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1、课时作业二十八Carnival 狂欢节I .单项填空1. Will you go to Han gzhou for a holiday this summer? No, I won I have no , it' s too hot.A . To start withB . As a resultC.On the contraryD.In other words2. She pretendedto the manager, but actually she was thinking about something else.A .to have listen

2、edC.having be listening3 . I was in terested in this project and had worked hardin a project like this.A . in cludedB . in cludi ngC . to in cludeD . to be in cluded4 . The new law has bee n criticized by groupsdisabled people.B . being represe ntedD . represe ntB . had bee n bookedA .

3、represe ntedC . represe nting5. Could I have a table by the win dow?Sorry, of them.A . were bookedC . are being bookedD . have bee n bookedA . itC . there7 . Unfortunately , the band.A . con sistsC . is con sistedB . thatD . this6 . I thinkis no need for us to comment on his action : it speaks for i

4、tself.of a sin ger, two guitarist s and a drummer broke up soon. B . con sist ing D . con sisted8 . The composer has been dead for many years , but the interest in his musicrecently.A .has repeatedB .has rega inedC .has revivedD .has recovered9 . With his mind , he didn' t catch even a single wo

5、rd of what the teacher was saying.A .won deri ngB .wan deri ngC .drifti ngD .float ing10 . We followed thethe car had left in the grass and found it at last.A . sig nsB . sig nalsC . marksD . poi ntsn .阅读理解2021年合肥第二次检测Children become more generous as they get older , learning the principles of equal

6、ity by the age of may not be too surpris ing to anyone who has kids.Humans are born with a sense of fairness that most other animals seem not to share , but it' s not been clear exactly whe n this con cept starts to develop.Dr Alva Zhao and her colleagues con ducted a series of tests to measure

7、just how much childre n care about equality at differe nt three differe nt vers ions of a game , childre n were asked to choose betwee n two ways of sharing a number of sweets with themselves and an unfamiliar could choose, for example , between one for me and one for you , or just having one for th

8、emselves.At the age of three, children were “ almo st completely selfish ,says Zhao.They refused to give sweets away eve n if it made no differe nce to by the age of eight , childre n gen erally preferred the fair option , sharing a prize equally rather than keeping it all to themselves.Several othe

9、r factors in flue need how fair the childre nteam found that childre n without brothers or sisters were 28% more likely to share than children with brothers or the other hand , the youngest children in a family were 17% less willing to share than children who had only younger brother or sister.In ad

10、dition , if children knew that their partner was from the same playgroup or school , they were more con cer ned about being suggests that being nice to people you know is someth ing that develops a sense of equality.1. The main idea of the first paragraph is.A . parents know clearly when their kids

11、are more willing to shareB. the kids' willingness of sharing is learned from their familyC. the older the kids are , the more selfish they will becomeD. kids become more generous when they reach a certain age2. The tests con ducted by Dr Alva Zhao and her colleagues were aimed at.A . how kids de

12、velop a quality of fairness in gamesB. children ' s awareness of equality at different agesC . the reasons why childre n care about equalityD . children ' s attitudes towards other partners3 . Which of the followi ng is NOT true accord ing to the passage?A . Childre n un der three know littl

13、e about being fair.B . Childre n above eight years old become less selfish.C . Childre n with brothers or sisters tend to be more gen erous.D . The you ngest child in a family tends to be less gen erous.4 . We can lear n that childre n care more about equality while with.A . unknown people B . nice

14、peopleC . familiar people D . fair people2021年宜昌第一次调研, AThe United Nations says more than 900 million people worldwide do not have enough tosay 100 millionmore could go hungry this year because of the food and financial crises.To deal with the situation , the UN World Food Program has started a proj

15、ect to help small farmers are mainly cannot produce en ough food eve n to feed and support their own families.The new effort is called Purchase for Progress , or aims to connect local farmers with dependable way, they could get a chance to sell their surplus 剩余at competitive will be tested in as man

