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1、英语教学法教程教学大纲课程概况1.课程代号:2.开课单位:外语学院3.适用专业:三年制师范教育专业4.开课时间:第五学期 5.总学时:32学时6.修课方式:必修7.考核方式:考试8.教材:全国普通高等学校优秀教材一等奖,普通高等教育“九五”国家级重点教材,王蔷、程晓堂编英语教学法教程高等教育出版社。课程性质、任务和基本要求1.课程的性质和任务本课程是为英语教育专业学生开设,目的在于学生不仅具备扎实的语言基本功,掌握必要的语言基本知识和基本技能,具有较强的语言交际能力,而且还要掌握一定的教育基本理论和教学技能,即能够根据实际需要选择并运用恰当的教学方法和技巧,具备课堂管理的能力与评价的能力,同时


3、3.教学方法和教学形式建议 英语教学法课程理论性和实践性都非常强,教师应把教育学、心理学和英语语言学融会贯通,使学生具备应有的教育、教学理念,而且,教师要充分利用多媒体教学设备,采用微格教学等多种教学方法,使学生尽可能多地获得理性认识和感性认识。而课堂时间非常有限,这就要求学生课上、课下相结合。4.课程教学要求的层次A. 要求学生掌握语言教学基本知识B. 选择并运用恰当的教学方法和技巧C. 学会课堂管理与教学评价学时分配学时分配:课程教学总学时数为32学时,其中理论 16学时,实践16学时。教学内容 理论学时实践学时Unit 111Unit 111Unit 311Unit 411Unit 51

4、1Unit 611Unit 711Unit 811Unit 911Unit 1 011Unit 1 111Unit 1 211Unit 1 311Unit 1 411Review22推荐精选合 计1616教学内容和教学要求1 第一单元Language and Learning教学内容 How do we learn languages?What are the common views on language? What are the common views on language learning? What are the qualities of a good language te

5、acher? How can one become a good language teacher?教学要求Understanding the nature of language and language learningIdentifying the qualities of a good language teacher1 第二单元 Communicative Principles and Activities教学内容Language use in real life vs. traditional pedagogyFostering communicative competence T

6、he implementation of language skills Communicative activities 教学要求Knowing the translation of communicative competenceEvaluating communicative classroom activities3 第三单元 Lesson Planning教学内容Why is lesson planning necessary?Principles for good lesson planning Macro planning vs. micro planning Component

7、s of a lesson plan 教学要求推荐精选Knowing the components of a lesson plan Designing lesson plans sample4 第四单元Classroom Management教学内容What roles do teachers play in the classroom? What are the different ways for student grouping? How can we maintain discipline in the classroom? 教学要求Understanding the role of

8、 the classroom teacherUnderstanding the student groupingKnowing how to manage the classroom 5 第五单元 Teaching Pronunciation教学内容The role of pronunciation The goal of teaching pronunciation Aspects of pronunciation Practicing sounds, stress and intonation 教学要求Identifying the role of teaching pronunciati

9、on Knowing the goal of teaching pronunciationKnowing the aspects of pronunciation 6 第六单元 Teaching Grammar教学内容The role of grammar Grammar presentation methods Grammar practice 教学要求Identifying the role of grammar in ELTKnowing grammar presentation methods推荐精选Knowing effective grammar practice7 第七单元 Te

10、aching Vocabulary教学内容Vocabulary and vocabulary buildingPresenting new words Consolidation vocabulary Developing vocabulary building strategies 教学要求 Knowing the methods for presenting new words Knowing the way to consolidation vocabulary Help students developing vocabulary building strategies 8 第八单元

11、Teaching Listening教学内容Why does listening seem so difficult?What do we listen to in everyday life? Characteristics of the listening process Principles for teaching listening Pre-listening activities, while-listening activities, post-listening activities教学要求Understanding the characteristics of the lis

12、tening process Designing listening activities9 第九单元 Teaching Speaking教学内容Characteristics of spoken language Designing speaking tasks Using group work in speaking tasks Types of speaking tasks 教学要求推荐精选Designing successful speaking tasksUnderstanding the types of speaking tasks10 第十单元 Teaching Reading

13、教学内容How and what do we read? Skills involved in reading comprehension Principles and models for teaching reading Pre-reading activities, while-reading activities, post-reading activities 教学要求 Understanding the nature of reading process Designing listening activities11 第十一单元 Teaching Writing教学内容The n

14、ature of writing in realityA communicative approach to writing Problems in writing tasks A process approach to writing Writing through e-mail教学要求 Understanding the nature of reading process Knowing the communicative approach Knowing the process approach to writing Designing writing teaching plan11 第

