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1、精品文档洛阳师范学院单招模拟试题单独招生工作遵循“公开、公平、公正、学校负责、自我约束、社会监督”的原则,下面是小编为你带来的洛阳师 范学院单招模拟试题 ,欢迎阅读。. 短语填空1 There is no doubt that stress can physical illness.2 Further measures will be taken to ourstreets crime.3 Many experts think that schools should not simply exam results.4 She usually the table dust byputting a

2、 cover over it.5 Scientists are still a cure for thisterrible disease.6 I fail than cheat in the examination.7. this treatment, her condition hasimproved.8 As a matter of fact, many great scientists don't being wealthy.9 According to Muslim traditions, the bride cannot show any part of her body

3、to the guests. , she“ /乙l!OS eq; Ae/ve 6uiAjjeo uuojjeje/vo puiM jueAejd 孝最(tueAejd) (爭卑鈴干 曲*准図屮国)01 Sdojo ueeMteqsse66ui;ue|d epjd sjeuujej oiue6jo euuos £sppij oiRjo eeje eq; 6uipuedxe 川o屮!m 孝最(川0屮阴-(逊 )sise/tieqeou eseejoui oj Ae/v eoj peqojees uen人o 乙 pe|66njjs seq eq uuoqMoj 孝最 (e|66njjs)

4、sepeoep eAy jsed eq;oj (星H篦凹 砒华丑阜一砒)'sjeuu科 eseuiqo jo suoiinujjo oso屮 o”!| jsnf eje Apoq pue siwe feoej si|-| 去号里马-ndnPlinq oL uoi;ippe u q jnoqe ejeo g oj s”uei|丄 j_eqjepino/wgoj 6uiqojees g uuojj eejj !sdee>|uo snooj g jo tpy乙 o】peer L 孝最 dn 06 oi ejnjejedujei |eqo|6 eq; 6uisneo fejeqdsouu

5、ie eq; uioi enunuoo sese6 esnoqueejg o Lsjojisia 6uissi> o”!| f6uippeM eq; 6uunp seoipejd ujejse/ M0|0j jou ueo 精品文档. 模仿造句1 翻译 经过 3 个月的航行,他们来到了现在称为美 洲的地方。 答案 After three months' voyage , they came to what is called America today.2 Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953.

6、 翻译 位于城市的中心地带,这座公园给市民带来很多 享受。 答案 Located in the centre of the city, the park provides much enjoyment to the citizens.3 from animals as fertilizer. 翻译 生活在城市里的人有很多更愿意住在乡下。答案 Many people living in cities would prefer living in the countryside.4 Crops such as peas or soybeans put important minerals back

7、 into the soil , need rich and fertile soil. 翻译 80 多个国家踢欧式足球, 使之成为世界上最流行 的运动。 答 案 European football is played in 80 countries, making it the most popular sports in the world.5 These many different organic farming methods have the or people's health. 翻译 这本书告诉你怎样在旅行期间防止生病。“ IPjo esn seeuu ueyo qoj

8、eesej |eoipe|/| ej!iUBUjnLl (辆§9 suejeejqj os|e sppij eeyoo uns-|njoj jsejojuiej eqj jouoipnjjsep eqj f|eAe| |eqo|6 ejouu e uo川o 6uiAp Aoinb eje seioedsAueuu fj|nsej e sy eujoq jsejoj siq; Aojjsep sj9moj6 eeyoo unsnnj sjinjj pue sjeMO|j ,seejt eq; uo puedep 代屮(旺逖 )seioedseqo pue spjiq ojeuuoq e

9、 sepiAOjd seejj jsejoj eq; jo epeqs eqi sieujiue pue spjiq s.eeje eq; speye sppij unsnnj Aq pejinbej jsejoj eq; joe6euuep eq; og |eoo| e uo eoueieq |eoi6o|ooes,p|JOM eq; sqnS!p ueAe pue'spjiqpue sieuuiue uiepeo jo eouejsixe Ajo八 eq; sje6uepue uoipnpojdunsnnj ojuoipnpojd umo6epeqs uuojjumo6 si ee