16、y as 21 countries during the ne xt five years.The biggest con tributor to the project is Bill Gates , through the Bill and Meli nda Gates don or 捐款者 is the Howard Buffett Foundation , led by a son of the American investor Warrengovernment of Belgium isalso support ing the project in a former colony

17、殖民地,now the Democratic Republic of Con go.Together these donors have provided more than 76 million dollars for projects in Africa and Central America.Purchase for Progress will work with United Nations agencies , governments and non-gove rnmental orga ni zati ons to help in crease crop World Bank Gr

18、oup and other part ners are to help train farmers in better crop man ageme nt and market ing skills.The World Food Program says it expects to buy 40,000 tons of food in the first year usin g methods carried out by the will be en ough to feed 250,000 people.P4P is expected to develop food cooperative

19、s and long-term agreements for buying corn, wheat and otherfood 350,000 farmers could be assisted.Officials say the project will cha nge the way the World Food Program buys food in develop ingDirectorJosette Sheeran says this is the first time her agency will buy a large amountof food from small “ a

20、gency hastraditi on ally bought most of its food from develop ing cou ntries, but through larger trad ing orga ni zati ons.5 . From the passage, we know that.A . in all 900 million people worldwide lack foodB . a project has bee n started to help wome n farmersC . there are only two donors to help t

21、he projectD . some farmers still cannot support their families6 . According to the passage , will work hard to deal with the situation.A . the Uni ted Natio nsB . the comb ined effortsC . some gover nmentsD . some non-gover nmen tal orga ni zati ons7 . Which of the following will NOT be done to help

22、 small farmers?A . To don ate mon ey.B. To reform the way of food purchase.C. To provide them with food.D. To buy a large amount of food from them.8. What' s the best title for this passage?A . Project to Help Small FarmersB. Contribution to Small FarmersC. Food ProblemsD. P4P Is Being Carried O

23、ut皿信息匹配A . Social background for the Development of Adult EducationB. What is the prese nt situati on?C . The purposes in Adult Educati onD . Ways of Adult Educatio nE . The history of Adult Educati onF . What is Adult Education ?Volu ntary lear ning in orga ni zed courses by mature men and wome n i

24、s called adulteducati on is offered tomake people able to enl arge and in terpret their experie nee as may want to study someth ing which they missed in earlier schooli ng , get new skills or job tra ining , find out about new tech no logical developme nt , seek better self-understanding , or develo

25、p new talents and skills.This kind of education may be in the form of self-study with proper guidance through the use of libraries , correspondence 函授courses, or may also be acquired collectively in schools and colleges , study groups, workshops , clubs, and professional associations.Modern adult ed

26、ucation for large numbers of people started in the 18th and 19th centuries with the rise of the In dustrialecono mic and social cha nges were tak ing place: people were moving from rural areas to cities:new types of work were being created in an expa nding factory and other factors produced a n eed

27、for further educati on and reeducati on of adults.The earliest program of organized adult education arose in Great Britain in the 1790s, with the foundingof an adult school at Nott in gham and a mecha nics ' in stitute at earliest adult educati on in stituti on in the United States was founded b

28、y Benjamin Franklin and some friends in Philadelphia in 1727.People recognize that continued learning is necessary for most forms of employment example, parts of the adult population in many countries find it necessary to take part in retraining programs at work or even to lear n completely neweduca

29、ti on programs are spri nging up con sta ntly to meet these and other n eeds.IV .短文改错Yesterday a school boy is daydreaming in knowing that he was doing , he put a pen cap into his few minutes late , he was terrified to find that he had swallowed it ! The teacher was shocking when the boy stood up an

30、d said," I' ve just swallowed a pen cap. He was quickly sent the n earest a doctor exam ined his and said the best treatment was to take some medicines so tha t the pen cap could pass hours later the boy successfully made it. “ She is really lucky , said the doctor. " It' s not rar

31、e that small children put things into their mouths for a ' s very dan ger.I .单项填空1. A to start with 首先;第一; as a result 因此;on the contrary 相反地;in other words 换句话说。根据句中的Besides的提示可知选 A。句意为“今年夏天你去杭州度假吗? “不去。首先,我没钱,此外天太热。2. D 此题考查pretend的用法。pretend假装,后常跟动词不定式。to have done发生在谓语动词之 前,to be doing与谓语动词同