15、十二单元 Integrated skills教学内容Why should we integrate the four skills?How can we integrate the four skills? What are the implications for teaching?推荐精选 What are the limitations of integrating the four skills? 教学要求 Integrate the four skills in teaching Knowing the limitations of integrating the four skil

16、ls13 第十三单元 Assessment in Language Teaching教学内容Assessment purposes Assessment methods Assessment criteria Assessment principles Testing in assessment教学要求 Understanding the purposes, methods and criteria of assessment Familiarizing with testing techniques11 第十四单元 Evaluating and Adapting Textbooks教学内容W

17、hy and what do teachers evaluate and adapt?How do teachers evaluate textbooks? How do teachers select textbooks? How do teachers adapt textbooks?教学要求 Understanding the importance of textbook evaluation, selection and adaptation Knowing the conditions that are met in evaluating and adapting textbooks

18、 推荐精选英语教学法教程实践教学大纲课程概况1.课程代号:1.开课单位:外语学院3.适用专业:三年制师范教育专业4.开课时间:第五学期 5.总学时:16学时6.修课方式:必修7.考核方式:考试8.教材:全国普通高等学校优秀教材一等奖,普通高等教育“九五”国家级重点教材,王蔷、程晓堂编英语教学法教程高等教育出版社。课程性质、任务和基本要求1.课程的性质和任务本课程是为英语教育专业学生开设,目的在于学生不仅具备扎实的语言基本功,掌握必要的语言基本知识和基本技能,具有较强的语言交际能力,而且还要掌握一定的教育基本理论和教学技能,即能够根据实际需要选择并运用恰当的教学方法和技巧,具备课堂管理的能力与评


20、推荐精选3.教学方法和教学形式建议 英语教学法课程理论性和实践性都非常强,教师应把教育学、心理学和英语语言学融会贯通,使学生具备应有的教育、教学理念,而且,教师要充分利用多媒体教学设备,采用微格教学等多种教学方法,使学生尽可能多地获得理性认识和感性认识。而课堂时间非常有限,这就要求学生课上、课下相结合。4.课程教学要求的层次i. 要求学生掌握语言教学基本知识ii. 选择并运用恰当的教学方法和技巧iii. 学会课堂管理与教学评价学时分配学时分配:课程教学总学时数为32学时,其中,实践16学时。教学内容实践学时Unit 11Unit 11Unit 31Unit 41Unit 51Unit 61Un

21、it 71Unit 81Unit 91Unit 101Unit 111Unit 121Unit 131Unit 141Review2合计16推荐精选实践要求和实践安排 实践要求1) 要求学生课上合作学习,相互配合实现实践任务。2) 学生应独立完成教师布置的作业,强化练习。实践安排 英语教学法教程第1-14单元实践学时与理论学时的比例为1比1,地点在教室。第一次实践:Exercises in Unit 1. Task 1: What is a good language teacher? Task 1: How can one become a good language teacher?第二次

22、实践:Exercises in Unit 1. Task: How to evaluate communicative classroom activities?第三次实践:Exercises in Unit 3. Task: Design a micro lesson planning.第四次实践:Exercises in Unit 4. Task 1: Brainstorm the issues that teacher roles are related to. Task 1: How to maintain discipline in the classroom?第五次实践:Exerc

23、ises in Unit 5. Task: How can teachers help the students to practice pronunciation?第六次实践:Exercises in Unit 6. Task: What kind of practice is most effective?第七次实践:Exercises in Unit 7. Task : Brainstorm the ways to consolidate vocabulary and the ways to help students develop vocabulary building strate

24、gies.第八次实践:推荐精选Exercises in Unit 8. Task 1: Design pre-listening, while-listening, post-listening activities. Task 1: Assess some listening teaching activities.第九次实践:Exercises in Unit 9. Task 1: Design speaking teaching activities. Task 1: Assess some speaking teaching activities.第十次实践:Exercises in

25、Unit 10. Task 1: Design pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading activities. Task 1: Assess some reading teaching activities.第十一次实践: Exercises in Unit 11. Task 1: Design writing teaching activities. Task 1: Assess some speaking teaching activities.第十二次实践:Exercises in Unit 11. Task: How can we integrate the four skills?第十三次实践: Exercises in Unit 13. Task: Brainstorm the testing techniques.第十四次实践:Exercises in Unit 14. Task: Find a unit that you think needs adaptation and adapt it.推荐精选 (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 推荐精选


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