的习题有难度


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