32、时发生。句意为“她假装在听经理说话,其实她正在想别的事情。3. D 句意为“我对这个工程感兴趣,我曾努力工作希望成为这个工程中的一员。此处考查动词不定式作目的状语。根据语境“我希望能被列入到这个工程的成员里面可知用被动形式。4. C 此处考查动词-ing形式作定语,相当于 who represent。5. D 此题考查被动语态。句意为:我可以坐靠窗的桌子吗?对不起,先生。所有靠窗的桌子已被预订了。本句表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,故用现在完成时6. C 此题考查固定句型 there is noneed for do sth.没有必要做某事。句意为"我认为我们不必对 他的行为进行

33、评价:它本身就可以说明一切。7. B consist of由组成,一般不用于被动语态。此题为动词-ing形式作定语。句意为 "不幸的是,这支由一位歌手、两位吉他手和一位鼓手组成的乐队很快就解散了。8. C 此题考查词义辨析。repeat重复,重说,regain重新获得,revive复兴,再流行,recover恢 复,收复。句意为“他的音乐最近又流行起来。9. B 此题考查动词辨析。wonder想知道,不知道,drift漂流;漂泊,float浮,漂,漂流, wander 心不在焉,胡思乱想。10. C句意为:“我们按照那辆汽车在草坪上留下的痕迹最终发现了它。marks表示“痕迹&quo

34、t;,符合题意,而 sig ns意为"符号,标记;迹象,招牌",sig nals意为"信号"。n .阅读理解【语篇解读】文章介绍人类天生的一种特性一一力求公平,研究人员通过实验发现三岁时小孩完全自私,到了一定年龄就逐步显露出与人分享的天性。1. D 归纳段落大意题。第一句话即该段的主题句:孩子到了一定年龄8岁后就变得更加慷慨大 方。2. B 细节把握题。根据第三段第一句话“ Dr Alva Zhao and her colleagues con ducted a series of test to measure just how much childr

35、en care about quality at different ages 可以推断 Alva 博士和她的助手进行 测试的目的在于了解孩子在不同年龄对平等意识的表现程度。3. C 细节把握题。根据倒数第二段第二句话"The team found that children without brothers orsisters were 28%more likely to share than childre n with brothers or sisters可以看岀有兄弟姐妹的孩子更倾向于慷慨,和短文表达内容相反。4. C细节把握题。根据短文最后一段可判断小孩子和熟悉的人在一起

36、更关注平等。5. D 细节理解题。由"more than 900 million people 一句可判断选项A错误;根据第二段"aproject to help small farmers are ma in ly wome n 可判断选项B错误;文章的第四段提到三个赞助者:Bill Gates, the Howard Buffett Foundation 和比利时政府,因此可判断选项C错误。根据第二段的最后一句可判断选项 D正确。6. B 推理判断题。根据第六段的内容可知,联合国机构、一些政府和非政府机构共同致力于增加粮食产量。7. C 推理判断题。根据文章的内容可知,

37、联合国粮食方案署开始的Purchase for Progress project 即P4P工程为小农场主提供的帮助包括:捐款、帮助他们提高产量、购置小农场主们生产的粮食。8. A 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了联合国粮食方案署开始的P4P工程的相关情况,A项揭示了文章的主旨大意,因此是最正确标题。 皿信息匹配1. CIV .短文改错Yesterday a school boy i礎 daydreaming inknowingtha w|taL he was doing, he put a pen cap into his boy stood up and said,“ I'

38、ve just swallowed a pen cap. He was quickly sent 4 the nearest a doctor examined him and said the best treatment was to ta ke some medicine s. so that the pen cap could passfew mi nuteslaL儀r,he was terrified to find that he had swallowed it! The teacher was shock in g when the shockednaturanaLu|-ally .Three hours later the boy successfully made it.“Sh is really lucky, said the doctor. "It' snot rare that smaH chHdren put things into their mouths for a ' s veiy dangerous.


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