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1、标题(一般不超过20个汉字)作者1,作者2(一般不超过6人)(1.单位全称,所在地区 邮编;2. 单位全称,所在地区 邮编)摘要:摘要应具有独立性,即不阅读全文,就能获得必要的信息。通常用报道性摘要,包括目的、方法、结果、结论四部分内容,综述用指示性摘要,病例报道摘要可省略。缩写词应在第一次出现时写明中英文全称。并避免出现对图、方程和参考文献的引用。(摘要字数:250400字)关键词:关键词38个,每个关键词之间用“;”隔开。Effect of REV7 Gene on Cell Cycle and Apoptosis of Human Colon Cancer Cells(与中文题目一致,每

2、个单词首字母大写)ZHANG San1, LI Siwu2(姓在前,全部大写,名首字母用大写,其余小写)(1.Ningxia Medical University,School of Basic Medical Sciences, Yinchuan 750004,China; 2. Ningxia Medical University Fertility Maintain Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education, Yinchuan 750004,China)Abstract:Objective To investigate the effect of d

3、own-regulating REV7 gene on the cell cycle and apoptosis of human colon cancer cell lines HCT116 and SW620. Methods Specific siRNA fragment of REV7 gene was transfected into human colon cancer cell lines HCT116 and SW620 respectively. Real-time PCR,Western blot were used to detect the interference e

4、fficiency of REV7 in the transfected cell lines. Cells with low expression of REV7 was selected as the experimental group. Only transfection reagent added cells were used as blank control group. Transfected with negative RNA oligo interference fragments cells as negative control group. Flow cytometr

5、y(FCM) was used to determine the cell apoptosis in each group. The expression of tumor suppressor protein P53,cyclin protein P21 and CDK4,apoptosis protein BAK and BCL-XL were detected by Western blot. Results Real-time PCR results showed that the siREV7 interference efficiency in HCT116 and SW620 c

6、ells was higher than 60%(P<0.01). Annexin V-FITC/PI double staining showed that down-regulating REV7 promoted the early apoptosis of HCT116 and SW620 cells compared with the negative control in the experimental group(P<0.05). Western blot results showed that down-regulating REV7 decreased the

7、expression of HCT116,BCL-XL and P21 in SW620 cells(P<0.01),increased the expression of pro-apoptotic protein BAK,tumor suppressor protein P53 and cyclin dependent kinase CDK4(P<0.01). Conclusion Down-regulation of REV7 can block the cell cycle of colon cancer cells HCT116 and SW620 and promote

8、 apoptosis. The mechanism may be related to the regulation of P53 protein by REV7 and the expression of cyclin CDK4,P21 and BAK and BCL-XL. (与中文摘要内容一致)Key words: colon cancer; REV7 gene ; cell cycle; cell apoptosis; DNA repair(与中文关键词一致)前言(此二字省略)应简要回顾本文研究工作的背景和研究目的,一般400600字。注:正文中第一次出现的缩写词要写明中文名

9、称和英文全称,如:X射线衍射(X-ray diffraction,XRD)。1一级标题1.1 二级标题1.1.1 三级标题 文内并列条文序号用圆圈码,如、.表示图表的格式:图(含照片)与表应少而精,具有自明性,内容避免与文字重复,所有图表按文中出现的顺序添加至相应文字之后。表(图)应有表(图)序和表(图)题,可有图解对图进行说明。图题标注在图下方;表格采用三线表,表题在表格上方。表内每一栏均应有表头,表内数据一般用阿拉伯数字,小数点位数保持一致。显微照片应注明染色方法和放大倍数。组织切片照片要选准所需显示的部位,并将其置于照片中央或用箭头标示。对可辨认的患者照片,作者应负责征得患者的同意,并进

10、行技术处理,尽量使其不易辩认。表1 表题(±s)检测细胞 mRNA 相对表达量NCM460 1.00000±0.00000LOVO 0.03139±0.00755 *HCT-116 0.20950±0.07962 *HT29 0.39420±0.02947 *LS174T 0.79680±0.04679 *与 NCM460 细胞相比*P<0.05统计学符号:按GB 3358-82统计学名词及符号的有关规定书写,常用统计学符号如下:(1)样本的算术平均数用英文小写字母表示(中位数用M);(2)标准差用英文小写s; (3)t检验用英

11、文小写t;(4)F检验用英文大写F;(5)卡方检验用希文小写2;(6)相关系数用英文小写r;(7)自由度用希文小写(钮);(8)概率用英文大写P(P值前给出具体检验值,如t值、2值、q值等)。以上符号均用斜体。1.1.2 三级标题量的名称/量单位位 图1 图题2结果(一级标题)3讨论(一级标题)例:年产量居全国之首1。年产量居全国之首1-3。年产量居全国之首1, 3。文献1研究显示,当引用一次文献时,引用作者须与文后作者对应,能引用一次文献的最好用一次文献标注,“已有研究发现、国内外学者发现、根据相关文献”等内容后要给出相应文献。参考文献:本刊采用“顺序编码制”的著录方式,以文中出现顺序用阿拉

12、伯数字编号排序。文后参考文献按GB/T 77142005文后参考文献著录规则格式注录,必须是作者亲自阅读过的近年(5年内为宜)公开发表文献。作者3人以内全写,3人以上在第3作者之后加“等”或“et al”。 应标注文献类型标识:期刊J,普通图书M,专利P,学位论文D,会议录C,标准S,报告R,新闻N。文献示例如下:参考文献:期刊 作者.题目文献类型标识.刊名,出版年,卷(期):页次. 1秦海林,李志宏,王 鹏,等.中药玉竹中新的次生代谢产物J.中国中药杂志, 2004, 29(1):42. 2Goodger N M,Gannon J,Hunt T,et al. Cell cycle reglatory proteinsan overview with relevance to oral cancerJ. Oral Oncol,1997,33(2):61.书籍 作者.书名.卷次.版次(第1版不写).出版地:出版社,出版年:页次. 1张志耘.中国植物志M.第69卷.北京:科学出版社,1990:55.电子期刊:作者.题名文献类型标志/文献载体标志.出版地: 出版者, 出版年(更新日期)引用日期.获取和访问路径.1萧钰. 出版业信息化迈入快车道EB/OL . (2001-12-19) 2002-04- 15.http: 200112190019.htm.


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