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1、41.some medicine for 治.的药 42.There's something wrong with .有毛病 43.What's wrong with you? 你怎么啦? What's the matter with you? 44.speak+语言 say it/them in+语言speak English (say it in English) 说英语(用英语说它) 45.take a message for .to. 为.带口信给 leave a message for 给.留口信 give a message to 给.口信 46.What&

2、#39;s the weather like.? =How is the weather .? .天气怎么样? 47.in front of 在.前面 in the front of 在.前部 48.have a good / great / wonderful time 玩得高兴,过得愉快 have a great(lovely / good/wonderful ) day enjoy oneself enjoy one's time 49.agree with sb 同意某人 50.all (different) kinds of 各种 51.as soon as possible

3、 尽快地 as soon as sb. can 52.at home; 在家 1 / 2 at Tom's; in Tom's home 在汤姆家 53.at the moment (now) 此刻(现在) at the moment (at that time) 那时刻(当时) 54.be able to; can 会(做某事) 55.be covered with / by 被.覆盖 56.be famous for 以.出名 57.be proud of 为.自豪 58.by the way 顺便说 in this way 用这种方法 on one's way (to) 在.路上 get in the way 挡道,妨碍 59.used to do 过去常做 be used to doing 习惯于 be used to do 被用来为了 60.from time to time; sometimes ;at times 不时地; 有时候 now and then 断断续续; 时而, 友情提示:范文可能无法思考和涵盖全面,供参考!最好找专业人士起草或审核后使用,感谢您的下载!


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