10、yoo Moq ui e6ueqo eqi e6eujep jo ;o| e jnoqe6ui6uuq pue Ajjsnpui eq;"o bupj印 si uoipnpojd unsnnj'人冋 eunpojun-nq fsseuisnq eiqejijojdfe6nq e si sueeq eeyoo jo uoipnpojd eqi(渎歴潮9 LOS)搦琵戦固 '二6ui|eAejj e|iqMII! 6ume6 piOAe oj Moq noA s|冋 ”ooq siqi 孝最“ /s。踰簷阴尊密国苗駆亘钿咖阴月韦出尊密阴舌 事別丑丄血腆壷王直兀。兀血腆覚一

11、者奧 戦搦覚里eeyoo jo dno eAisuedxeui ue ueq; ejouu qpo/v Apjns si pupjueuj pue ;eue|d eq; jo q;|eeq ejnjnj eqi jsooeq6iq e je q6noqj|e fe|qissodeAeueqMeeyoo umo6epeqs eseqojnd ueo Aeqi eoioqo e eAeq op sjeuunsuoo jng A6o|ooe |eqo|6 o屮 oj jueuuuojiAue |eoo| eq; uuojj 创| jo spedse Aueuu speye umo6 si eeyoo

12、 qonuu Ae/v eq; snoiAqo si ;|suonipuoo |ios (阴刑觀)oipioe o 6unnqujuoo ejesenbiuqoej 6uimoj6 Meu eqj JeAoejo|/| 'BuiLUjeM |eqo|6 pue uoi;n|od Jie oj spee| os|e seejj 6uiAi6ue6Axo jo sso| eqj jeqj Moqs seipnjs pue 'ejeuuip s.ppoM eq; ui e6ueqo ;q6i|s e 6uisneo Apeej|e si seejj epeqs jo sso| eqi

13、 A6o|ooejsejojuieeq; jo uoipnjjsepo屮 ueouj pinoo ( 国霸旺)suoijejue|d eeyoo unsnnjjo peejds penuijuoo eq; fA|eqo|6 pue A|eoo| qjogjeje/vpunoj6 s,p|JOM o屮 A|enjueAe pue fA|eoo| eje/v eq; 6uiuosiod eje senbiuqoej 6uiMOj6eeyoo Meu 'uoijippe u| seseesip uiepeo oj sejno Buipuij uuojj sjeqojeesej jueAejd

14、 pinoo seioeds qons jo uoipnjjsep eq; pue 'ejn leuuiue pue ;ue|d .sjsejoj o屮精品文档1 What can we learn about fullsun coffee production from Paragraph 4?A. It limits the spread of new growing techniques.B. It leads to air pollution and global warming.C. It slows down the loss of shade trees.D. It im

15、proves local soil conditions.答案与解析 B 考查细节理解 。根据 第四段中的 “ .leads to air pollution and global warming”可知,在阳光充足的环境中生长的咖啡豆会导致空气污染和全球 变暖。2 The purpose of the text is to .A. entertain B. advertiseC. instruct D. persuade答案与解析 D 考查推理判断。根据文章最后一段中的 “ But consumers do have a choice. They can purchase shadegrown

16、 coffee whenever possible.Thefuturehealth of the planet and mankind is surely worth more than an inexpensive cup of coffee”可知,消费者是有选择的,要尽可能购买树荫下生长 出来的咖啡豆,因为这对于地球的未来来说是很值得的。由 此可以推断出, 作者写作本文的目的是 “劝说”。故答案为 D。精品文档3 Where does this text probably come from?A. An agricultural magazine.B. A medical journal.

