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1、Betwee n the devil and the deep seaTo choose betwee n two equally bad alter natives in a serious dilemma.Where there's a will there's a wayWhen a pers on really wants to do someth ing, he will find a way of doing it.A bur nt child dreads fireA bad experienee or a horrifying incident may scar

2、 one's attitude or thinking for a lifetime.First come, first servedThe first in line will be attended to first.A frie nd in n eed is a frie nd in deedA friend who helps when one is in trouble is a real friend.A hungry man is an angry manA pers on who does not get what he wants or n eeds is a fru

3、strated pers on and will be easily provoked to rage.Great talkers are little doersThose people who talk a lot and are always teachi ng others usually do not do much work.A penny saved is a penny gainedBy being thrifty one will be able to save up.A rolli ng stone gathers no mossA person who never set

4、tles in one place or who often changes his job will not succeed in life ; one who is always cha nging his mind will n ever get any thi ng done.Bark ing dogs seldom biteThose who make loud threats seldom carry them out.Better late tha n n everTo do something that is right, profitable, or good a littl

5、e late is still better than not doing it at all.A bird in hand is worth two in the bushSomethi ng that one already has is better tha n going after somethi ng seem in gly more worthwhile that one may not be able to get.Birds of a feather flock togetherPeople of the same sort of character or belief al

6、ways go together.Charity beg ins at homeA pers on's first obligati on should be to help the member of his own family before he can beg in thinking of talk ing about help ing others.Every cloud has a silver liningIf you say that every cloud has a silver lining, you mean that every sad or unpleasa

7、nt situation has a positive side to it. If you talk about silver lining you are talk ing about somethi ng positive that comes out of a sad or un pleasa nt situati on.All that glitters is not goldDo not be deceived by thi ngs or offers that appear to be attractive.Eat to live, but do not live to eatM

8、an was created for a div ine purpose and he has a desti ny with his Creator - he was not bor n just to enjoy food.Don't put all your eggs in one basketOne should not risk everyth ing he has in a sin gle ven ture.Every dog has its dayEvery one will get a period of success or satisfacti on dur ing

9、 his lifetime.Any time means no timeWhe n an eve nt is not decided on or pla nned earlier it will n ever take place.Here are the instructions for next weekend's camping trip in Scotland. There are seventeen people going on this trip so it's important that you arrive at the meeting point earl

10、y enough for us to be able to leave at 8am. There will be two minibuses and please make sure you are on the right one. Last week's e-mail gave all this information.We should arrive in the camping area at about 2pm, which will give us enough time to buy the food we need in the local supermarket a

11、nd then go to the area where we will set up the tents, which is a long way from town.There will be a total of four large tents put up and each tent will have a tent leader, a person who went on this trip last year and therefore has the necessary experience. If you have any problems during the two da

12、ys, you should always go directly to your tent leader and speak to him/her.We are not expecting there to be very bad weather this weekend in Scotland, but the weather situation in the Scottish hills is always very unpredictable and for this reason, we have advised everyone to take wet weather clothi

13、ng with you. If windy, stormy weather arrives at the camping area, it may also be necessary to leave the hills and go down into the town.It's very likely that your phones will not work in the hills, so you must warn your parents of this. You will be able to use your phones when we are in the tow

14、n, but not when we are camping.If you have any other questions about the trip, come either to me or Mrs. Sanderson.Today, millions of people want to learn or improve their English but it is difficult to find the best method. Is it better to study in Britain or America or to study in your own country

15、?The advantages of going to Britain seem obvious. Firstly, you will be able to listen to the language all the time you are in the country. You will be surrounded completely by the language wherever you go. Another advantage is that you have to speak the language if you are with other people. In Ital

16、y, it is always possible, in the class, to speak Italian if you want to and the learning is slower.On the other hand, there are also advantages to staying at home to study. You don't have to make big changes to your life. As well as this, it is also a lot cheaper than going to Britain but it is

17、never possible to achieve the results of living in the UK. If you have a good teacher in Italy, I think you can learn in a more concentrated way than being in Britain without going to a school.So, in conclusion, I think that if you have enough time and enough money, the best choice is to spend some time in the UK. This is simply not possible for most people, so being here in Italy is the only viable option. The most important thing to do in this situation is to maximise your opportunities: to speak only English in class and to try to use English whenever possible outside the class.


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