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1、中英文版升职感谢信范文中文升职感谢信 ( 一)尊敬的领导: 我是个幸运的人,有人给我关怀,有人给我帮助,有人 送我温暖,这些人就是我的领导和同事们,我将无法忘记你 们的帮助, 今天我满怀感恩的心, 对你们表示我最诚的感谢 !千里之行,积于跬步 ;万里之船,成于罗盘 ; 因为有领导 您平日的指点,才有我今天的成就。衷心的感谢您 !经的你是我的榜样,如果我不是一个好士兵,就配不上 好领导,谢谢我的领导,真心的祝福你能够幸福快乐。亲爱的领导,正是因为有您的带头作用,才使我们能在 工作中尽职尽责、爱岗敬业。衷心的表示我们的感谢 !一起工作的日子是快乐,一起奋斗的日子是难忘的! 感谢您给予我的的帮助,在

2、新年之际愿您幸福快乐 ! 。老大,多谢你给我这样的机会,这个小组因为有你所以 空前的团结,你的坚定和鼓舞给了我们莫大的支持。老大, 谢谢你 !中文升职感谢信 ( 二)尊敬的 xxx 领导:您好!在公司工作三年多时间里,我先后从事多种工作,积累 了一些实践经验 ; 同时,利用工作之余报读中国经济管理大 学的在职 mba职业经理人学习,并顺利通过学校的考试 和导师的认可,并取得国际注册职业经理人证书和研究 生学历,同时不断的自我学习管理学大师余世维博士和知名 管理学院的相关课程及大量有关企业战略发展、经营管理、 营销策略、人才激励等录像和文字资料,对企业经营有了一 个初步了解。通过学习,发现成功并

3、不是想象中的那么困难:正确的 目标 +详实的计划 +顽强的意志 =成功 ; 人人都可以成功 ; 经营 企业也是这样。也正是因为学习,让我获得了知识,增长了 自信,不但使我喜欢上了质量管理行业,而且逐步明确了人 生职业理想,争取成为质量管理领域的专家。大胜靠德。我是品德成功论的忠实信徒,但并不排斥个 人魅力论。因此,我在把诚信作为自己核心价值观的同时, 也重视培养自己积极主动的心态以及维持良好人际关系的 圆熟技巧 独木难成林。在以往的学习工作生活中,我与他人融洽相处、团结合作,在培养了我良好的团队合作精神的同时, 也锻炼了自己的管理、沟通和协调能力。我渴望迎接新的挑 战,我希望我能管理公司整个品

4、管部,这个工作非常适合我 的发展方向和兴趣所在。诚然,在日新月异的当今社会,在日趋激烈的人才竞争 中,我还欠缺很多,但我相信,若有幸得到公司全体同仁的 信任和指导,具有谦虚好学、务实上进、追求卓越以及坚韧 性格和奋斗精神的我,定能在您的指导下,在丰富的实际工 作中不断提高,日趋完善。同时,我也会竭我所能献出我的 才智,以报答领导的知遇之恩。英文升职感谢信模板Thank you, Mr. Gibson. i feel deeply indebted toyou and i really don' t know how to thank you enoughfor your s a gre

5、at honor to be following in your footsteps as Overseas Sales Manager.To be honest, this promotion came as quite a surprise. i 'd like to think it ' s mainly a recognition of the teamwork, above and beyond the call of duty, inmy department. On that same note, id like to thankall my colleagues

6、 in the company for their enthusiasmand hard work. due to their efforts,we' ve reallygotten some overseas projects offthe ground forAction.Looking to the future, i ' d stilllike to maintaincontact with everyone, even thoughll be working atthe senior level. Well, what i'mtrying to say is

7、iwon' t let this step-up go to my head. My door will always be open. Thank you again.英文升职感谢信范文Respected xx of xxGreetings, i am writing this letter to thank youfor your kind understanding of our moderate adjustments to our pricing policies.As you may have already known, the cost of the raw mater

8、ials necessary to our production has moved up greatly in the last few years, and considering the fact that it is to the interests of both of our companies' that we maintain a cooperation relationship, we have been by far trying to supprethe rise of product prices as best we can.But with the rece

9、nt increase of labor cost, it has become impossible for us to leave prices the way they were, and thus the new pricing policy. You have shown great understanding when we announced our new price list, and that is certain to help increase our future cooperation, once again you have my thanks on behalf of the whole company.You are very welcome to continue ordering our products, we look forward to in depth cooperation between our two companies.


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