17、C. An engineering textbook.D. A tourist guide.答案与解析 A 考查推理判断。由于文章主要说明的是 在阳光充足的环境中生长的咖啡豆对周围环境的影响,文章 主题是有关农业的,由此可判断出本篇文章来自一本农业杂 志。故答案为 A。4 Which of the following shows the structure ofthe whole text?答案与解析 A 考查文章结构。首先文章第一段提出在 阳光充足的环境中生长的咖啡豆会带来一些危害;第二、三、四 段通过具体的事例来说明第一段的观点;第五段中,作者总 结上文内容并给出了自己的观点。故答案为A。

18、三、完形填空(2016 ·山东潍坊模拟 )“ Mum, you're always on the computer !” Laure complained. “ No, I'm not ,”“ Every day I come home from school you're working on the computer.”“ Well, at least I'm here _2_ you!”“ /8peej6e q ppuepp o pesryai 日 jq6no屮 v eujoq je ”o/v | Aq/v uoseej |eej eqj jo

19、euu puiuuej oj 6nq emn e euu seAi6 sAe/v|e eqs s6uio6 pue s6uiujoo ,sjejq6nepAuj oj eAijisues ejouu qonuu euuooeq eA,| |eu6is 样屮 eAeq |i;s e/v e;e|seo人e|H!l e euu eAi6 pue dn euuoo isn” fpies | “"” 9. Auu peeu noA o noA6uuou6i uuj |eej noAeAeueq/ 6u!M0|0j eq; ejneq pejeyo | Jejsisoi| pueoi| oj

20、eiqisseooe eq oj eAeqooi| pejueM | >|jom o pejoAep ooj se/v | ueq/v euu“ ejnuiuj e ejeq euuoofpe|eo | Jainei”>om0屮0 Aue ue屮 彩家 )luolu e ueeqeAeq jsnuu | fseAeoi| u| peeq Auu uoijeAjesqo s.ejneq jng Buijuejed pue olAeqeq p|iqo uoe>jeeds euue | looqos uuojj euuoo p,eqs ueqi jq6noqj deep jo sj

21、ueuuouj Mejeoj A|uo se/v j| >|joMesnoq jo ;o| e 6uiop eqos|e pj fAe/ve Aepeq Auu pue pjeoqAe>| eq; oj sje6uyAuu e>jeeds pue 0屮/ e se >jjom Alu jeqj peuuees ;|ep屮eue oj pejeiduuoo qojeesej oe>jeeds e jo sjq6noqjeqt tno pod心 Auu se eoeds o;ui ejes p|no/v | 'eojyo euuoq Auu ui fAepey

22、e Abq jq6u se/vejq6nep A|/| puiuuej q 96ejnooue o epensod g ujbm v 乙 l inpepuoM q snoiAqo oAuunj g juepodLui v “eiqeuoseej q eiqetdeooe o e|qe|ieAe g eiqeins p - OL pepueuu q poqono o o”oq a Poll# V 6pejeos q Pjejje o peuueqse g pnod v g ejej q Asnq o snoioejd g snoixue v j_ A|euy a 人|屮印su! oA|enpai

23、b g rq p 9eziu6ooej q0ezi|eej g jiuupe v g peppe q 9Ae6 q peum g pepeuuoo v p sjee q seAe o spueq a 2引 V £eye q isuie6e oJ9ao goj v 乙精品文档13 A. patience B. timeC. power D. honor14 A. pattern B. dreamC. schedule D. choice15 A. promise B. chanceC. answer D. truth16 A. help B. attentionC. decision

24、D. advice17 A. hug B. shakeC. kiss D. kick18 A. miss B. hateC. need D. scold19 A. unknown B. unexpectedC. unfinished D. unspoken20 A. And B. ButC. Or D. Yet答案与解析语篇解读 本文主要讲述了作者在发现自己和孩子们之 间的相处出了问题之后,如何平衡工作和家庭之间的关系的 故事。1 C 根据语境“ No, I'm not ”可推知,作者并不承认 女儿的说法, 作者在为自己的行为进行辩解, defend “辩解, 精品文档辩白”,故 C 项正确。2 A 根据下文中的 “ the fact that I chose homeo ffice to be accessible to her and her sister”可知,作者选择在家工作是为了孩子们,故 A 项正确。3 B 由“ typed out ”和下文中的“ my fingers ”可知, 是用手把想法转换成文字打出来,即 B 项正确。4 A 看起来作为作家和演说家的作者就是要把自己的 手指和键


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